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Posts posted by vinny41

  1. 1 hour ago, adammike said:

    The numbers that matter are 27-28% of the population voted for Brexit.

    37-38% of the electorate voted for Brexit.

    The referendum was 52% leave 48% remain.

    You won one ballot on one day.

    You can spin it any way you want but you can't call it "the will of the people".

    The brexiteers lied about everything,there are legitimate questions about their finances and foreign influence still to be answered.

    Whatever the outcome the countries of the UK are hopelessly divided.

    One good thing is that the campaign for another referendum has put Jeremy Corbyn on the spot he is a leaver but the majority of the "members" of the Labour party are remainers so he has been "hoisted by his own petard" he was elected twice by the members after giving them the power to elect their leader over their MPs.

    One way or another their will have to be an election and or another referendum and that may not solve the cluster that is Brexit.


    As your focus on numbers Remember that less people voted for Remain

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


    Abe doesn't care, he'd be happy with May's deal, and happier with no Brexit. May's new immigration policy relates to skilled people ... so it won't be a problem for anyone needing top-class professionals from overseas. It's just the non-skilled labour from Europe that might have a problem. I say might, because they may well get seasonal visas for farm work. If you can find a Japanese vegetable farmer or strawberry grower in the UK I'll be impressed?

    And a solution to JIT in the event of No deal is Underground warehouses such as the one at Heathrow with  2 million sq ft of 9m high warehouse floorspace.


    All these Automotive companies  have huge carparks 

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    • Confused 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, AlexRich said:



    Again, you miss the point completely. Abe advised the UK not to leave the EU without a deal, he was warning against falling into WTO terms. He was not criticising May's deal, which would end freedom of movement. 

    And you are missing the point thats Japan preferred option is for the UK to remain in the EU with FOM yet that is something that the japanese people will never accept in their own country 

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


    You completely ignore the point made and spend your time fishing out links about something completely unrelated? The point was about yet another example of how Brexit voters have shot themselves and fellow citizens in the foot economically. It wasn't about Japanese immigration policies. 

    I find it ironic that Japan wants the UK to have FOM to support their companies based in the uk while maintaining an extremely restrictive immigration policy in their own country



  5. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

    Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe pointing out, as diplomatically as he can, that the UK will miss out on Japanese investment should there be a no deal Brexit.  


    Another point that remainers have been making since this vote. There is no reason for a non-EU company to set up a European operation in the UK anymore, as they will no longer have unfettered access to the EU. The Chinese were being courted by George Osborne for that very same reason, many of them choose English as their preferred foreign language ... all that will go somewhere else now. Over time we'll see them all reduce their investment and redirect their production somewhere else. 



    Maybe Shinzo Abe was offering tips on immigration mangement as the Japs are very hot in that area

    In the first half of 2017 it accepted just three asylum seekers. For the previous year, just 28 settled there.

    Japan's Prime Minster Shinzo Abe refuses to relax immigration rules despite shrinking population


    and now he is looking at a 2 tier immigration rule policy The EU would love this one

    creating two classes of foreign workers to serve in about 10 as-yet-unspecified industries. Lower-skilled migrants would be allowed to stay for as long as five years and barred from bringing their families. More highly skilled workers could bring family members and stay longer.


    • Like 2
  6. 11 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    I'm flabbergasted at comments like this


    The Swiss have an entirely different system to us


    But, you don't really understand our system, really. Do you?


    As for the 39B, you would prefer walking away from our obligations? I think that positions you quite nicely as an average Brexiter.

    It has been stated many times that the Uk obligations are approx 21B if the UK leaves without a deal

    And I note that there are thousand of Brits still  happy living in Thailand with a Miltary Junta in place since 2014


    • Like 2
  7. 34 minutes ago, adammike said:

    You talk nonsense, Brexit is down to the people who voted leave,even you should be able to get your round that simple fact.


    The only reason there is talk of JC becoming PM is because the Tory party and the brexiteers have turned  everything into a total cluster f=#k, it's not the remainers or the Labour party they don't have any power,you and the rest of the leave voters will not be allowed to wriggle out of taking the blame and the responsibility for any problems caused by Brexit.get yourself a tin hat you are gonna need it.

    Clearly  39 % of leavers that took part in the YouGov poll disagree with you as they have indicated 

    who to blame for brexit going badly

    Remain and Leave voters point the finger at one another in roughly equal proportions: 42% of Remain voters blame those who voted for Brexit, while 39% of Leave voters fault their Remain-voting counterparts.

    As to the Labour Party  MP's They do have power it called a Vote in the House of Commons


    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, bomber said:

    will wetherspoons allow wheelbarrows through their doors so the working man can enjoy a cheap beer if they actually have any beer in the pumps.

    Wetherspoons is planning to only sell British booze – but will its customers be bothered?

    According to Martin, within two years, the company will have completely dumped products from the “protectionist” EU, because tariffs make them too expensive for his clientele.


    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, bomber said:

    sterling drop instantly when leave won and is not much lower now than after that huge drop yet you blame the uncertainty of the last 2 .5 years...get real man

    Uncertainty and Corbyn


    Chance of Jeremy Corbyn-led government sparks fears among investors who ‘have withdrawn £15billion in shares’ in just two years

    The fears are driving pension scheme money to be sent overseas to protect them against a run on the pound by Corbyn's hard-left agenda

    THE fear of a Jeremy Corbyn government has led investors to withdraw more than £15billion in shares from the UK in the last two years, it has emerged.

    City leaders told the Spectator magazine that they fear the uncertainty of his socialist agenda a lot more than Brexit.


    • Like 2
  10. 26 minutes ago, adammike said:

    Explanation or it's brexiteers fake news.You own it lock stock and sinking barrel.

    who to blame for brexit going badly

    Remain and Leave voters point the finger at one another in roughly equal proportions: 42% of Remain voters blame those who voted for Brexit, while 39% of Leave voters fault their Remain-voting counterparts.


    Sterling Drops Sharply as Brexit Uncertainty Continues

    So it looks like both remainers and leavers are both responsible for the value of Sterling 


    • Like 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:



    plus probable inflation in UK as prices rise as do index linked pensions but not sadly for Thai based UK expats - there's no way back to the country you profess to love so much yet wish to harm with what is now incontrovertible ignorance. Can I suggest a remoaner anthem we're staying in the club ...to the tune of Jilted John's we're going down the pub. Looks like it's nearly in the bag https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/nov/30/snp-and-lib-dems-back-benn-amendment-to-prevent-no-deal-brexit .


    The amendment is not binding May can choose to ignore it

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, adammike said:

    We can't stop them, sniping from the guidelines is all we can do,The PM is running the show it's a Tory party -brexiteers gig, you can't lay anything at the door of remainers.OWN IT.

    Seems to be some remainers in both the Labour Party and the Tory Party Reaminers are Guilty as charged regarding the value of sterling 

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, kwilco said:

    Bit of a conundrum really, as Brexiteers don't like foreigners or anything they have to say, yet somehow believe by leaving the EU we will deal / trade with even more of them.

    Perhaps some might take the time to see what foreigners think of Brexit.......



    Tissue of lies with the "77 percent of us don't want Brexit -- signed, Young people." 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

    I watched a programme last night were the guy mentioned that by March next year the death rate of Brexiteers meant that they would no longer have a majority, even if the same people voted in the same way. Natural selection can work even after only two years.

    Don't worry  about the leavers  with   immigration  enforcing all the rules and  , with all the Brits leaving Thailand due to the new rules and those that are being deported for overstaying there will be a high % of them that couldn't vote due to the 15 year rule, once there back on Uk soil they will be eligible to vote as you say Natural selection

    • Like 2
  15. 1 minute ago, tebee said:

    Yes, we agree except on the outcome - Mogg is looking a spent force since he failed to get the 48 letters and Rabb has proved himself an idiot. If the motion of no confidence fails to pass then May remains the leader - what will she do then?


    One suggested scenario is that after the deal fails on the 1st vote, she teams up with remainders to pass her bill conditional on a referendum, this gives both her deal and remain a fighting chance and takes no deal Brexit off the table, which is a priority for both of those camps



    And then renage on the promise of a 2nd referendum after all she has form

    • Like 1
  16. 7 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


    bah bah bo bo


    it's all over Europe that several PMs hold the door open for a50 prolongation and brushing up the deal


    parliament shoots down the deal

    prolongation ends before new EU parliament becomes operational 

    UK has a clear idea what she wants



    Theresa May said on Thursday that any decision to extend the Brexit negotiating period would reopen the exit deal she has agreed with the European Union, adding that she would not seek any extension.

    "What is clear is that any extension to Article 50, anything like that, reopens the negotiations, reopens the deal and at that point the deal could go, frankly, in any direction," May told a parliamentary committee. REUTERS


  17. 1 minute ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    EU  says deal or No Brexit or No Deal - No Brexit it is then. Remainers get the french champers on ice ........I smell victory.....

    Tusk actually said 

    European Council president Donald Tusk ruled out renegotiating Theresa May’s Brexit deal today, saying if parliament rejects the agreement then Britain must either crash out of the EU with no deal or abandon Brexit altogether.

    So no deal and leave the EU is on the cards


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