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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. No I did not, whoever said Í could care less' started it. But let's not argue about it, I really couldn't care less what you or anyone else gets wrong. I just thought that I would point out the error.
  2. I have never heard anyone SAY they could care less, only here on AN have I seen it written, probably by an American or Aussie. ChatGPT explains it just as I did in my previous post.
  3. So you will possibly be one of the 50 odd killed per day eventually.
  4. So don't do that! The thread is about the way THEY drive, not the way YOU retaliate.
  5. But someone else could hit you in the first five minutes of your journey.
  6. Sorry to correct you but it is 'COULDN'T care less' in proper English. If he COULD care less he would have a bit more carelessness to go. And yes I agree, most Thai drivers could not care less about how they drive or who they hurt or inconvenience. Another English phrase is 'couldn't give a monkeys' or of course a flying 4''k! Cheers.
  7. Just tried to register but due to an unexpected number of hacks etc, it cannot be done. Please try later.
  8. The question did not deserve an answer, sorry.
  9. The All Blacks, Blackpool Tower, Penny Black stamp, Bury Black Pudding, a Chess board & pieces, playing cards, Ozzie Osbourne's band, Los Bravos song, that hole in Calcutta, the colour of this font.
  10. Typical UK stupidity eh? Mine arriving every Monday is much easier.
  11. 8 million masks for a population of 70 million...for ONE week. Hahahah555
  12. Thank you. I was only trying to make you feel better that your State Pension was in the first part of your taxable income at 0%. Haha. Believe it or not, I get my State Pension WEEKLY.
  13. I don't need theirs, I got one of my own! 555
  14. Can anyone forward a link to this terrible story IN THAI. I started to try to explain to my Mrs & step-D, but was crying too much.
  15. If I leave the kitchen door open whilat cooking, it can go up to 300 or more. Quickly goes back down though.
  16. And if your personal indoor meter says 100, then what?
  17. Fan only = 30 watts, aircon on = 500/1000 watts.
  18. That makes good sense, 13 x 4 week years. 1st always on a Sunday for example. Good old Jewish folk.
  19. And how much is that stuff, filled with salt, sugar and other stuff. Bht 50 at Lotus for 500gm raw peanuts, in the oven at 110C for half an hour. Into the processor with a smidgeon of salt, or Marmite, until your desired crunchiness/smoothness. Done. On home-made toasted bread, in bread-machine, with a dash of sweet chilli sauce tastes like Satay on toast. Wonderful. Even had a bacon butty, ALL home-made, even the HP sauce off a You Tube recipe.
  20. Cut the offending fingers off SLOWLY first. What a ...................cannot say...!
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