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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. May i introduce the new president Kamala Harris! They need to stick to the ticket other wise the president is installed not voted in. No Newsom.
  2. Nothing could be further from the truth. Biden took Trump to school.
  3. I am not Biden i didn't stutter.
  4. Thankfully Biden was able to clarify his plan earlier in an eloquent manner.
  5. You must be kidding that was a fight that should have been stopped.
  6. Biden just joined a group of people that retire involuntarily. What an embarrassing showing.
  7. So the debate went well. What does everybidy else think? Biden is as sharp as a tack.
  8. There will be plenty of sanctuary states to choose from.
  9. Whatever we think there is little to no chance Trump is imprisoned before the election. Once the election occurs the picture will be more obvious.
  10. it is getting to be more of a financial and personnel's issue. Nobody wants to go to Iraq to dig up an IED on the side of the road and get their head shattered as Afghanis hang on a plane. Financially smaller countries are baiting us into sending million dollar missiles into drones they bought on ali baba. We simultaneously arm our "allies" limit them to a stalemate and then spend a quarter of a billion dollars to make a seaport to supply their enemies which never worked and is now dissambled. Nobody wants to risk their life or the thought of coming home in one piece to hug their wife and kids. Serving the interest in the USA debt costs more than our entire military budget.
  11. At least you acknowledge that they are crossing illegally, it's a start. Your rant about rednecks is nothing more than forum masturbation. I hope it felt good. When you begin to talk about others as if they are some monolithic subhuman entity you lose credibility. You begin ti creat what you claim to despise.
  12. you are going to have to wait after the election as Jack smith and Fani have done a botch job.
  13. Alvin Bragg isn't capable of putting a serial rapist behind bars so I think you are right.
  14. The scary thing is how many people would seemingly suspend the judicial process to quickly jail their opponent. The very same people that show up in threads like Hunter attempts to over turn his convictions and say he has every right to a defence, show up here and advocate the immediate imprisonment of their political opponents simply because he hurt their feelings.
  15. Released under his own recognizance subject to being watched by the secret service. Anything else is election interference
  16. There is no luck involved. Any high profile person that has money and a pending appeal isn't typically jailed.
  17. this has become entirely too much like what Beavis and butthead would say. I'm done.
  18. it would take a very crazy judge to order the nominee for the POTUS to jail before the appeal process was completed.
  19. after the election that might come into play.
  20. Compared to what being stored in a cryogenics chamber for ten days to prepare for a 90 minute debate. Being allowed 3 hours a day of "up" time to have prevagen enemas and neuralink implants in an aircraft hangar?
  21. Hunter bunks on the top. The boss always take the bottom bunk.
  22. Imposition of any sentencing should be delayed pending the appeal. Even Jussie Smollett got that deal.The dems got the convicted felon talking point which is actually funny as the correct term is simply felon. It's like when you olay poker and somebody says i will see and raise. Everybody's knows that person is an idiot as you just raise.
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