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Lenny Jones

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Posts posted by Lenny Jones

  1. I have been using Transferwise for several month and recently ran into big problems with POLI transfer choice. I then changed to Bank transfer to my same bank in Thailand - SCB. 


    Transferwise had changed its bank details in Australia - Same bank but new account details (strange - -).


    As a result I had to delete recipient accounts then recreate them to get the system functioning again.  Transferwise did not notify me and I found out the hard way when my transfers failed and they refunded my money back to My Aussie bank.  This created a hole in my June 65000 baht allocation and I'm yet to resolve that with local immigration (fingers crossed!)  Monies in the July transfers will show remedial activity.  I just hope Immigration accepts the variance.




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  2. 3 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

    The Spanish ended up learning a sharp lesson , you would have thought others might have heeded that. Lets face it though the Thai puppet masters dont care if the populace ends up bleeding , their nest eggs will be secure.

    The whole pattern that Thais adhere to - "Hit them once and hard - They will never be back" is one of the greatest damaging influences on the Thai tourist economy.  "The Land of Smiles" is a big lie.


    Thailand needs a massive overhaul - - - - - -

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  3. 8 hours ago, nev said:

    If you read the interview with them they was far from cheap Charlie's and paid 180 BAHT each and liked it so much they had to go back and get another serving.

    It has already been questioned which good court it was that sells pad Thai at 180 BAHT.

    I don't know about the rest of Thailand but - where I live - ALL the food courts use the same financial structure that keeps money away from the individual vendors.  All prices are the same.  There is no possibility for "Mates rates" (except drink sizes) so 180 baht for a pad thai dish is a crock - - - -


    In all of this I see their original business plan went off the rails and their damage control has back-fired big-time.  Things like this happens to many businesses.  They need to "disappear" then reappear later "re-branded"

  4. 10 hours ago, Snuller21 said:

    And a way to strong Baht. Thailand used to be an affordable country for holidays. Not anymore as the Baht is way too strong. And that is also for the Export. Just look at the price for rice, and the declining of that as export as well. And Toyota making an assembly factory for HiLux in Myanmar, as they lose money on every assembled car in Thailand. Just saying.

    Yep - Three words: - - BAHT TOO STRONG

  5. Let's get something real clear here:


    "failing to report a drug deal" DOES NOT put you in jail in Australia.  that would attract a fine and a suspended sentence AT WORST. 

    To finish up in jail it takes a dirty track record with prior charges. The word "allegation DOES NOT apply here.  He was found guilty of a crime, charged and served a sentence - - - ALL FACTS.


    It will only be a matter of research and time to see what Australian public records produce.


    • Like 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Will likely to see the ministries for Agriculture, Commerce, Education and Finance struggle to cooperate and work together when staffed with politicians from 3 different parties and each party has their own agenda on serving their support bases.  

    Just keep an eye on his deputy minister for agriculture.  We had him on holidays in Australia for 8 months in goal before we deported him.  He naturally claims it was a mistake and he was innocent.  But - then again - everybody in goal claims to be innocent - - - -

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Eligius said:

    Removing Prayut alone is not the answer - and certainly not that way. There are, unfortunately, lots of other dinosaurs who would simply step into his shoes, with relish. Only the Thai people can decide what the way forward is - or to go on being yanked back centuries into a feudalist past. It is up to them. Not easy for them (I sympathise hugely) - as all democratic means have effectively been stolen from them (the recent 'election' and its 'result' were the most shocking and heart-breaking example of that) ...

    Last century Voltaire said  The best government is a benign dictatorship softened by the occasional assassination"


    Thailand has got one out of four  of those - - - - -

    • Haha 1
  8. Aaaah! - the old "too much" routine by health "professionals" justifying their existence.


    We've seen them all:


    "Too much sun gives you cancer"

    "Too much alcohol gives you brain damage" (some people I know are immune to this)

    "Too much fish consumption gives you mercury poison"

    "Too much Thai vegetables gives you pesticide poison"

    "Too much spanking the monkey will send you blind"


    I'm still alive, have to wear glasses, enjoy all sorts of food and no bits are falling off me yet - - - -

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, londonthai said:

    he was murdered by state officials on order from superiors. Charge all officers with murder and sanction for 3 months (no bail). Tell them, there is a new evidence and they are implicated. After a month or two they will start spilling beans on each other, to half their sentence. 

    So they will get 5 years jail, halved by good behaviour and shortened by kings amnesty at the next birthday.

    They will still have their salaries and pensions payed.


    ps Sonthi Limthongkul, the PAD leader sentenced 20 years for forgery in 2016, was photographed at police hospital on 8 July. He was not cuffed, waiing to officers.



  10. 3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Seems a bit unfair on your kids! Why not just pay the duty?

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

    Who do you blame?  Customs? Logistics providers? Post office?.  If you use tracking that mostly ends as "delivery attempt unsuccessful - returned" - straight int to black hole reserved for portable and attractive items.

  11. 6 hours ago, Anythingleft? said:

    Anybody else puzzled why they had to ask several times or several doctors for a course of antibiotics

    Hardly hard core drugs are they

    What am I missing?.....

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

    Not unusual for Aussie GPs.  The symptoms for parasites like this are difficult to diagnose as they are similar to more common illnesses.  Due to the general hygiene standards in Australia parasitic illnesses are comparatively rare, the most common ones being hydatids and giardia.

  12. 2 hours ago, tallfarang said:

    Am I missing something? They weren't sick in Thailand, so how do they know they contracted the parasite in Thailand. Is this parasite only in South East Asia, and non existent in Australia? 

    This parasite is common around the world.  More so in tropical regions.  It can also exist in humans without any apparent symptoms.  When it does manifest itself it is slow, unlike salmonella.  The chances of these people pinning it to a particular meal is mere supposition.

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