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Posts posted by madmen

  1. Don't talk nonsense. Many people have access to 300,000 Baht and some may carry it around with them quite safely. Why not? It isn't that much money.
    What the other posters are questioning is the re-occuring story of the good samaritan taxi driver and the delighted tourist/foreigner who dribbles all over everyone about good 'ole honest Thais/Thailand - who spout, "I wanna live here now".
    Time and time again we hear of passengers leaving money in cabs, and that money, usually a large sum, being returned.
    However, we never hear of any passenger that loses the same - but never gets it back. does this mean that all and every Thai taxi driver is honest then?
    No. Of course it doesn't - just remind yourself about the myriad of stories about taxi drivers doing all sorts of weird, dishonest, aggressive and indecent things all over Thailand.  do you believe that any of these reported drivers would hand back any cash found? So how come it is only 'honest' taxi drivers that do find money left by 'stupid' passengers?
    No wonder that many of us don't believe these 'feel good' stories are truthful?
    I'm another one who is very sceptical when I read these articles!
    Why would there be reports on somebody losing money and not getting it back?

    You lose something it's lost. Happens a million times a day in the world.

    Handing Back a big amount of money in 3rd world is massive news

    I don't think your quite getting it
  2. Congratulations, you finally got something right, "they never said they stopped stat decs because they couldn't verify". Yes most definitely my words. So, what do I need to research? 
    In court you would be regarded as a hostile witness

    And losing credibility until you proclaimed unreliable

    Leave you to it. Be you keep digging that hole it's like a slow motion train wreck
  3. Here we go again. Read my op. I never mentioned a website. I reported a conversation I had with an embassy official. Nothing more, nothing less. Was he correct, was he lying, did he just make things up as he went along,was he absolutely correct. I can't read minds, I just reported what was said. So you say I haven't a clue, your the one with apprehension problems. By the way, verify and certify ,there is a difference between the two. 
    Nonsense you got the basics wrong and are now ducking and weaving.

    "They never said they stopped stat decs because they couldn't verify"

    Your words. Do some research before claiming to be an expert.
    • Like 2
  4. You got it wrong, yet again. They never said they stopped stat decs because they couldn't verify etc, nor I. Your just writing whatever comes into your head to be argumentive, but, get shot down every time. And you still don't know the meaning of verify or certify. 

    Read my post above and for the sake of everyone get educated! Your credibility is shot!


    -Read the announcement on the website!


    It clearly says they stopped issuing stat decs and to quote " because immigration wants us to VERIFY your income and bank balance and we can not do this ""


    Handle says clever man.. You havnt a clue though

    • Like 1
  5. You got it wrong, yet again. They never said they stopped stat decs because they couldn't verify etc, nor I. Your just writing whatever comes into your head to be argumentive, but, get shot down every time. And you still don't know the meaning of verify or certify. 
    Read the announcement on the website!

    It clearly says they stopped issuing stat decs and to quote " because immigration wants us to VERIFY your income and bank balance"

    Handle says clever man.. You havnt a clue though
    • Like 1
  6. Assuming it is just a stamp for "Our citizen says this is true," people could do this with any doc - as is done for university degrees, etc.  Maybe that will satisfy immigration in the future - or maybe only in some cases (a list of acceptable income-sources, such as state-pensions perhaps). 
    Of course, this "certification" could be done for forged / photoshopped docs, so the only thing that would make any actual difference to the fakers, would be if the embassy-personnel were contacting the funds-provider and verifying the figures independently.  If not, the OP's buddies, who were evidently lying on their stat-docs, will only have to employ one other tech to "adjust" the figures on a pension doc for them in the future.
    That's essentially what the brits were doing. They were certifying but couldn't verify. That's why they pulled out

    Now the OP tells us the embassy will do exactly what the brits cancelled

    I have income from shares and a rental property. How will the certify by verifying this? Will they call my agent or will my agent write a letter which I could do myself and bingo I'm certified
    • Like 2
  7. It is not I in dreamland. You obviously don't know the meaning of verify or certify. You should have found out before commenting. I said the embassy officer will "certify" . Someone has egg on their face and it is not this cleverman. This I can "verify".
    So let me get this right. They stopped stat decs because they couldn't verify income streams


    They will now certify income streams without verifying them which puts the embassy in a position that's it is now 100 % responsible!

    I think you had to much wine [emoji485]
  8. The Sportsman on Soi 13 has a large menu of British type food.
    Not too pricey, and good quality when i've been there.
    And the newly relocates old German beer bar right next door does a 100 baht English breakfast as well
  9. Read my op. I never said they would verify any income streams. I blew what? What hard question should I have asked? Would have, should have, I have told you what questions I asked and gave you the the response. Get of your bar stool and go and ask them yourself the questions you say I should have asked. Have you heard the saying, water off a ducks back? 
    That's the problem. You SHOULD have asked. We are back at square one again.

    Are you actually reading anything I've said?

    You need to go back and ask the hard questions. I can repeat them over and over but you seem to not understand what a question is.

    It's like your in a dreamland

  10. Please tell me what confused you in my op , give an example of my grandeuring. "Critiquing me" , no , not at all, everybody is praising me , applauding me for consulting with my embassy and reporting what I was told. 

    Grand standing is your headline for this thread. Based on to much wine crackers and cheese. and only replying to questions by saying " read the OP. Again"  



    "He said that if we,expats, take documents proving out income, they will continue to certify them after the cut off date for stat decs. Thank you ladies and gentlemen and goodnight."


    Being such and educated chap and having done so well in life as you claim didn't it occur to you to ask how they would verify them?


    How on Erath would they verify hundreds of different income streams?


    It's just total nonsense. If you want to play reporter then you blew it by not asking the hard questions.






  11. For goodness sake, I do my best for fellow expats and all i get  is abuse and unfounded ,twisted, response. The op is not saying, and never implied, read my op, the embassy will now etc. That is not the reason the stat decs are to be stopped, according to the embassy, not you. Read my op. I am no dude, I did well in my working careen and now enjoy the benifits that.  There is only one reason some people are upset over the embassy letter matter. They either don't have 800000 k or they don't have the monthly income. Why else would they be put out ?  They are here illegally, if they do not meet the financial requirements. I don't want 800000 on the bank, so I am going to start putting the required monthly amount in the bank and after a year, mums your uncle. If retirement visa runs out before then, there are  ways to stay here until the money has been going in for a year. I don't give a hoot about those who don't meet the the financial threshold. 
    I didn't call you dude. Read me response again.

    Not sure how your successful life has anything to do with it either

    Your post is confusing and long winded. How about you chop it down to a paragraph without all the grandeur and just give us the facts?

    Nobody is critiquing you but you are seeing it that way not us
  12. Exercise is the key. Det rid of fatty and sugary foods as well. But without exercise it wont work.

    It will if you get into ketosis and that state has zip to do with exercise

    And relies heavily on fatty foods but less than 20 grams of carbs a day no sugar

  13. Plastic bags in South Australian supermarkets/ department stores were banned more than 15 years ago. Hard to believe the other States are that far behind?
    You better believe it. Coles and Woolworth banned bags 6 months ago but then did a backflip after backlash but are now on board

    Still even 15 years for first world is pretty pathetic compared to Thailands early adoption as a developing country

    Well done thais!
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