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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. and now W11 Pro. Installed using Rufus on a USB stick when it first came out.
  2. Yes, on a home-built i5 which has gone from W8, XP, W10, and now W11 Pro. Installed using Rufus on a USB stick when it first came out. Updates perfectly whenever needed.
  3. I played in a band as opening act for the Who at Manchester Belle Vue in 68 & 69. When Pete shoved his guitar into a speaker cabinet, the was no actual speaker unit behind the cloth.
  4. No, I laugh to myself at the thoughts and memories which come up.
  5. Those are the things I like.
  6. I was 77 this week, and am still feeling like 40, not quite functioning as one though in some departments. What's all this 'old timers' at 50. As a few have said, when things really start going bad, there are ways and means to sort it all out quickly and painlessly.
  7. I paid mine an hour ago via the PEA app and Bangkok Bank. Worked perfectly.
  8. My 3C is very quiet.
  9. I just wish I could afford a Beach House.
  10. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Mpwbfi67ws1ilXmNWk2grQHaGL?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain
  11. So you reckon it is OK to disturb the PEACE of hotel guests, who do not pay MAINTENANCE directly
  12. What about MAY?
  13. As was penicillin and aspirin.
  14. Yes, I avoided the trip. I live with them. A few bottles of my home made vino, and I am everyone's friend
  15. A brilliant unique star.
  16. Usually they say 'on the tips of your toes'.
  17. Surely the Utility pole is now gone, so the hazard has now gone !!! (where is the sarcasm emoji?)
  18. Yes I remember, at Ryan's place in Pattaya. Did I have my 83 Strat, or my 72 Jazz bass?
  19. That's just the Strats, what about Teles, P & J Basses, Gibsons, Epiphones , Rickys etc etc.
  20. Yep, another Bht 190k is allowed, so up to 400k before you need to worry about it.
  21. Renewing the annual road tax for the registered vehicle can be refused if there are outstanding speeding or parking tickets.
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