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Posts posted by JRG23

  1. Hello. I recently started a new job for a BOI firm in BKK. 

    Thing is, there is no RMF or similar provisions.

    I want to start an RMF account - but don't know where to start.

    Any suggestions or advice? I've SCB do the RMF, but can expats invest in this? How does one go about opening such an account?


    Any advice would be great. Thank you.


  2. 47 minutes ago, Why Me said:

    I wouldn't worry too much. Look at China. They're limping back to normal after 3 months of draconian measures. Yea, yea, I get they lie but their factories are opening which is visible to the naked eye. And, forget which business paper, I saw their output numbers were surprisingly good given the shutdown, which indicates a fast bounce back, a good portent for other economies.


    So, I would say a couple more months, give or take, and most countries will have flattened the curve to the point that they say X infection/death rate is tolerable and go about business as usual.


    Sure there will still be hotspots popping up here and there but as long as the general population curve is flat enough, hospitals will be able to cope with localized events.


    In any case, I am learning to eat drink and be merry within exactly 67 sq. m.





    One of the most sensible quotes in this thread.

    • Haha 1
  3. Hello. So I have been offered a job at a BOI company.

    Immigration at CW told me today that I can get a work permit with a Non-IMM O (marriage) visa.

    The officer said I don’t need to leave Thailand to get a Non-IMM B visa. Can use Non-IMM O.


    Is this correct? Can I (and my BOI firm) get a work permit with a BOI company with a Non-IMM O Visa?


    thank you so much for any advice.



  4. Hello.

    I need to get a non imm b visa quickly (ie, next few days). Bad timing, I know, what with the virus.


    But please can anyone give me some definitive answer as to whether Laos and the Thai embassy in Vientiane are open for visa runs?


    I am from the U.K. and have not recently travelled to or transited in any high risk countries as classified by the Thai government. 


    Thank you so much for any advice.


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