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Posts posted by ChipButty

  1. I met a couple of Russian families last year who were leaving Thailand the next day, their plans where to go to Turkey and pick their cars up and drive to Spain where they had family and friends, they intended to go to South America and maybe end up in Argentina, one of the wifes was pregnant, if the baby is born in Argentina then the baby get citizenship and so do the parents, they said here is just nonsense, 

  2. This is getting ridiculous now, even Thai people are questioning what's going on, one day overstay you don't even get fined at the airport for one day, most of my neighbours are Thais and one asking me this morning, stupid, 

    As one said to me they have bigger fish to fry in Thailand catch the real criminals, I would say drugs is a bigger problem in Phuket, they only catch the street dealers, 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    knew of a Belgian guy in Pattaya who owned a popular bar, he fell out with his missis and she ended up with a Thai cop who obviously had intentions of becoming involved. one day they "caught" him talking to a customer,  the charge was "entertaining"

    There has been a few mad things like that over the years here in Phuket, One farang guy who's wife had a travel shop and he had it advertised on his truck, he got stopped, another guy got stopped driving a mini van, not allowed said the police luckly for him he didnt have any passengers i the minivan, maybe he had just dropped them off at the airport, the list goes on. 

  4. 39 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    And many of the new villa's built in Hua Hin I looked at back a few years ago, was offered with company from the real estate company. 


    The whole property business seemed so dodgy, so figured it would be better to bet on my gf instead, now wife. 

    I did the same it's in her name, she deserves it she's looked after me for 16 years, 

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  5. 31 minutes ago, thesetat said:

    Are you kidding me.. 99% of businesses in Thailand that are really owned by foreigners are on paper using Thai proxies owning 51% and the foreigner 49%. It is the biggest scam in the country spanning every major tourist city. As well as property ownership with land, condo ownership, etc... There are many Thai companies created by foreigners as well for the sole purpose of purchasing land or opening businesses that also use this method. Why now is the government playing dumb pretending they never knew this was happening? 

    They should also look into the dodgy lawyers and developers who offer these nominee company setups, 

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