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Everything posted by daejung

  1. Good for Thailand ans I agree to that, but as for Macron, as afrenchman, I do hope we will get rid of Macron on april 24th, but I much doubt of it.
  2. Russian troll How can you be that stupid ? Russia invaded Ukrain,not the contrary Russia army is making war crimes, among others on civilians in the suburbs of Kiev. Around 400 civilians were slaughtered, some of them tortured and found with their hands tied and a bullet in their neck. Your post is just disgusting !
  3. I thought prostitution did not exist in Thailand .... About dictators who broke the law(s) by making a coup ? Business as usual ?
  4. Why do you stay in Thailand then, if USA makes better thai food ??
  5. I would much prefer a PCR tets before boarding, free in France and at least I would be sure not be go to hotel/jail once in Thailand
  6. Would you still want to visit Thailand with these new entry rules? As for me the answer is "NO". I left Thailand on march 19th 2020. I hoped I could come back on november 2020 but there were still restrictions. I lost my yearly permission of stay in april 2021. i t would have been a good idea to just suspend these permissions during covid period. I now have to start again the whole process. For me either I come on november either I come at spring. I will never come back in summer. With current restrictions, I will not come back now and will wait till november if PCR or antigen tests are no longer required for vaccinated people I am not obliged to stay in an hotel Insurance is dropped Restrictions are lifted in Thailand, alcool, restaurants, bars, gym, etc.. etc Otherwise I will not come back an spend in teh meantime my money in France, Greece, Spain !
  7. They are ukrainians holding yellow and blue ukrainian flags, aren't they??
  8. It's a game form the south of France, from Provence. And mainly played in the south. Quite strange to read they speak about "Petanque court", and to see a very flat place where they paly it. Pétanque is played anywhere where the is dirt.. and it doesn't need to be played on a flat ground, you can have rocks, holes, etc... And no need to pay for playing ! And the game never starts from the same place, but from where the "cochonnet" was sent before.
  9. Pro russian troll : Donbas is part of Ukrain and invaded by russians troop as well as Crimea
  10. In France mask is no longer obligatory outside since january 10th, and as from monday 14th it will be no longer obligatory inside excepted in public transport (buses, trains, planes)
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