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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. No, the leaf shape of clover is diferent. This is clover.
  2. And I find that arguing with someone who is so delusional that they believe that we magically come back to life after death to be non productive and waste of my time. Goodbye.
  3. So, the original post had nothing to do with me?
  4. Show me the post that you are referring to or are you just imagining things again?
  5. Rebirth Sorry, I thought we were having a sensible conversation, how wrong I was. Goodbye and best luck with your delusions.
  6. So to bring this back onto topic and steer the thread away from your personal anti communist rant, what do you believe happens when you die? Is there a heaven and hell? Do you get judged by your maker?
  7. Who isn't? Not everyone can be a saint, can they? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Mother_Teresa
  8. So we should take advice from people who develop bad economic systems that oppress people? Please stay on topic, my quote was from a Commie, not an American president.
  9. What do you believe happens to you when you die? Nothing, when your life stops, everything in your world stops, it's over. Life after death is just a fairy tale to control the gullible. I agree with Karl Marx that religion is the opiate of the masses.
  10. I'll buy that for a dollar. ????
  11. Apparently if you want to buy an upper limb too, it'll cost and arm and a leg. ????
  12. IIRC, the booking system was suspended and it's only walk-ins now. I renewed mine earlier in the year and it was walk-in then. I did have to take an online test and take a picture of the QR code to say that I had passed. Not too sure but I believe that this is the link to the online test: https://www.dlt-elearning.com/forignerhome
  13. Philip Schofield has turned down the jobs at both Leeds Utd & Spurs as he fears both could damage his reputation.
  14. Can you believe this is a PRISON ! I can't believe that it's not butter.
  15. No need to charge him for not wearing a helmet then?
  16. Just popped in to ask if Ronnie is ready to make a statement yet? UTV.
  17. You do realise that this forum was started by a visa agent, don't you?
  18. Yeah, great idea. Get Immigration to concentrate their efforts on traffic offences. Would you want your home country to become swamped with illegal over-stayers? Would you expect the Immigration in your home country to do their job or side track to issuing parking tickets? Stoneage thinking?
  19. You appear to have a firm grasp of the wrong end of the stick.
  20. Heartbroken man travels 400km home after boss robs salary, wife runs off with friend It sounds like he's trapped in a Country & Western song. Good to see that he's able to smile through it all. Hope life improves soon for the chap.
  21. or everytime they beat City Stop it, I'm peeing myself.
  22. He actually sent me a Line text on Saturday evening. He wasn't very happy. ????
  23. Just popped in to wallow in our victory, sorry can't find the 'smug' emoji. UTV. Is RonniePickering22 on holiday, haven't seen him around these parts for a few weeks.
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