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Lenny Jones

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Posts posted by Lenny Jones

  1. 4 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Have to agree with you about Vegans but then it is similar with any minority group of cranks - nearly always the biggest bunch of hypocrites around.  Ask a vegan do they have any footwear containing leather,  any item of clothing with natural wool, any bedding containing down or feathers, have they or ever had any perfume.  The chances are they won't even know or understand why you are asking the question. ????

    Wool is ok for the morons - the animal didn't suffer or die.  The goose did for the down..  They have wooden furniture? - most wood glues are animal-based.  and trees DIED .


    Pic of vegans protesting.  Note the leather SHOES !


    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    You sound like the lawyer that told me I had no chance of winning a case against a large hospital group. I'm a farang, bound to lose, they don't care..........bla bla bla...........I won. Much the same here, everybody whinging but how many will actually make a complaint? Now let's guess you'll reply that I won against a hospital not Immigration. No doubt if things were reversed you'd tell me I wouldn't win against a hospital.


    Believe me, if enough of a fuss is made about this that TAT feel there could be damage to tourism, something will be done.

    I put a large internationally-base hospital group here in Thailand into the international courts in Europe (not me exactly but my government) after they illegally confiscated my passport and would not return it until my account was paid in total.  They "borrowed" it off my Thai wife to "photocopy for their records" then would not return it.


    Having a legal background I told them they had broken the law.  The manager's response? - - "Too bad.  This is Thailand"


    Bad mistake - - - - - I went through my embassy and legal contacts to push the case and it worked.


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  3. 10 hours ago, rickudon said:

    The Siamese carp basically became extinct in the wild 20 years ago - due to environmental degradation and overfishing (yes Thais eat them). BUT they have economic value as an angling species. Only reason they still exist outside Zoos. Mekong Catfish also probably extinct in the wild, only exist now due to artificial propagation and restocking in fishing lakes and reservoirs (on the reservoirs they are caught in nets by commercial fishermen). 


    In these days of large human populations, over fishing for food and pollution, it is often anglers who care for these fish and stop them going extinct. In the UK I was once harassed by a vegan while fishing, accused of hurting the fish and killing water birds. When I asked them what they were doing to protect the fish, and what fish there were in the river, his only answer was I was the one killing them ……. Basically, if he couldn't see it, he didn't really know what was happening. I pay money every year to maintain the river, protect it against pollution and remove invasive species. The vegan did nothing. If he had his way, the world would have very few animals left, just humans and a lot of vegetables.


    Most large animals still exist because they have value. Unfortunately some animals do become extinct if they are over exploited, but that is due to ignorance and poverty - usually it is about money. An animal needs to be worth more alive than dead if it is to survive in the human world.


    Oh, one more thing. There is very little 'wild' fishing in Thailand. Thais will pump a pond dry and take EVERY fish, small rivers are mercilessly netted, trapped and spearfished. There are very few wild fish left apart from a few species which can survive those pressures. That is why most angling is done on stocked, protected lakes and ponds here.

    Vegans - - - - -

    What is it with these morons that go around trying to force their ideals down others throats?.  If they were serious they would rip out their own canines so they can't tear meat apart - Evolution turned us all into omnivores but these clowns are worse than religious zealots! - - ANNND they a hypocrites to boot - leather ones, like their belts, wallets, handbags and car seats.


    Fishing? - Thailand still has it's possibilities.  Many of the big water catchment lakes and dams that have good sportfishing potential.  Consider chasing snakeheads in these environments.

  4. 14 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    The media has been blowing this up making him seem like a terrible man, but when it comes down to it we don't know what the actual charges against him are - past and present - it could be very minor and they're blowing it up because it makes good headlines and fits the narrative.


    As for the wife supporting him - she could be either making the best or worst choice of her life - there's no way to tell unless we know what he's actually done.

    The media have got their hooks into this and whipping it up into a frenzy.  Typical media sh1t.

    Worse still - dopey RTP are sucking it up and running with it.

    The 1600 baht "for not reporting his arrest" simply points to Immigration failing to do their job - checking crim records on people entering the country.  THEY are the ones the need the cleaners putting through them.

  5. 11 hours ago, Caldera said:

    That's what happens when a country puts muppets with zero qualifications for the job but huge egos in charge and brainwashes its population to believe in nonsense. A sad state of affairs, really.


    OP, thanks for sharing, you have my sympathy.

    Unfortunately Thai Immigration laws are loose and open to interpretation.  To get around this all local immigration offices are given scope to apply their own interpretations.


    This shows up clearly in the many anecdotal statements by various contributors around the country and if you couple to this partial autonomy the various levels of corruption that exists in different local department is leaves us with one unholy mess to deal with.


    I have fortunately developed a good relationship with my local immigration boss where we both enjoy a mutual level of respect.  Many are already aware that each time we do a 1-year renewal the rules change.  I simply tell my local immigration boss she is exactly that and what does she want me to do?  She understands I am trying to do it correctly and is always very helpful,


    So fare everything has worked out well - - - For me - - - -

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  6. 45 minutes ago, Jerry787 said:

    pity for the fish, either he got killed or not, guess in what stress he has been.

    guess if one of us is hunted and grabbed like that... 

    God spare me?


    Is there no end to the ignorants who have added their tuppenceworth to this page?


    Here is another one who thinks a piscatorial reptile thinks and feels like a human!


    I have posted many times on this page to counter the garbage posted by these biased ignorants and vegie trolls stating FACTS.


    I just wish they would stick to things they know instead of generating garbage. - - - - - -

  7. 2 hours ago, Mick501 said:

    Fishing is great!  So is clubbing fur seals and playing football with puppies.  All tremendous sports to prove your manlihood.

    And you don't eat fish?


    That's the main reason I catch them


    Nothing to do with my "manlihood"   I've never clubbed a seal so I cannot comment on that.  (you appear to know something about that) But I have spent countless hours playing "football with puppies and it appears you know nothing about that.


    Congratulations on your display of knowledge, your lack of knowledge and your failure to master spell-check.

  8. 3 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    I do know what you mean. Myself I prefer the habitat to be as natural as possible, and for it to be as challenging as fishing on a river for example. 


    That said, I've been to man made lakes in Phang Nga and the one near Krabi (not sure if I'm allowed to say names), and had amazing days fishing and taking in the incredible surroundings. I'll definitely do that again, but I would like to know about easily accessible 'natural' places to fish around LOS. Apart form the sea of course...I know that one.  

    There are many big lakes in the mid-north of Thailand, some of them holding up to 45 different species.


    If you want a REAL sport-fishing challenge with a great culinary finish - Study and go for snakehead fish.


    That'll keep you busy for the rest of your life!

    • Thanks 1
  9. 4 hours ago, peterb17 said:

    As you reel them in- with basically a metal spike in their living flesh- they do not feel a little pain or discomfort? 


    As they say in The Kingdom - for what ? 


    The chase - the suffering- just to take advantage and get pleasure from an animal that has been on this planet far far longer than Homo sapiens ? 

    You're relating a retpile's nervous system to a warm-blooded mammal like yourself.




    Go and do your homework about lateral lines and sensory receptors in the piscatorial world.

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