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Everything posted by ChipButty

  1. Over the years I have know of many incidents and bad attitude from taxi drivers, one couple want to get from the airport to Yanui beach but the driver took them to Nai Harn beach and dropped them there and said you get taxi from here, I think it's time to set up a Hotline for tourist to call and complain,
  2. I had to use Bolt a few times a couple of weeks ago, they were spot on decent cars and for me was on time, one thing I liked about the app it would message you saying the driver is 2 minutes away,
  3. Unfortunately it's the one thing tourist always remember about Thailand being constantly ripped of by taxi drivers, It always come up in conversations with guest how to avoid it, I always recommend renting a car, some dont want to drive after they see the performance with other road users.
  4. I have a big group of family and friends all Thai and I would say none of them are racist towards me, infact the opposite and often they come down to Phuket for a few days none of them come empty handed always bring some cake or chocolate, One a few weeks ago sent me a football shirt from Buriram, My immediate neighbours are all Thai and a bunch of Burmese live there and I take a walk down the soi to shop people always speak "Sawat Dee" people always ask my wife papa ok?
  5. I have to say that photo/image in the OP is a bit over the top, what kind of message are they trying to send out?
  6. The recruitment all starts here in Thailand I met a woman years ago and thats what she was doing recruiting girls here in Phuket to go to Bahrain, she didn't tell me it was another girl told me,
  7. A friend of mine went to China last week he came back Friday on Sunday morning tested positive for covid, Friday night him and his wife and my wife went for a BBQ thank fully we are all ok,
  8. There is a New app coming out shortly here in Phuket, I cant remember the name but I saw it advertising for staff on FB,
  9. I dont get this, How can Tourist be held responsable to check if a taxi is legal or not, this was posted on FB Im not sure if I can post the link on here, Just a reminder that in addition to cracking down on illegal drivers, PLTO has also warned tourists about the consequences for them if they just jump into a taxi without properly checking if it is legal or not.
  10. The Thai embassy used to pay for their citizens to get back to Thailand not sure if that's still the case,
  11. Dont just blame the drivers, the hotels need looking at they are also at it, A 5 star hotel in Karon the other week said 2000 Baht for a minivan to the airport (one way)
  12. I have no problem with my wife her favorite position on her hands and knee's facing Siam Paragon, works every time
  13. Not true, My friend has about 10 of them and everything is in perfect working order, I had to use her a few weeks ago go to the airport and back round trip 100km, The owners husband trains the drivers I think most of her customers are farangs,
  14. The maximum sentence length in Norway is 21 years, but there are currently political debates about raising it to 25 years. However, you can get a punishment that says you will be in prison until you are rehabilitated and pose no danger to society (forvaring), effectively having the potential of a life sentence. https://thenorwayguide.com/norwegian-prisons/
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