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Posts posted by vinny41

  1. 13 hours ago, vogie said:

    The British Armed Forces are probably organising a coup d'etat as we speak. A military junta has got to be better than anything on offer at the moment.


    Re Gib, I liked Barry best.

    Interesting idea Get rid of the House of Lords and the House of Commons immediately, No more Mep's as a Miltary Junta wouldn't be allowed in the EU

    44% of UKIP voters would support a military coup


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  2. 13 minutes ago, tebee said:

    It won't do anything to solve the longer term problems of the country - it's a short term fix to get over paying lip service to the referendum result and TM's too early calling of art 50.


    Neither side will give up, both will be blaming the country's problems on this for years to come rather than spending tiume analysing what is really wrong with the county, it's politics and society.


    And we'll spend years in limbo trying to organise a future trade deal, rather than dealing with those internal problems.  

    If Corbyn had been PM he would have invoked Article 50 June 24th 2016

    24th June, 2016

    Corbyn: “Article 50 Has To Be Invoked Now”


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  3. 1 minute ago, sandyf said:

    You are hardly in a position to say what the court will do. Starts on Dec 7th so we should be aware of the facts shortly.

    It does seem that I am in a better position than whoever wrote the  The   Independent article.

    As the submission letter states the Dec 7th Court hearing is for one side to put forward "We will aim to convince the High Court that our case is arguable, and not out of time - essentially arguing against the court’s current rationale for denying permission to proceed. We hope to be granted a substantive hearing, and that our case be expedited due to the urgency of our challenge."


    So they are putting forward arguments for there case to be heard   nothing more nothing less

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  4. 23 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    The brexiteers mocked when 2 years ago I said not every horse first past the post was a winner, there can be disqualifications from a stewards enquiry.

    An enquiry on the referendum result is about to begin.


    The High Court will rule as early as Christmas whether Brexit should be declared “void”, in a legal case given a turbo-boost by the criminal investigation into Leave funder Arron Banks.

    Judges are poised to fast track the potentially explosive challenge, after Theresa May’s refusal to act on the growing evidence of illegality in the 2016 referendum campaign, The Independent can reveal.


    You noticed that "void" is in quotes there is a reason for that the case will not make any such rulings on that date 

    The court case is for a number of UK Expats in Spain to

    "We will aim to convince the High Court that our case is arguable, and not out of time - essentially arguing against the court’s current rationale for denying permission to proceed. We hope to be granted a substantive hearing, and that our case be expedited due to the urgency of our challenge"


  5. 10 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    I take it the phrase "national responsibilities" went over your head.


    “The path we have taken leads step by step to an ‘army of Europeans’. [That means] military forces that remain national responsibilities, but that are closely linked, uniformly equipped, and trained and ready for joint operations,” Ursula von der Leyen, the German defence minister, wrote in an opinion piece for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung at the weekend. 


    Yeah and we all seen what the EU does start eroding anything that weakens there position little by little

    What the EU want at the moment is their opening gambit card not the final solution

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, tebee said:




    The biggest victory of the Brexit project is the fact that public opinion in the 27 has shifted towards greater support for the European integration project. The UK’s antics have taught people the cost of non-EU and brought home to many the benefits of staying.


    Who would have thought 700,000 people would ever have marched across London to remain in the “hated” EU?

    The numbers or marchers is in dispute some media outlets put the numbers as low as  250,000 and how many of those marchers were eligible to vote

    Stop possible second referendum on E.U. membership Petition currently stands at 119,138 signatures


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  7. 11 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    Read it and weep:


    "The op-ed pages in China's state media were more ferocious about the matter over the weekend. The Global Times, a popular news tabloid, said: "Britons are already showing a losing mind-set. They may become citizens of a nation that prefers to shut itself from the outside world.""



    The Chinese people will ‘watch the consequence of Britain’s embracing of a “democratic” referendum’, says Communist party-run Global Times

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    Read it and weep:


    "The op-ed pages in China's state media were more ferocious about the matter over the weekend. The Global Times, a popular news tabloid, said: "Britons are already showing a losing mind-set. They may become citizens of a nation that prefers to shut itself from the outside world.""



    I am reading and weeping as this was reported on 15th November 2018

    HSBC and China’s sovereign-wealth fund plan £1bn UK investment

    HSBC and China Investment Corp are in talks to raise a £1bn that will help the country’s huge sovereign-wealth fund to invest in British companies with Chinese links.


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  9. 5 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

    No we’re not screwed were the second largest financial centre in the world !


    Thats why we send so much money to the EU who send it to Turkey to help Ford relocate their van production from the UK.




    9 Billion euros sent by the EU to Turkey and some that included UK taxpayers money

    Budget watchdog criticizes EU funding to Turkey


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