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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Most probably a price issue, tinned red salmon is also legal in Thailand but my local Mom & Pop store still opts for tuna when stacking their shelves,
  2. On a web search the only restriction on Kratom that I am able to find is who it is sold to (pregnant women & children) and that it cannot be mixed with narcotic drugs. On the sites that discuss the legality of both Kratom and Cannabis in Thailand, there is mention that cannabis extract with THC content of more than 0.2% by weight is illegal but nothing is mentioned on which form the Kratom must be in, so I presume that powdered Kratom is legal, especially as it is sold for making Kratom tea.
  3. Lazada do not usually 'openly' advertise illegal products. When Ganja was available on Shopee, Ladada would not allow it's sale on their platform, probably to age restrictions.
  4. It is available on Lazada, so one would presume that it's legal.
  5. I believe that the politically correct term is 'kilometer-age rate'.
  6. Alcohol again, they should ban this evil drug.
  7. less than 200km from BKK, I have to work during the week so I need to be able to drive there and back during the weekend. When me and the wife go away somewhere for a break, we decide where we are going to and then look for a hotel, preferably with an in suite Jacuzzi. One of our regular get-away retreats is Kanchanaburi, so we usually stop at Natee The Riverfront Hotel.
  8. In suite Jacuzzi.
  9. In a striking act, they set ablaze effigies depicting Thaksin Shinawatra and Yingluck Shinawatra, along with various items bearing Thaksin's symbols. These people should be very careful. When Thaksin's second cousin (twice removed) comes to power, these rebels could well be victims statistics of the War on Drugs - part 2.
  10. Sorry to be pedantic here but as a self professed Emperor of toking, I believe that you should have stated '20 bowls' rather than '20 bongs'. One does not use 20 different bongs in a smoke session, the only reason for using more than one bong is if you are testing/comparing a new rig or if you were the owner of a bong shop. A man gets comfortable with one bong and would never cheat on it. Again, sorry for being so picky but sometimes a man needs to speak up. Now if you don't mind, I'm halfway through my breakfast bowl.
  11. Quick, close it before he has a hissy fit. ???? Starts a post, people don't agree with him, wants the thread closed in order to censor their views.
  12. Being against persecution of minorities is radical? It is when you constantly force your beliefs down everyone's throats and even expect everyone to follow them. It is when it consumes you so much that you actively hunt down stories to be 'hurt' about. (Removed)
  13. or you ain't got the ball's What. like your friend Yinn?
  14. Was that when he scrounged a free holiday and then crapped all over the donor?
  15. We may have. Who do you use for your visa agent?
  16. because he cant speak Thai Or English, for words of more than 2 syllables. ????
  17. Smokie & Blether???
  18. LiverpoolLou - loves arguing about everything, he'd argue in an empty room Yes, he probably would and he can come across as obnoxious on occasions. However, he does bother to check his facts and he is usually correct and when he is outgunned or proved wrong, he will hold his hands up.
  19. Please no!!! The last two POTY's were a pathetic sight. Does anyone remember a certain 'folk' member on here almost begging for the title? Instead of gaining popularity, he lost a lot of respect for how pathetic he became during the contest, as he sniveled up to anyone and everyone. As for the female (?) winner, she must have stayed around for at least 12 minutes to celebrate her grand victory. No Sir, we don't need any more POTY's please.
  20. It looks like you have a major comprehension problem, or just a nasty streak. No, I just understand and agree with the law. You have been in Thailand for a long time, you should understand this by now. So what is the "go have another drink Tranny", all about....? You are moaning that you weren't allowed to buy alcohol during the Buddhist holiday, well now you can, so drink away.
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