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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 12 hours ago, ubonjoe said:


    If they go back to what was required before you would need health certificate and proof of a $100,000 covid 19 insurance policy. They could also add a 14 day quantene when you arrive.

    That has to be temporary. The Thais want the tourist money flowing in and will not get it with such draconian restrictions. Eventually the Thais will crack and open the door. I just hope they don't open it too soon and let the virus back in again.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

    You want lock-downs til XMas and everyone is safe, with little/no immunity and a hope for no later reinfections.

    It looks like it can reinfect even those who have been exposed and ought to have immunity. We also have no vaccine. Open the country too soon and we have no way to stop a 2nd or 3rd wave of virus from circulating, overwhelming hospitals, and shutting things down all over again. Result, we would end up shut down even longer. Total economic collapse and anarchy could result. We must wait. But does our Govt have the sense to see this?

    • Like 1
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  3. 2 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    You seemed to have overlooked the fact that Lao Khao does not become a strong liquor until it has been distilled.


    1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

    No of course she wouldn't have access to a still, so what I'm saying is that what you were drinking was not Lao Khao. It was, roughly speaking, a simple rice wine. Something akin to Japanese Sake. Although probably no where near as good. ????


    So poster, you should know the penalty for contradicting yourself on TV. The men in white coats will be coming for you.


    I used to drink Sake with my Japanese business partner, who would get legless on it trying to drink like a Gaijin. You are correct (of course) in that both are made from rice. But comparing Sake to Lao Khao is like comparing Snow White to this guy....


    mask with knife.jpg

  4. 4 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    long chaotic queues were seen outside gold shops in Yaowara, as many people decided to sell off their gold ornaments after the price of the precious metal rose sharply by Bt550 per baht weight.

    I doubt they are selling due to the price. More likely this is a sign of panic as, due to Corona Virus caused unemployment, Thais run out of money and are forced to sell their gold to buy food. How long before the people turn on the rich elite?

  5. 50 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    You seemed to have overlooked the fact that Lao Khao does not become a strong liquor until it has been distilled. Until then it's just rice soup with a bit of alcohol in it.

    You think our maid had access to a still? I seriously doubt and suspect the Issaan folk have a simple way of making it. All I saw was a plastic bucket with sticky rice and a clear liquid that was rocket fuel..... Only one word describes it.... Lethal.


    No doubt there will now be a slew of responses on how the stuff is made.

    • Haha 2
  6. Common sense would suggest that a mask provides an additional barrier to the virus. Of course the mask available to most of us likely only provides limited protection, but it is all we have got.


    Wanna see a proper mask? Go to a car body repair shop and see what the paint sprayers are wearing. Yep, you too can look like Darth Vader.


    Man In Protective Costume Suit, Gas Protect Medical Spray Paint ...

  7. 11 minutes ago, Monomial said:

    Everyone who has gone along with this shutdown needs to take collective responsibility for the pain they have caused.

    Pain they caused.... with all things in life, there is always a price to pay. No shut down and we are dead. The economy can take it up to as point. If we don't recover within two months there will be a deep recession.


    Perhaps the virus will teach man to take better care of his world. It's not like we have another planet to go to.

  8. 1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

    While i can understand the governments having a cautious approach, it should be clear by now that we are heading into a global disaster much worse than any virus.

    This virus makes me realise how little it would take much to wipe us all out. Man was already on the road to Hell anyway.

  9. 13 minutes ago, chessman said:

    Look at the amazing leaps forward our civilization has taken in the last few hundred years, the leaps forward in healthcare, education, technology. That way of thinking has got us where we are,

    Where we are?..... Up <deleted> creek sans paddle. Man lost his way long ago and is Hell bent on destruction of the only planet he has. All in the name of greed.

  10. 9 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    In terms of opening up again, I think it will start gradually from May. People have to get back to work.

    Open up too soon and we'll never beat this thing.


    9 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    However, it would be beneficial for the government to announce its full plans

    Plan? They haven't a clue, just following what the rest of the world is doing. Know how the Thai operate, image must be maintained at all cost. Who knows how many Thais died at home and never even went to hospital?


    The Thais were slow to close the border and continued to welcome tourists from China. Just what do you think the real figures are for Thailand?


    On the plus side I will say that the Thai people have taken to the idea of social distancing, masks and alcohol. So long as they stay the course we will win. Fail and you can kiss recovery and the economy goodbye. Total anarchy could result.

  11. 2 hours ago, metempsychotic said:

    More to the point it was the first rain for months on end.


    When that happens a film of oil is lifted from the pavements and they can be like sheets of wet ice.


    Dude has probaly never driven the car in the wet, let alone first rain.

    Good point, see the idiots all the time, driving too fast and too close when it first starts to rain. Add to the above the fact that a 911 is twitchy and unpredictable in the wet and it is no surprise if your underwear goes to the laundry.


    Add to that the fact that a certain nationality appears to be totally lacking in driving skills and we have a recipe for disaster. Nice car wasted on an idiot.

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  12. 20 minutes ago, InfinityandBeyond said:

    This is far from over. 

    You may well be right. They are experiencing secondary infection in China from those returning from abroad. Under original projections this might have gone on for a couple more months, if it takes much longer we are in all sorts of trouble as everything begins to collapse, starting with the economy and food supply. Total anarchy would ensue..... unless we find a vaccine or a cure.

    • Like 1
  13. On 4/7/2020 at 10:20 AM, Langsuan Man said:

    Yeah,  the developers used the loop hole in the law that limited condos to be no higher than 12 stories X number of meters from the beach by putting their parking lot in front of the monster condo, to satisfy the distance requirement.  There is no consideration in this country on the spirit of the law, but just how you can get around it as written


    And there are still many vacant beach view lots that are just waiting for the same treatment.  Bang Sarey will soon mirror the sprawl that is Jomtien,  that you can see from the Bang Saray beach on a clear night 

    Definition of lawyer;- one skilled in evasion of the law.

    • Haha 1
  14. 30 minutes ago, Mac98 said:

    Yes, lock me in and throw away the key.

    Big Brother is watching you Farang. Your request may be relayed to the Immigration Detention Center. Where you will receive just two bowls of rice / day.


    The way Immigration and the Military are going, be careful what you wish for.

    • Thanks 1
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