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Posts posted by ChipButty

  1. 14 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Oh I get that the Extension stamp is exactly the same and all that... I may also be persuaded there is a loophole, where a senior IO can sign off on not validating some requirements. Only reservation I have, if say a certain agency becomes foul of the law, and is required to 'open it's books' those in on  the fix, ie complicit, will likely become illegal here. Anyhow, very unlikely.. 

    It happened some years ago here in Phuket where some agent was using a dodgy stamp, I remember meeting a girl at that time who got arrested at Ranong, bye the way the very same agent is still at it, 

  2. 16 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    In all the years I've been in Thailand I've never had anybody get offended by saying hello in Thai. 


    Perhaps her husband just died that morning, perhaps her son just got run over on his motorbike, who knows she might have been having the worst day of her life. 


    Or is she just could have been a total disenchanted grouch. 

    Or on her periods 

    • Haha 1
  3. Comes in handy being able to speak Thai, there was a guy I know who had a bar and restaurant in an old Thai bungalow on a big piece of land that had another 2 bed bungalow out the back, so he thought he would do it up and rent the rooms out, so he's got some builders building a wall and a gate to separate them, but he also had a farang friend painting the bungalow and I could hear the builders talking about him not having a work permit, they didn't grass him up but you can see how they think, 

  4. I think around the world at any tourist place the locals dislike the tourist, My mother used to own a hotel in Blackpool and everybody hated the tourist, I used to say to my mother without the tourist you cant spend 3 months in Tenerife during the winter, 

    Same in Phuket, but they were crying during covid now they are back to moaning about too many Russians the Chinese will be next, I live in Rawai you don't meet may local Thai's mostly migrant's from Nakorn Nowhere but they complain about Phuket people saying the are Jai Dam, to meet actual Phuket people you need to go to Phuket Town,

    Having said that, I don't have a problem with any of them and there is a few live in my soi, they always speak to me,

    Only yesterday a friend she is a long time resident of Phuket came back of holiday and brought me a box of chocolates and some other goodies,   



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  5. 43 minutes ago, traveller101 said:

    "You want western style law enforcements ...."

    Yesss please! Why?

    ■ Checkpoints would have to cordon off kilometres of road to accommodate all helmet less riders, no license, under-age, 3/4 on a scooter and 20 on the back of pick-up trucks, speeding motorists ....... 

    ■ Road traffic would be at least halved in a week - no gridlocks, plenty of parking space, and more importantly far less carnage on the road.

    You forget, stand outside any school I know of one a few weeks ago, young girl dead coming home from school on a scooter, 

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, Iron Tongue said:

    Whatever anyone wants to believe was the cause, whether justified or corrupt, if a police officer draws his gun, the reasonable response is to stop and put your hands up.

    Just give up, pay the fine, and make your apologies so the cops will regain "face" then move on.  


    The only smart thing I saw was when the second brother (they're both surnamed Day), unloaded the pistol and threw it down.  Don't give cops a reason to shoot you.


    That makes me think did the cop pull the gun on them? 

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