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Everything posted by RayC

  1. For once I agree with your analysis. However, I struggle to reconcile this post with your view that the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with Russian expansionism. If that's the case, why would Europe need to spend money on a deterrent?
  2. Imo Brown wasn't a very good PM - although he compares favourably with those that have followed him - but a very good Chancellor.
  3. Why continue to post and refer to this map of yours? The relevant map is the one which I posted which shows Ukraine's internationally agreed borders. If Russia agrees to respect these borders, then discussions can take place about the funding of the reparations. I don't question your sincerity in wishing for peace - no sane person would want anything else - but peace comes at a cost. The cost of your negotiated settlement would be rewarding an aggressor and further encouraging him. A very heavy price to pay.
  4. Any war? What about historical wars such as WW2? You'd have left Nazi Germany and Japan to do what they wanted?
  5. There were many who said that the UK should sue for peace between 1940 - 42. Fortunately, the tide turned.
  6. A distasteful, dismissive, flippant comment about a catastrophe. However, notwithstanding that, the fact is that allowing Russia to " ... keep Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, whatever .." would be rewarding an illegal invasion and may well embolden Putin to push into other nations' territories such as Georgia and possibly Estonia. Yes, Estonia is a NATO member but Putin might reason that if the US was willing to withdraw support for Ukraine, if might well feel the same about NATO. I'd suggest that this is not an unreasonable assumption if Trump were to win the forthcoming election given his recent comments. The simple truth is that Europe cannot currently defend itself without US backing at the moment. Are most European NATO states culpable for this? Imo, yes (at least, they are a major factor). Nevertheless we are where we are. Imo if the US allows Putin to achieve his goals in Ukraine by withdrawing funding, then imo there is a real risk of this leading to a larger, more major, more lasting conflict in Europe. Is the US content to run that risk with all that entails? That's the question it needs to ask itself.
  7. His comments on domestic issues extended to rejuvenating the local markets and enticing Primark to Rochdale.
  8. The Putin apologists are out early and in force today. NATO are the warmongers. NATO has blood on its' hands. Please spare us your misplaced righteous indignation. Is there no end to this blinkered hypocrisy? The simple fact is that Putin has been attempting to destabilise Ukraine ever since he came to power. His annexation of Crimea, support for Dombass separatists and the invasion of Ukraine were all illegal acts. Those calling for Ukraine to cede territory in a negotiated settlement will be rewarding naked aggression. It's as simple as that. Here's a map of Ukraine showing it's internationally agreed borders. This is what Ukraine should look like at the end of this war.
  9. So what point are you trying to make? If we do away with war then the nations of the world can disband their militaries? A lovely thought but imo unrealistic. Alternatively given that in your opinion, the military aren't happy unless there is a war going on, the world should be permanently at war in order to satisfy the military? So that's your justification for Putin's invasion of Ukraine: He was only trying to appease the Russian military.
  10. I wouldn't join in the 'lap of honour' just yet. Wasn't exactly a stellar night for the Conservative or Reform parties either. Why anyone would vote for George Galloway is frankly beyond me. Would he won if Labour had not withdrawn its' endorsement of Azhar Ali? Perhaps but I very much doubt that the Labour vote been so low. Imo this result is an outlier which is mostly a result of (local) circumstance. That said, I have never believed that Labour are a shoo-in at the next election. Unlike '97 when support for Labour was positive i.e. they will benefit the country, the support for Starmer is negative i.e. he can't be as bad as the alternatives. This type of support might decide to abstain or change. However, there will need to be something positive for voters to change their mind and there's not much good news at the moment (I imagine that the vast majority of people will view any tax cuts in the forthcoming budget for what they are: A bribe). Interesting survey from YouGov. https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/48786-labour-and-starmer-arent-popular-but-the-tories-are-even-less-so
  11. Do try to keep up! Starmer is a Jewish puppet on Mondays and Tuesdays; Wednesdays and Thursdays is the Islamists' timeslot; Friday, it's the Christian fundamentalists' turn, while control of Starmer at the weekend is shared by China and Russia.
  12. I think the lack of knickers was part of the supposed problem😉
  13. Vans would be a bonus; it might be a bit tricky. The other three most certainly.
  14. I'm not sure why you felt the need to walk ".. 1km along divided highway to get to the MRT"? I got off my train, walked through the station and went down the escalator to the BangSue MRT station. Re no direct access to the BTS system: True but passengers can take the MRT to Mor Chit and change there. Hardly a major problem. I accepted earlier that integrating around a BangSue hub may well add to the traveling time for those coming from/ going to the East but imo the benefits of a centralised hub outweigh the costs. The Southern terminal is largely irrelevant to the discussion as most South-bound buses currently originate from Mor Chit. Those passengers who want to use the few buses (and the vans) that originate from the Southern terminal can continue to do so. In fact, no reason why Ekkamai - or if that is sold off - a new, smaller station in the East couldn't be used in the same way as the Southern terminal.
  15. You raise a fair point however, there is an Expressway very close to BangSue so - assuming an access road(s) can be built - that would help mitigate any problems. It just seems like a good idea to me to centre the network in BKK around an integrated hub which would give direct access to the local and national networks for both bus and train. The promised international train network could also be integrated when it becomes operational in 2100!
  16. I assume that you meant to direct your post to someone else as I don't see what my sincerety (or lack of) has to do with things? So, for ease of reference, I'll repeat my original question: What point are you trying to make in stating, 'It sounds very fatalistic to say they will die for each other, doesn’t it?' when commenting on the news that Hungary's parliament has cleared the way for Sweden's ascension to NATO? I don't think that I am alone in being confused.
  17. I've never known Mor Chit to be anything other than chaotic. This proposed new multi-story facility is a strange one. Is there a need for it? As you rightly say, there's not a lot of open land nearby, however, there is a lot of under-utilized land in front of the station. There's also the existing Mor Chit site. I would of thought that there was scope to develop a new bus terminus without resorting to a multi-story solution? I can't see Chatuchak going anywhere. Apparently it generates $1.5m each weekend. That's a lot of revenue to bulldoze.
  18. Winners and losers and imo many more winners than losers in having an integrated hub. As I stated before, those passengers who started their journey by rail and need to continue it by bus should see a big time saving. Also likely those starting their journeys in the North, South and West will see some benefit although more marginal in those cases.
  19. No doubt small businesses around Ekkamai will suffer but new ones will spring up around BangSue.
  20. Having an integrated transport hub makes sense to me. Imo it will save people time as they will avoid having to troop across town to continue their journeys. BangSue - sorry Krung Thep Abhiwat Central Terminal - is hardly in the centre of town.
  21. I'd agree. All down to individual experience but mine were positive. I've made 2 return trips BKK - HH using the train since November. On each occasion the trains departed and arrived within 10 minutes of the scheduled times. Trains were full but comfortable enough. The 'slow' (4hr duration) train cost 94 baht if I remember correctly. Easy enough to book online to avoid arriving at the station too early.
  22. Might be wishful thinking, but I'll put a note in my diary to check whether that's the case in Feb. 2054. Unfortunately, no chance of me making it to Feb. 2074, so someone else will have to follow-up then😉
  23. Attached article explains how Sharia 'law' works in the UK https://www.roythorne.co.uk/site/blog/family-law-blog/an-overview-of-sharia-law#:~:text=There are around 30 Sharia,are contrary to UK law.
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