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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    soi Bangla hotbed of wuhan virus....who would have thought it?

    Soi bangla, a well known Farang haunt. We filthy Farang are in danger of getting blamed for spreading the virus. I await the first IO to turn positive to see what happens. Will they blame us? Will they do the right thing and close Immigration?

  2. 7 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

    strongly urges residents to stay in their homes, saying that if they need necessities for “life or well being” to call authorities on 076 342 079,

    necessities for “life or well being”...... will they home deliver a bar girl? .... Roadrunner will be on the phone to test their service.... Yes, thats to go, with a pack of condoms please.

  3. 7 hours ago, captpkapoor said:

    If I was an American citizen staying in Thailand, I would definitely stay put here. The US has now the highest number of cases and the death toll is increasing at an alarming pace. Thailand is far, far safer - provided of course, that one takes the standard precautions.

    Provided of course that one believes the Thai figures for infection rates.


    Provided of course that the Thais do not decide to blame us Farangs for the spread of the virus. I am waiting for the report of the first Immigration officer to get the virus.... the reaction could be interesting.


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  4. 22 minutes ago, david2017 said:

    What about some measures against some shopping malls refusing to discount rents. Some are offering 100%, some 50%, while some, like the mall I own a business in is saying tough, pay up every last baht. Surely there has to be some consistency.

    You opened a business in a country where money is God. What did you expect?


    As for the above photo of Prayut, wearing a mask made from what appears to be the same material as his Chinese silk shirt..... I will leave it for others to comment. Under the circumstances, my usual wit and humour fail me.



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  5. 1 hour ago, NightSky said:

    What would you do if you needed an extension though?

    Use an agent or even do nothing and pay a fine later. That would still cost less than the hospital bill if you get the virus through being in close confines with hundreds of others at Immigration.


    I would also complain to Immigration that they are being irresponsible in unnecessarily exposing us and their own staff to the virus.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Dominic Raab responded to an urgent question in the House of Commons on how government is supporting British people who are abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Coronavirus (COVID-19): Foreign Secretary's statement on support for British people abroad

    Which states:- 

    Mr Speaker, we have Foreign & Commonwealth Office staff in all our 280 posts in 168 countries and 10 overseas territories. And they are working around the clock to respond to this global pandemic.”


    <deleted>. (They won’t let me post what I think of our British Embassy).


    The Brit Embassy have informed us that the last commercial flights will be leaving soon.... (After which you are on your own).

    • Haha 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, connda said:

    The real terrifying thing about this is if large numbers of foreigners seeking visa support start coming down with Covid-19.  They really have the stage set for a domestic outbreak from within the foreign community who are forced to congregate in large numbers instead of staying in their residence and maintaining social distance. 
    It boggles the mind because this is the exact opposite of what every health organization and government agency in the world is telling it's citizens to do.  And yet, here we are.  

    They should close CW immigration and automatically extend everyones visa for 3 months till this is all over.


    I am not going near the place and sent my 90 day report by post.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, rumak said:

    my memory is not so good, but i am pretty sure that legs were not  so meaty in my heyday.

    Never mind, we saw the best of it and it cost us a whole lot less than it does today. As for the memory, I think I may have Alzheimer’s.... but I can’t remember getting into this condition.

    • Like 1
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  9. 11 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    You don't buy the dip, you buy the bottom...and it is still very far!

    How does anyone know? If the Saudis and the Russians come to an agreement on oil the market will rise and you have missed the bottom already.


    If the Govt comes through with a stimulus for airlines and Boeing, then likewise you have missed your chance.


    Roadrunner may be wrong but is already buying on the drip, at these prices, long term I cannot go wrong.

    • Thanks 1
  10. If you go to immigration there is a risk you will infect others. Get a friend to go explain the situation to Immigration in advance. I am sure they will come up with a solution, probably give someone else power of attorney to do it for you.


    A sick note from a doctor may be another way?

    • Like 1
  11. On 3/18/2020 at 1:40 PM, Logosone said:


    Definitely, Easy Jet is a screaming buy, also Heathrow Airport holdings, Fraport, Carluccio's restaurant and Cineworld are also screaming buys.


    Would definitely buy those companies with a glittering future ahead....



     Big airlines are shut down and struggling. Small ones like Easy Jet may go bankrupt?

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