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Posts posted by ChipButty

  1. 3 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    That area is a potential minefield, because once the land is sold to new owners, they have no obligation to abide by the original agreement, whatever it was.

    There was also a similar "scam/ruse" whereby agents were telling prospective buyers that land could be bought on a 30+30+30 year lease. That was ruled illegal in a Thai court of law.

    I just posted about that, also it was not allowed to be registered at the land office, 

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  2. 51 minutes ago, proton said:


    But what happens if the land is sold on to new owners, do these 30 year renewable leases still hold water?

    Im not sure that 30 years lease nonsense has been tested yet, I do know of some villas thinking about it, it has to be around 22 years into the lease, 

    One builder I know says he will renew the lease,


    • Haha 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, pagallim said:

    I live in a village around a mile from where the murder took place in Chalong.   At about 7 p.m. that Tuesday evening, I popped into a Tops shop not far from me on the Chaofa West road.   The shop is quite small and the aisles quite narrow, so the group of 4 or 5 fairly large men stood out.   Having previously worked in Russia, I can usually pick them out, and this group I knew to be from one of the 'Stans, who are typically swarthy and Arab like in appearance, usually sporting beards.   Never dressed well enough to actually be Arabs.   Didn't give it another thought until reading this story, though now wonder if this group had some involvement, the timing and near location fits.

    Could have been Chechens

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  4. 1 hour ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

    I thought the national police chief, some years ago, issued an order forbidding check points. When was it rescinded?

    I remember that some years ago, we used to have on 2 or 3 times a week near me in Rawai that one stopped I think the locals were kicking off about that one, on the roads leading out of Chalong they still have them, in and out of Patong they still have them, 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    I read the full story and it's just totally bizarre to me.


    And the Police saying he looked ' suspicious ' is simply ridiculous. I just brought a good few packets of Ibuprofen from the UK, for the MIL.


    I wonder if I would have had problems if stopped, and I always carry sleepers for long aeroplane journeys.


    He may have looked nervous, not suspicious, nobody wants to be stopped by these gangsters.


    Footnote on that story says 33 foreigners have been arrested in Phuket on various misdemeanours including 3 Chinese working on a building site, since this Swiss story hit the headlines.

    Dont forget the Burmese, been a few of them

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