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Posts posted by vinny41

  1. 5 minutes ago, bomber said:

    JLR announced a few months ago that land rover or range rover i cannot recall production was been moved to slovakia,its a start.

    Yes would a little help of €125m subsidy from the Slovakian Goverment and its the Landrover Discovery model ,  I don't think the Landrover models excluding the Range Rover series command the same premium price as a Jaguar or Aston Martin


  2. 6 minutes ago, bomber said:

    BS as the FTSE 100 stood at 7750 about 5-6 week ago, as i write this its 7057 thats a 10% DROP in 5-6 weeks,at least its not as bad as your favourite 17%,your improving slowly but surely???? and for good measure the FTSE stood at 7010 on 31/12/1999 so its soared about 0.6% in 18 years???? wow thats really impressive ????  stocks did rise after brexit because of the higher dollar/lower pound but that has now been lost,we now left with a shit stock market and a shit pound,cheers brexiteers

    There may have been some other factors at play in those months, but one of the strongest drivers in the fortunes of the FTSE, the leading measure of UK stock market performance, was the direction of the pound.

    This is because such a large proportion of profits for FTSE 100 companies is made in dollars. If sterling weakens then dollar revenues, once converted back into sterling, are worth more.

    In three months when the FTSE 100 rose 10.4%, the pound fell 12.8% against the dollar.

    71% of revenues generated by FTSE 100 companies come from outside the UK


  3. 7 minutes ago, bomber said:

    i clearly do as these make up nearly 17% which is a massive amount before we even mention all the other industries hoping for a good deal/dreading a no deal,to say its only 17% shows how few brain cells you posses,whatever next GDP is ONLY down 17%,the pound is ONLY down 17%,stock markets ONLY down 17%,NHS spending ONLY down 17% because unemployment is ONLY up 17% because of companies leaving and less tax receipts,how would you like ONLY 17% of your wealth/assets/income/pension/benefits or whatever taken from you for the sake of a few poles scraping a living doing the shitty work the benefit scroungers wont.

    Once again clearly you don't understand what your talking about as a general rule as history will show you if you bothered to engage your brain instead of spouting rubbish when Sterling is down Stocks Markets are up

    UK stock markets soar as sterling slumps


    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, bomber said:

    pound is a tad above a 20 year low,the day before brexit is was around 53.5 a no deal would of boosted it to probably 55-57 also GDP would of been higher and inflation lower so possibly it could of been nearer 60,instead its averaged 43 thats a 25% hit and its more or less across all currencies,the extra money spent by brits overseas since brexit must be into the billions and rising,money that could of been spent in the UK,of all the predictions the drop in sterling was the one that was spot on and will be the same again if/when we do leave for good,most of carneys other worst case predictions look to be OTT and my thinking is cut them in half and you wont be far away from reality,so basically were still donald ducked. 

    When you look at currency exchange rates you have to consider many factors over the past few years Thailand Economy has been improving hence stronger Bht, oil prices are another consideration 

    Thailand: an Economy on the Rise


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  5. 3 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    44% of which are to countries within the EU.

    And I don't know of anyone that has said those exports will be stopped after Brexit in the same way 82% of all cars in the UK are imported from the EU, now if the EU wants to slap on Tariffs for UK to EU imports the Uk will do the same, If the EU choose the option of tariff free cars from the UK to EU i am sure the UK will apply the same rules


  6. 21 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

    Nobody takes this sort of gamble unless they really have to- that's the point! And nobody takes a gamble when the best result- note the best result- is merely not to lose!  That's mad unless there is some other gain to be had, which there does not appear because sovereignty is still ceded.

    Well most Uk businesses have already indicated that Corbyn is bad for business if there was a General Election I expect people will still vote for Labour knowing that they may be poorer as a result 

    Corbyn becoming PM is 'worse threat to business than Brexit', says bank

    Report by Morgan Stanley says general election likely in 2018, and Labour winning could damage valuations of UK companies


    I guess the other option would to be ban candidates from standing in a general election but not sure if that would go down well with some people 

  7. 46 minutes ago, notaduplicate said:

    As a European citizen I'm really following this closely. I'm leaning on being in favor of a hard Brexit. But it's a hard call because there are so many variables in this. Firstly it's because the majority of people I meet who are English are racist scumbags and I rather not interact with them at all. But on the other hand, U.K and even England comprises of so much more than these stereotypical racist rednecks that I always come across no matter where in the world I go. And the only thing a hard Brexit would do is limit these people from Europe, and not the rest of the world. And ironically, these racist scumbags are the ones that voted to leave. 

    i think you have a blinkered view to what going on in Europe Poland, Hungary and Germany are full of racists

    'Look for RAMPANT RACIAL war' in Europe, claims ex Human Rights Commission chair

    FORMER Human Rights Commission chairman Trevor Phillips trashed claims suggesting Brexit caused hate crime rates to rocket, suggesting supporters of "rampant racial war" theories should turn to Europe.


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  8. 15 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    A lot of Brexiteers don't like the Guardian ... (truth hurts?) .... but this isn't the Guardian. It's produced by a range of government departments including the Treasury.


    Treasury forecasts in the past have almost never been right and have more often been dramatically wrong.

    • Like 2
  9. 50 minutes ago, bomber said:

    the treasury has said GDP will be bad with the present deal but much worse with a no deal,pretty much what anyone with any sense has known for a while,so remain is the best option,why are we going ahead with it,its madness it should be called off and another vote in 5-10 years time so people know whats involved,this what civilised nations would do,the supposed superior nation is actually a pathetic has been so far germans/europeans in expertise/organisation/know how its comical.

    If you go down that route then the same applies for a Labour Goverment

    Corbyn becoming PM is 'worse threat to business than Brexit', says bank

    Report by Morgan Stanley says general election likely in 2018, and Labour winning could damage valuations of UK companies


    Britain 'will go BUST under Corbyn Labour government' claims financial director

    BRITAIN will go bust in three years if Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party wins a general election, it has been claimed.


    • Like 2
  10. 35 minutes ago, tebee said:

    The link was from Guido Fawkes - what does that tell you about its veracity ?

    More accurate than your snapshots from twitter which contains no links

    here the text if you missed it

    Constitutional experts Vernon Bogdanor and Lord Kerslake both agree that there is no way for Parliament to force a second referendum without a cooperative executive.

    Professor Bogdanor confirms that as the Withdrawal Agreement is a treaty, Parliament can either ratify it or not. “A referendum amendment would have no effect on its own, to have a second referendum you need legislation which in 2015 took seven months to get through Parliament.”

    Former Head of the Civil Service Lord Kerslake agrees, saying “there has to be, as Vernon says, legislation… the way forward has to come with the involvement and the agreement of Government.”

    • Like 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, damascase said:

    And why is that relevant? Only because his opinion differs from yours? Again, this is shooting at the messenger - most probably without listening to the message..........

    Voter Backlash against Media UKIP Smears Is Good For Democracy

    One of the saddest things I have seen on the interweb of Sheeple for a long time was a post yesterday from a comedian who did very well in the 70s and 80s by presenting himself as a working class hero and man of the people. Even though Mike Harding is from a considerably poorer part of Manchester than the one I was born in, and grew up in the Lowryesque streets of Crumpsall where my family moved to green and pleasant Shropshire, in his comedy and music gigs Harding talked about shared experiences of 1950s childhood and sixties adolescence especially the agonies of adolescence because we moved back to Manchester when I was fourteen.

    One would think then that somebody like Mike Harding would understand the attitudes of the working class. But no, like so many working class heros he has sold out the the politically correct luvvieocracy of the media and showbiz. There he was on his facebook page, assuming his faded celebrity gave him some kind of authority to tell people what to think, sneering at a UKIP candidate for expressing the view that working class people are sick of the media banging on about homosexuals rights and what a bigoted lot of buggers the masses are, when actually what the working class want politicians and the medias to talk about are things like jobs, immigration, the cost of living, immigration and jobs in that order.


    And of course the media and politicians just take a patronising, paternalistic stance: “those things are to complicated for you oiks to be bothering your bigoted little heads with,” they say (well I’m papaphrasing.

    Well I live in east Lancashire and I can tell Mike Harding that the opinion expressed by the UKIPper he is sneering at, that dislike of ‘the homosexual community’ is a view that has held sway for a long times and continues to do so.

    Good to see then that voters have flicked a very big V sign to Mike Harding and the other media luvvies and in response to the smear campoaign UKIP’s poll rating has risen.

    Wealthy, superior luvvies might not be able to think for themselves but the working class voters obviously can.


    from The Guardian:
    The medias failure to neutralise Ukip can only be good for democracy

    The intrusive power of the media, their capacity to lay waste the lives of ordinary people and celebrities alike, has been much aired, before and after Leveson. But there is another form of power, exercised with far greater discretion. This is the ability of the media to shape and to limit discussion; a capacity which has in recent weeks become conspicuously transparent, thanks to their efforts to discredit Ukip in general, and Nigel Farage in particular.

    The dominant political parties and the mainstream media collusively concerted the attack on Ukip. Never has the management of what is somewhat hyperbolically called the clash of ideas, conducted by the opinion-formers and gatekeepers of debate, been so clear. Rarely have the tactics to maintain argument within acceptable bounds been more obvious.

    I particularly liked this line from the article:

    “It may be considered something of an irony that, since all the main parties are, in one way or another, conservative parties, an even more conservative party should be the object of such vilification; and this can be ascribed only to the desire to maintain a monopoly of representation by Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats.”


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  12. 7 minutes ago, tebee said:

    No I didn't give the link as I found the image on Twitter and stole it from there.


    Having looked at the link now we find the Study was funded by the UK government.


        Undertaken by a consortium of academics and think-tanks, from King’s College London, the Centre for Economic Performance and the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the study was funded by the government’s Economic and Social Research Council, an independent body that awards research grants to academics.

    a search on the internet produces  hundreds of links  for economic and social research council eu funding

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