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Bruce Aussie

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Everything posted by Bruce Aussie

  1. Send nothing if you want to throw your money away send it to me. I be happy with 6000 you save 2000😀 She be receiving money from more than I farang sucker.
  2. Leave it to Trump he will solve the problem. Maybe make NK 52nd state.😂
  3. He should get the same fine as Thai, why should he be treated any different just because he probably has a license. A least he did not use the everyday excuse, my brakes failed.😂
  4. Agree, now what do you think about the Thais who allow pitbulls ECT to cause serious injury and death. Any thoughts on that.?
  5. What stand back take a beating from thugs. BS
  6. Lease if land probably. Young kick boxers attacking old couple should be in jail
  7. Guess that information came Trump via X😂
  8. Get a life, it personnel between husband's and wives. It would be impossible for me to repay my wife for the fantastic, caring way she looks after me. Sad to see so many miserable old guys here with backside sores from sitting on bar stools. We lucky ones laugh at this BS.😂
  9. Terms vary in Australia by areas. While the so-called ignorant Pom is copping criticism for using term Abos he is not wrong. Many terms used to describe the true Australians are very racist. Abo and Boong are white racist terms widely used. With shame I must say I have used them terms years ago. Kooris is the actual name of Aboriginal people mainly in Victoria and southern NSW, Nunya is the Aboriginal people of Southern South Australia. Nunya are great AFL footballers. All that aside keep Chicks with dicks or dicks removed out of women's sports.
  10. Boys in dresses, bet it was not 2 on 2
  11. Autopsy results in. Looks like a stabbing in neck with a 25cm knife.
  12. Here we go again. The daily brake failure BS again.
  13. I tried to learn This I failed because my hearing is crap. Hard to pick things up. Yet my dog understands Thai and English. It like good cop bad cop. I nice in English wife tells her off on Thai. She prefers English. 😭
  14. Positive side for not going to hospital, he won't need a go fund me to pay the bill. 😀
  15. and proper driver training be good also
  16. Good news they won't be snatching bags off Australian grannies for a while.
  17. Oversupply will lead cheaper prices. My friend and myself just brought 1kg each of bud for 4000bht per kilo. I made all of mine in to infused oil, Canna butter, infused chocolate and Canna condensed milk. More than a years supply of edible product.
  18. Where is this laundry, I want to go, need some excitement in my life. 😭
  19. Only way they will stop at pedestrian crossing would be big pop up bollards when lights are red.
  20. The trucks looks drivable. How hard would it be to test brakes when baking it back on road. They either work or don't work . Usual BS
  21. Yep he worried about the Chinese gambling tours. Macau will loose out somewhat.
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