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Posts posted by JRG23

  1. 9 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    invest in education and create jobs

    Invest in education and create jobs? What and support the development of knowledgable, confident, wealthy people? No chance!!!! There's some tried and trusted methods of controlling the masses (and Thailand is great at all of them). Give 'em cheap liquor; give 'em lottery; give 'em prostitution; don't give 'em education; keep 'em poor. 


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  2. Hello. After some advice from some knowledgable fellows ands lasses.

    I am married to a Thai, living in Bangkok, from UK and hold a Non-Imm O Visa. I am soon to be offered a job by a BOI-promoted company in Bangkok. This company has informed me that I need to leave the country and obtain a Non-Imm B to get the work permit. Giving all the virus stuff at the moment, I was thinking of going to the Thai embassy in Vientiane.


    But I have some questions, the answers to which I am confused about....

    1. Do I need to 'cancel' my Non-Imm O at Chaeng Wattana before I go to get the Non-Imm B?

    2. The BOI will help with documents needed for the Non-Imm B, but for me personnally what are the document requirements for this visa if I look to get the visa from the Thai embassy in Vientiane?

    3. After obtaining the Non-Imm B visa from Vientiane, is it a case of attending the "One-Stop Shop" in Chaeng Wattana? Through this "One-stop shop", how long is the process of getting Work Permit approval from Chaeng Wattana?

    4. Lastly, with kids now off school, was thinking of a family trip to Vientiane. Does anyone know if it is easy for Thai nationals and me (UK) to drive up to Nong Khai and then get some sort of transport up to Vientiane? Is the process easy for all at the Thai-Laos border at Nong Khai? What documents do my wife and kids require?


    Any suggestions or advice from experience ppl would be wonderful. Thank you so much!




  3. So my UK employer wants to pay me through a PEO (professional employee organisation) in Bangkok. The PEO will sponsor me - and my salary, tax and Work Permit will be organised by the PEO. (For those unsure about PEOs, they are becoming increasingly popular across Asia - everything is above board).


    The PEO company I have contacted in BKK told me it is a BIO firm. Also, that to apply for the WP I need to cancel my Non-Imm O visa, leave the country and apply for a Non-Imm B visa (they will give me required docs). On my return, we will all go to Chaeng Wattana and apply for the WP. "Apply for a WP is easy with a BIO firm", I was told.


    My questions are: does a BIO company require a Non-Imm B visa to get a WP for me? Can this not be done on a Non-Imm O visa? Do I have to leave the country? 


    If anyone has any advice or suggestions it would be very helpful. Thank you so much.


  4. So my employers in the UK need to find a PEO company (Professional employer organization) in Bangkok through which to (legally) employ me.

    I know PEO firms are completely above board (for sorting tax, work permits etc) - and there's a few in Google listed as operational in Bangkok, but no idea as to how good they might be. 


    Does anyone have any experience in using such entities in Bangkok?

    Any advice/suggestions would be most welcome.


    Thank you!


  5. So I’ve been offered a job in Bangkok. I’m 50 from UK, and have lived in Bangkok for several years on Non-Imm O visa based on marriage. 
    Just need some advice and have some questions. Would really appreciate any responses to help me. Thank you.


    1. The company has asked me if I want to make contributions to the Provident Fund. It seems this would be attractive. Recommended?

    2. I have been told that I would have to leave Thailand whilst a "Tor Tor 3" application is processed with the Ministry of Labour. Does this sound accurate?

    3. Whilst out of the country I would need to apply for a "90 day Non-immigrant B Visa" and then I would get a two-year work permit and extensions following that. Does that sound accurate?


    Any advice/recommendations would be very helpful indeed. Thank you.



  6. Hello. Wondered if anyone knows the answers to these questions? I think I am about to offered a job with a US company that has a subsidiary office (and presumably a corporate identity here in Bangkok).

    1. In a work permit, does it restrict where you can work (in terms of locations in Thailand)? For instance, if the subidiary's office is in Sukhumvit and my home is in Ladprao, is it OK to work at home or do I have to travel to work at the office?

    2. In terms of income tax, I understand that there are quite high tax requirements in Thailand. But what percentage would I be expected to pay on, say, income of THB2 million a year? Is there a way to reduce the amount you pay in tax?


    Hopefully, someone knows something about these issues. Thank you so much for any advice.




  7. Hello. I am 51, married to a Thai lady and for several years I have extended visas annually based on marriage.

    I am expecting to be offered a job soon by an international company, which has an office (and I presume a subsidiary) here in Bangkok.

    If I take the job, what visa requirements will I have? Can I easily change from Non-Imm O (based on marriage) to a work visa and work permit? Would I need to leave the country for a certain amout of time and apply for the visa in the UK or another country?


    Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.


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