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Posts posted by jonwilly

  1. Update. Cut long story short Engineering do not work Saturday so I went down True main office this morning and had pleasant chat. At 09.35 I get phone call while still in main office Engineering will be at my place at 10.00.

    I returned at speed but they beat me to my place. Young Lad and he started checking out system, Seems there had been an update on Computer side while I was away and my TV was shut down. Two attempts and he downloaded and installed,IMG_0308.HEIC now OK.



    • Like 1
  2. On 3/24/2020 at 10:03 AM, johng said:

    Yes go to one of the  vehicle testing station displaying this logo



    give them the green book and some money  they will have everything done in a few days.

    Yes agree, that's how my car was done earlier this year. I like folk doing the biz for little old me.



  3. Thanks gents for you kind words.

    My manager at my condo tried the 1242 number for over 15 mins yesterday, jammed solid.

    I followed Nickpauls directions and found main office just past Uni. Busy but efficient. Temp check before allowed in then I mentioned my problem and a young girl came from back office and helped out. They had no reference to me being signed up and she requested I, phoned through number on my Sim card. This I did on returning and she says very strange your paid up tp May, yearly subscription. She is sending a tech round tomorrow far to late for today. Nice girl very helpful, what I call typically Thai.



  4. Thank you, ThaiPauly, I have been away to escape CM Smog season. I had to return to beet the inter province crack down and find my TV  True connection is not working.

    I cannot find my bill  so need to speak to some one. I tried searching on net and could find the internet No , the management in my condo chased up True on there computer and could only find the number which they tried to connect with but where on hold for over 15 mins. 

    Much appreciated folks for helping.



  5. 13 hours ago, thailand49 said:

    Even before the Virus, a number of years back price per day even for a place like Bangkok/Pattaya for infection flu it was 10,000 a day, that was without insurance the room itself was 6000 baht everything is like Ala-Cart.


    ICU, started at 30,000 baht a day so if it was the Virus containment look to the sky especially now that they past a law saying you can charge more to a foreigner even at public Thais hospital.

    Thats some room.

    The RAM in CM is far cheaper for a individual Private room, about B2,000 last time I was in.



    • Like 1
  6. Thank you Alex I appreciate any help I get for I am a user, certainly not an expert.

    I bought a Scandisk combine USB and at the other end USB C drive.

    With this item I can load from my iPad via my USB C then load to my iMac using normal USB and view.




  7. If He was a gentleman he would do the Honourable thing and Abdicate as Next in Line. 

    He is not very bright as his Uni degree showed all those years back. Finest education Britain had to offer for a Third/Fourth Class degree.

    His eldest son takes after the mother and has a strong personality, his younger son takes after him, is weak and has been led up the garden path by his Actress wife.

    Weather you believe in a monarchy or not UK need's an effective, respected HEAD of STATE, not someone who talks to plants.



    • Confused 2
  8. The Gov want all Gas to be of the E type as it reduces the amount of gasoline/oil imported.

    The Ethanol comes from Corn grown in Thailand saves massive on $ exchange.

    This was covered by the Paper from CM uni which one of the moderators publish some years back.


  9. Yes Don't we all. 

    When I moved here in 2001 the UK pound was at the unbelievable high of B76 (left over of Asian Financial Crises).

    It fell slowly over the years and stabilized at around B55 ish.

    The along came Brexit and Hello B40 on a good month but B38-39 many and now.

    I have my money in the bank as a lump sum.

    Even when I could have made the monthly sum of B65K it would not have worked as payment was every 28 days, 2 payments in some months or a 6 monthly in arrears.  


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