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Lenny Jones

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Posts posted by Lenny Jones

  1. 1 hour ago, FredGallaher said:

    Thanks. You are one of the few who understand medical parasitology. I've tried to keep it simple so that readers here can understand. It irks me when people write rubbish that they know nothing about. Actually the original posting left me with many doubts of its authenticity. 

    Yep.  A couple of things I stated before.  When I read the Aussie news reports I smelt a rat.  The couple who claim that they pinned it to one particular meal run a health and well-being business and - to me - looks like a big grab for notoriety and money.  Considering the parasitic transfer method is commonly believed to be fecal-oral it could come from ANYWHERE.  Something like salmonella - fast-reacting - is a bit easier to pin down but this particular bug - in some cases having no obvious symptoms in some people - is a bit harder to find.


    As you state - more common in the tropics due to the overall standard of the population and personal hygiene levels there.  Less common in higher-educated countries.

  2. 12 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    You are referring to E. histolytica not D. fragilis. E.histolytica is responsible for amoebic dysentery and in latter stages can invade other tissues, esp the liver. Most cases cause flask like ulcers in the large intestine with dysentery. If left untreated they can (not all) go to the liver where they what we call an amoebic liver abscess. It can also go to other tissues. There is no evidence that D. fragilis is invasive and in healthy individuals is consider non-pathogenic. Infections with D fragilis mostly it shows a breakdown in personal or food hygiene. 

    D. fragilis has a world wide distribution, but probably more common in the tropics.

    Well said.  It's a pity some of us have to spend a lot of time stamping out ignorance that keeps rearing its head here.


    The diagram MIGHT educate a few reading this.  For some - the words are too big!


  3. How come - when the show gets messy - some senior cop has to come up with a fairy story, call it fake news, blame everybody else, threaten a few FB users and thinks that is the end of that.


    ANNND - isn't it always a strange coincidence when these things get messy somebody's name keeps popping up - Not present at this press release! - No short runway nearby!

    • Like 2
  4. 9 hours ago, Yinn said:

    We lie to make you comfortable. That different to lie about bomb Laos and Cambodia village people.


    eg, if you smell bad, we say no problem. Say we can not smell it.  Because we don’t want you feel bad. Like that. 


    If you say you never lie, I don’t believe you. You lie sure.

    Yinn stop judging people like yourself.  To lie you have to have a good memory.  If you always tell the truth you never have to remember what you said before.  That is how I live my life.  Not like a Thai - - - -

  5. 24 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    But the Soloman Islanders play rugby which suggest they play as a team, unlike Thais where it is self self self, just look at the way they plat any team sport, other that is then Ladies Volley ball.

    By the way is it me, but I to have been fortunate enough to holiday in the Soloman Islands and also Fiji, and I noticed nearly all the women seemed to have very large feet.  Just me or did you notice that too ?

    Sorry Geoff.  You're getting your islands mixed up.  Solomon Islanders like soccer. wife-beating and hacking each other up with bush knives.  They recently gave up head-hunting and cannibalism (Yes - I met a few old men who had eaten "long pig").  Their nation imploded early 2000 and I spent a year there in a peace-keeping force.


    Fijians and Tongans are your rugby island players - ANNND damn good at it!

    • Haha 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, petemoss said:

    True. The first time I came to Thailand, I was in Bangkok and looking for my hotel. I asked a very nice Thai man if he knew where my hotel was. He gave me  a complicated set of instructions, "Turn left here, turn right there, etc." . After wandering around Bangkok for another hour, I eventually found my hotel, on the opposite side of the road from where the man had given me instructions, you could see it from where we were stood.


    Why did he lie? He didn't know where my hotel was but thought that I would be happier to receive some directions, even though they were wrong, than for him to tell me that he didn't know where my hotel was. Very Thai!

    555 ! - He gave you the answer he thought you wanted because he didn't understand you!  It also contained a "screen" because he did not want you to know that!.


    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

    I see the brave and true TVF detective posters have wrapped up another case, what would we do without them?

    You would have nowhere to post your pathetic attempt at sarcasm. 


    It's a pity you judge everybody by your own attributes and standards.  To alleviate your ignorance - I spent 30 years in an Australian police force before retiring to Thailand.  many of those years were spent working in international peace-keeping forces in tropical countries.

  8. 10 hours ago, Yinn said:

    That is correct.

    The farang lie to us about what they do. Lie so much about Vietnam war. 

    They lie to everyone about that. 



    55555 ! - having traveled to many parts on this planet I can honestly say the greatest liars - people loose with the truth I have met - are Solomon Islanders - ANND - right behind them are THAIS! - 55555 !

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  9. Having read all the reports and comments:


    How can anybody who comes to a tropical country, ingest a parasite that takes quite a long time to manifest itself via symptoms and pin that down to one particular meal?


    Australia is unique insofar distance and isolation makes it relatively parasite-free and - as a result - local doctors are inexperienced in diagnosing them.  Hence the long tine to find out what was wrong with the couple.


    The rest of the story smacks of an attempt for money - nothing more - - - -

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 7/8/2019 at 6:22 PM, wtfracing said:

    Secondary proof was provided as per every other year with pension details but was not even looked at.

    Stat. Decs. are out.  Immigration FINALLY learned to trust their own Thai banks.  All you need now is a signed statement from your local bank manager showing you get 65,000 baht/month for the last year if you are getting an extension.

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