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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. sounds like the anti reflective coating is cracking. ask for lenses without. or look at Zenni online
  2. And if multiple meds are not prescribed, they feel cheated.
  3. It's asking for $3.33 per month to connect to UK. I'll stick with Express, which is $99 per year but works faultlessly. Cheers.
  4. I told Nationwide, and they sent new card & reader to my Thai address last month. Thai phone number as well.
  5. Can be seen, but reacted to = NO.
  6. Just installed it on my PC, from your recommendation. It doesn't work for iPlayer. Express does! EDIT. BBC1 does not work, BBC2 & ITV do work. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  7. Named after Leslie Hore-Belisha and first installed in 1934 in Kensington, London
  8. Sorry, I do not understand 'spin'.
  9. Discouraged from what? Buying a policy with a company you do not know will pay out your claim or not.
  10. We all know that you approve of WRLife because they paid out for your accident. I just wish there were a few more saying the same, or even the opposite.
  11. Replying to the headline, Flat Earth theory should be moved to the Nutters category.
  12. No, mine is a 'conventional' Thai bed frame. But I guess I could fit a central strip (bit of wood!)
  13. No, the TM 6 merely says where your first accommodation will be, which is wherever you put. So I fly into Bkk and stay overnight at a local hotel before driving up t'North to my home. What address do I put on TM6, if it still exists?
  14. Can anyone help please. Looking at 200 x 180 double bed slats (no, not sluts!) but it says 2 x 200x 90. So what supports the slats in the middle underside of the bed. LURÖY Slatted bed base, 180x200 cm - IKEA
  15. And once again, Bht 50,000 sent at 07.30 this morning arrived at 14.03 into Bkk Bank as a Foreign Transfer. Thank you Wise. Cost £6.95. Exchange rate was 5hit but it had to be done.
  16. With their surnames with-held, do you still not know Alice and Virginia from America? 555
  17. I was looking for customers of WRLife who have made claims, successfully or not. You have obviously not read my previous posts, or you would know that I am already a customer of WRLife.
  18. How the <deleted> did they steal the elevators (lifts) ?
  19. Just searched wrlife on Facebook and found nothing but rubbish. Googles Pattaya Expats & Oracle came up with nothing but more FB groups.
  20. The continuing story of WrLife. Is Norfolk Insurance based in Nevis, wherever that may be. I find it strange that Jerry Mahoney is the only AE poster who has, or has not, reported a claim. Any other members had good or bad experiences please?
  21. Are you saying that you have 22 different devices each controlled via a WiFI controlled socket and an app? The ones you plan to use in future, dual channel, report your energy usage. But that's no god if you don't do anything about it. You say ROI is not important, but you are trying to save a few units of electricity using gadgets which costs Bht 399 each In UK they talk about Smart Meters will save you energy, but only if you reduce your consumption accordingly.
  22. You wife's 4 units per day costs over Bht 7000 per year = Bht 20k for three years. Are batteries THAT expensive?
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