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Bruce Aussie

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Everything posted by Bruce Aussie

  1. Leave things as they are, don't want to see cops on the road. Had a lifetime of that in Australia. More cops on road here will not stop road deaths only increase tea money collections. Just drive like a Thai and will be few no problems. Either fast or get out the way. If old saying is correct, "the good die young" we all be safe.
  2. starting to sound a bit sloppy😀
  3. Trash food also to muscly, poodle be more tender.
  4. Hope they fly on the right side of the sky.
  5. Becareful of camps {slang}
  6. correct can scrape it off with a knife
  7. Buy an Android phone
  8. What rubbish we all know there is no prostitution in Thailand.🤣
  9. Thats why Thailand has no pros they all in India.
  10. She saving her old man buying clothes drying stand.
  11. The cow manure we get for the garden always comes in used animal feed bags. Maybe they reused dung bags.
  12. Ice in beer sounds a bit like an Aussie Sheila's Shandy. sit you glass in ice, not ice in your beer.
  13. get over Trump, he won that's it. Sit back and enjoy the circus.😂
  14. The 1960's bodgies return looking for widgies.😀
  15. I think many Americans will want to go back home soon now America about to become great again
  16. Don't argue, the bystanders will always side with the Thai driver. Could get hit with more than 1 iron bar.
  17. You wouldn't want to be paying by the pound.🤣🤣🤣
  18. Jealous women every country. That happens when you handsome man.😀
  19. God bless America 🤣
  20. she thinks divorce settlement, forget it
  21. Many of us have good marriages, with wives who care about us and not money. We are lucky, we have "6 good friends who are all very happy with good caring Thai wives Feel sorry for the bar flies, who think they are happy and drown there sorrows. But everyone to their own. Many people are happy paying bar girls for entertainment. Hopefully condoms are worn. Keep believing you handsum men.😀😀😀
  22. Those van drivers often speed and have no regard for their passengers. Been in 1 before and that the last time. Any loss of life sad, unfortunately these idiots always hurt someone else. I agree with another post, not ride with Thai drivers except a short taxi or grab in an emergency. My wife I feel with as she passed a proper driving test when we were in Australia.
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