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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. Doesn't make any difference any buyer private or tent will look at the registration document at look at the build date the date determines the price Some Brands do a minor change mid year so you can have 2023 build date 2023 model year 2023 build date 2024 model year Now if you use a online insurance quote and check the capital insured amount for the same vehicle you will find the higher capital insured amount for the newer vehicle example 2024 model build date December 2023 will have a lower capital insured amount with the same insurance company as a 2024 model build date January 2024 I think anyone trying to sell a 2024 Chevrolet in Thailand will have a hard job convincing people that its a 2024 model
  2. Analysis / Bias NGO Monitor has faced criticism and has been labeled a right-wing pro-Israeli group. For example, in 2013, a member of NGO Monitor was caught editing their own Wikipedia page, which is not allowed. Wikipedia then banned him as an editor. Further, the founder Gerald Steinburg worked for the Israeli government after the formation of the NGO, a seemingly obvious conflict of interest. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ngo-monitor-bias/
  3. No attempt to derail the topic as the topic headline is Israel is at War - General discussion And since both media outlets have been featured many times on this forum and both have news articles about the war in Israel just pointing out for all AN members there is no difference in the factually reporting content between UNwatch and the newarab
  4. Which is no different to UNWWATCH that you quote The Economist describes UN Watch as a “Geneva-based pro-Israeli monitor.” In contrast, Right web describes UN Watch’s political stance as “UN Watch has repeatedly been accused of having a staunchly “pro-Israel” bias and an outlook on Middle East peace that is closely aligned with that of Israel’s right-wing Likud Party.” So if the newarab,com is on the forum naughty list that means than UNwatch must also be on the forum naughty list https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-new-arab/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/un-watch/
  5. I note that they have the same rating as the unwatch links that you post Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL The Economist describes UN Watch as a “Geneva-based pro-Israeli monitor.” In contrast, Right web describes UN Watch’s political stance as “UN Watch has repeatedly been accused of having a staunchly “pro-Israel” bias and an outlook on Middle East peace that is closely aligned with that of Israel’s right-wing Likud Party.” https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/un-watch/ Is Unwatch also rubbish in your opinion
  6. In addition, the meeting agreed that the Excise Department would extend the registration period for electric vehicles that are eligible under the EV 3.0 measures from the original deadline of 31 Dec. 2023 to 31 Jan. 2024. But it must still be sold by December 31, 2023 in order for consumers to decide to purchase electric vehicles at the Thailand International Motor Expo, which will be held in December 2023. https://www.thairath.co.th/money/investment/stocks/2737475 The current subsidy is based on all vehicles sold and white plated by 31st January 2024 if vehicles aren't registered by that date the subsidy is reduced and you may find that your dealer will contact you to pay the extra amount between EV 3,0 subsidy and EV3.5 subsidy
  7. According to Sourcewatch, the UN Watch lobby is for the removal of UN personnel who are considered critical of Israel: “US calls for resignation of UN’s Richard Falk Special rapporteur for Palestinian territories said NGO UN Watch should be investigated to ensure it’s not controlled by Israel” Further, according to Sourcewatch, UN Watch also is funded by the American Jewish Committee since 2001. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/un-watch/
  8. Nothing in the article that states that Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan will cooperate with a UN Commission I did notice that NPR posted "NPR cannot independently verify allegations of sexual violence." And ABC News states here The presentation by Israel's mission to the UN was organised to bring attention to the alleged sexual violence committed by Hamas-led militants against Israeli civilians on October 7. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-06/israel-hamas-sexual-assault-allegations/103194530
  9. UN meeting Monday December 4th US lawmakers, foreign diplomats, senior United Nations officials and other nongovernment stakeholders participated in the event hosted by Israel’s envoy to the UN, Gilad Erdan, https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2023/12/silence-complicity-sheryl-sandberg-speaks-out-allegations-hamas-sexual-violence Friday 1st December Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, said on Thursday that Israel will not cooperate with a UN Commission of Inquiry’s probe of sexual crimes perpetrated by Hamas during its October 7 attack on Israel, citing the body’s anti-Israel bias. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/381237
  10. Any doubt was clearly shown in the initial guardian link that you posted However its work is likely to be hampered by the fact that Israel has not cooperated with the commission, which it accuses of having an anti-Israel bias. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/05/un-hears-accounts-of-sexual-violence-during-7-october-attacks-by-hamas
  11. So has previously stated hopefully Israel will do a u-turn and cooperate with the UN commission so that the UN can review the evidence and pass it on to the International Criminal Court to allow the ICC to consider prosecutions
  12. Once again I haven't posted anything that can be considered disrespectful and against forum rules otherwise you would have reported my post
  13. As per your link it did state "The visit will not be investigative, the ICC said, adding that it "represents (an) opportunity to express sympathy for all victims and engage in dialogue." And recently "Since the establishment of the COI (Commission of Inquiry) in 2021, Israel has made it clear: it will not cooperate with this discriminatory body and its Commissioners," Israel's permanent mission to the U.N. in Geneva said in a statement to Reuters on Thursday. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-commission-investigate-hamas-sexual-violence-appeal-evidence-2023-11-29/ Who knows maybe Israel will do a u-turn and cooperate with the UN commission assuming they want the International Criminal Court to prosecute
  14. Doesn't appear that Israel is willing to cooperate with the UN as shown here UN commission to investigate Hamas sexual violence, appeal for evidence Chair Navi Pillay on Wednesday said she would pass the evidence onto the International Criminal Court and called for it to consider prosecutions amid earlier criticism from Israel and families of Israeli hostages that the U.N. had kept quiet. However, a major challenge for Pillay is that Israel has not cooperated with the commission, which it says has an anti-Israel bias. The commission could struggle to gather sufficient evidence to support future charges if access is not granted. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-commission-investigate-hamas-sexual-violence-appeal-evidence-2023-11-29/
  15. Show me where I have posted any form of disrespect to these women in your post you stated "I stated and quoted: "UN has been urged to investigate" As stated Difficult to investigate if Israel is refusing to cooperate with the UN commission And the title of the Guardian article is UN hears accounts of sexual violence during 7 October attacks by Hamas
  16. A UN commission of inquiry investigating war crimes on both sides of the Israel-Hamas conflict has said it would focus on sexual violence by Hamas in the 7 October attacks on Israel and was about to launch an appeal for evidence, Reuters reported last week. However its work is likely to be hampered by the fact that Israel has not cooperated with the commission, which it accuses of having an anti-Israel bias. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/05/un-hears-accounts-of-sexual-violence-during-7-october-attacks-by-hamas Difficult to investigate if Israel is refusing to cooperate with the UN commission
  17. Wednesday, March 27, 2024 - Sunday, April 7, 2024 IMPACT Exhibition Center,
  18. Suspect the Seal U suv will appear at the March 2024 Motor show Byd know the price of the DEEPAL S07 so will want to make adjustments to specs to bring seal u in at lower price Never really understood why Thailand has 2 motor show's each year and only 4 months between each one problem for auto manufacturer is they want a flagship model at each one hence seal this motor show and seal u end of march 2024
  19. Correct I don't know how it works in Thailand but other countries offer their dealer's incentive's to offload old stock and then leave it down to the dealer to pass on those incentives to the end customer or not It always advisably to state both build month and model year on reservation form
  20. If you friend waits until early next year they should find 2024 models with a build date of Nov or Dec 2023 and they should be more heavily discounted than a 2024 build date model as while sales people will try and sell at standard retail price from a consumer point of view 2024 model build date 2024 vs 2024 model build date 2023 no one in their right mind is going to pay the same price for a 2023 build date if they can get a 2024 build
  21. I wouldn't say the numbers are dismal these are the domestic car sales figures for Thailand , in addition the auto brands based in Thailand are expected to export 1,100,000 cars the numbers seem to add up the breakdown is only for the top ten brands The total export of fully assembled cars for the 10-month period (January- October 2023) stands at 927,625 units, a notable increase of 15.86% from the corresponding period of the previous year, with an export value of 591.92 billion baht, 19.03% higher than in the same period of 2022. https://www.nationthailand.com/business/automobile/40033167#:~:text=The total export of fully,the same period of 2022.
  22. Here are the numbers for 2023 to date https://www.motorexpo.co.th/bestselling/ and here are the numbers for 2022 https://www.motorexpo.co.th/2022/bestselling/ It should be said these are reservations numbers and numbers may go down when converted to final sales
  23. If your girlfriend is only visiting Turkey for 30 days or less she can get evisa here https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/apply/ https://www.mfa.gov.tr/visa-information-for-foreigners.en.mfa
  24. According to this article sales are down 7.5% compared to the same period last year not a huge drop and mainly due to tighter lending criteria https://www.nationthailand.com/blogs/business/automobile/40033205
  25. There is a new EV package that starts when EV 3.0 ends it is EV 3.5 The new “EV3.5” subsidy was signed off by Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin this week and is a scaled-down version of the existing subsidy programme, which offers buyers between THB70,000 and THB150,000 per vehicle https://www.just-auto.com/news/thailand-announces-extended-ev-subsidies-for-2024-2027/?cf-view
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