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Bruce Aussie

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Everything posted by Bruce Aussie

  1. Drowning, falling of balconies, motorbike riders, bus accidents and getting beat up by chicks with dicks seems to be popular. Welcome to LOS
  2. Rental company would damage police income if all renters had a license. 😀
  3. Probably not a serious virus except for the people affected by the smog coming.
  4. I brought mine from Australia much better than plastic containers here
  5. Yes it has been known here to use cyanide so you can steal a friend's phone and car. So I guess a annoying dog doesn't stand much chance. Mine fenced in and only goes out on lead. I don't want her licking anybody.😄
  6. It's hard to believe that people contribute to go fund me. Travel Insurance would be fairly useless unless expensive option taken. Need correct license, helmet ECT also one would think.
  7. sounds like both were a problem, pickup driver not watching road drives over to far left hit the rider driving in wrong direction, They stupid driving in wrong direction but they usually hug the very edge of road.
  8. Yep replace them with idiots😀
  9. What did you say 🤣
  10. There are many antibiotics, specialist gave me one which you only took one tablet per day. Go to hospital you come home with a bag of about 6 different drugs. They hope 1 will work 😄
  11. Crooks robbing crooks, what's the problem?
  12. Maybe give Putin back Alaska then he will do a deal.🤣
  13. option 1:- earmuffs and 6 pillows over your head Option 2:- quick kick in the nuts
  14. Death easier sentence than life. Chose death straight away any day
  15. 50% of drivers straddle the lines in Thailand.
  16. No happy families just ladyboys probably.😀
  17. Lucky, he fled to his buddy Putin, or he would be doing a replay of Mussolini by now.
  18. Incase motorcyclist cuts him off or gives him the finger.
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