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Posts posted by vinny41

  1. 2 hours ago, AlexRich said:


    It terrifies you, doesn’t it? The prospect of a second vote. That’s why you indulge in the above fantasy.

    Its not Fantasy and it is everything that the remainers complained about the 2016 EU referendum

    At the moment the only group i see quaking in their boots in the remainers so much so they want 2 leave options and 1 remain option on the voting table in the hope that the leave vote would be spilt leaving remain option winning the largest number of votes. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, damascase said:

    What absolute nonsense! Member States do not need the EU’s approval and can organize a vote any day of the week. Keep spreading the lies, guys!

    There nothing stopping the EU passing a law that states " Because we want to be seen as a democratic organization we require all member countries to have a remain in the eu/ leave the eu vote every 5 years


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  3. Just now, AlexRich said:


    The unpalatable truth is the Brexit supporters are terrified at the prospect of a second referendum, and for good reason. It will only happen, in my view, if the country is staring at a “no deal” scenario. If May’s deal, or some other deal, is accepted by the UK and EU it will not arise. But if it does arise it will be a mirror of the last one, with no super majority. 

    But we all know the remainers were unhappy with the last referendum complaints about this this and this so going forward any new referendum should be legally binding,  only 2 options on the voting paper, super majority such as 80%/20%  of the total number of  electoral votes if remainers can't accept any of the above it would appear its them that are terrified at the prospect of a 2nd referendum on this basis , I sure most leave voters would accept such a referendum on the above basis so why not remainers

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  4. 6 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    Greece thought the same thing, but didn’t leave.

    The people of Greece were not ask in a vote to Remain or Leave the EU

    Brexit: Governments have ignored referendums about the EU before


    From Ireland to Greece, countries have decided to completely ignore the ‘will of the people’, asked them to think again or think about something only slightly different


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  5. 5 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    I  originally said "single export" and I have already said I used the top 200 figure, what exactly are you finding so difficult.

    and from your own link "The following searchable table displays 200 of the most in-demand goods shipped from the United Kingdom during 2017.

    Most in demand is different from Largest export commodities of the United Kingdom (UK) in 2017 (in million GBP

    But at least both stats do agree that Machinery including computers: US$68 billion (15.3% of total exports) is the largest export item

  6. 11 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    The following searchable table displays 200 of the most in-demand goods shipped from the United Kingdom during 2017. Shown beside each product label is its total export value then the percentage increase or decrease since 2016.

    Show 102550100 entries
    Rank UK Export Product 2017 Value (US$) Change
    1 Cars $41.9 billion +2.7%
    2 Turbo-jets $25.2 billion +29.9%
    3 Medication mixes in dosage $20.4 billion -6.1%
    4 Crude oil $19 billion +44.1%
    5 Gold (unwrought) $17 billion +9.3%
    6 Aircraft parts $16.1 billion +7.6%
    7 Processed petroleum oils $11.3 billion +23.7%
    8 Blood fractions (including antisera) $9.7 billion +11.5%
    9 Alcohol (including spirits, liqueurs) $7.3 billion +3.5%
    10 Automobile parts/accessories $6.6 billion +4.7%
    Showing 1 to 10 of 200 entries
    Happy, and as for origin, cars exported from the UK are classed as made in the EU, no doubt you will dispute that, and then try and claim that post brexit they will be made in the UK, ignoring the composition ruling.

    From your own link 

    The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in UK global shipments during 2017. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from United Kingdom.

    1. Machinery including computers: US$68 billion (15.3% of total exports)
    2. Vehicles: $53.7 billion (12.1%)
  7. 3 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    You are looking at the top 10 categories, and they have it wrong, second should be vehicles.

    Cars heads the top 200.

    The issue is remainers don't provide links to support their claims you posted"The UK's largest single export is cars, $41.9 billion in 2017 , and the country of origin will now be questionable."

    Clearly this is incorrect as these stats show

    This statistic shows the 30 largest export commodities of the United Kingdom (UK) in 2017. This ranges from machinery and pharmaceutical products to paper, textile and crude materials. Mechanical machinery was the most valuable commodity with exports being worth 48.5 billion British pounds. 


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  8. 12 minutes ago, tebee said:

    What do we do now then ?



    Just 8% of Brits support the idea of having a second referendum, according to the latest poll by YouGov. Added to the people who want to stop Brexit by other means, only 36% of voters would like to see the result of the referendum reversed. By contrast adding together the different Brexit options sees 46% of voters in favour of EU withdrawal. Nothing has changed…

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  9. 3 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Most of the large foreign investment used the UK as a gateway to Europe. The UK's largest single export is cars, $41.9 billion in 2017 , and the country of origin will now be questionable.

    Now that gate is closing they will be looking closely at future costs and regulatory alignment. Every chance that moving goods from the UK into Europe will be become more expensive than as a member state.

    When the next Airbus project hits the drawing board the UK should not be looking for a cut of the action. There is already a logistics problem and Airbus will be under no obligation to continue a problematic arrangement. Leaving the UK would be petty cash in the overall scheme of things.

    Incorrect  Mechanical machinery was the most valuable commodity with exports being worth 48.5 billion British pounds. Cars and electrical machinery came in second, at 32.7 billion


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