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Bruce Aussie

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Everything posted by Bruce Aussie

  1. Especially when they prodding you with a electric cattle prod.🤣
  2. Do you wet the bed as well. Starting to become a circus on here.🤣
  3. I don't believe this story there no corruption in the RTP or Government. 🤣🤣🤣
  4. Old Johnny Cash fans maybe.😀
  5. What's the attraction with watches, hell can tell time on phone or if intellectual challenged get a watch for couple hundred baht at market. Oh what time is it? Time to go to prison 😀
  6. No need to be late now, online simple. You even get an email now as a reminder. So if you f##k up, problem belong you.😀
  7. Some of us need a short leash. My wife says you can do everything but not too much. I say to her how long is a piece of string 😀😀
  8. Agree. Hope the condo is on the ground floor.😀
  9. Will the monks be allowed in then. They just lost B1 billion to a fraud scheme if a true story.😀 https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2887708/thai-monks-lose-over-b1bn-to-stock-fraud
  10. That dangerous road, most drivers cut corners. They can't drive in their own lane
  11. They have stores in Thailand. Overpriced products of lower quality than 40 years ago. I have little sympathy for anybody who falls for scams or moneymaking schemes on social media platforms. Brain dead people.🥱
  12. 50% chance tail light on motorcycle not working also. looks like carelessness on both parties . Another day same stuff.😞
  13. 6 really good months Chiang Mai
  14. Vegemite and Weetbix are always available. Price not issue just happy they available. Where are the Cherry Ripes? 😄
  15. We love our Vegemite, we as happy as can, love it for breaky lunch and tea.😀
  16. Deport them immediately to Lebanon or Gaza. They can wave their terrorist flag there
  17. That will be 500baht plus 10% tax. 😄
  18. The NSW courts just put a 59 year old bus driver in jail for 32 years with no parole for 24 years. He went round a roundabout to fast flipping bus. 10 deaths. The driver never ran away. This much worst so guess he get 200 years
  19. Agree, in South Australia all thanks have to be removed and certified after 10 years. No proper roadworthiness testing here. The government should cop at least 50% of blame for allowing these dangerous vehicles to carry passengers. Everyday you see dangerous vehicles on road, tyres sticking out past body 6 inches or more. Guess that idea is to rip legs off motorcycle riders or people walking. Brake and indicator lights all colors and flashing erratically. I have never ever had brakes tested on renewal inspections. I operated school transport vehicles for 20 years, the inspections were not easy to pass. Fail a small think $200 reinspection fee, so guess what we made sure everything correct first time.
  20. He might also get a stab in the dark in jail.😀
  21. If a driver loses control from a rear tyre they shouldn't be behind the wheel.
  22. Boo Hoo the election was stolen
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