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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Didn't you hear two drunken falangs hit a Thai man and now he's in a coma. Absolutely wrong, there has been no evidence of the driver hitting anyone. So far, you are the only person to say this. Didn't you hear two drunken falangs hit a Thai man and now he's in a coma. Absolutely wrong again, even the police have conceded that they do not know if the French guys had been drinking before the event. It might help you if you do some research into this case instead of making up your own version of the story.
  2. You are upsetting the 'hang em high' crowd by removing the conclusions that they need to jump to. ????
  3. if 2 people are in a car and one goes into a bank and robs it and one is driving..it's aiding and abetting Not if the driver drove to the bank without knowing his passenger was going to rob the bank. if 2 people chase a motor bike in a car and one gets out and almost kills someone and the other guy is driving it's aiding and abetting isn't it Again, no. There is no evidence that the driver stopped so the passenger could fight with the Thai man. In fact, it was reported that their might have been a slight accident, in which case the driver would have broken the law by not stopping. PS the onlookers were Not driving the car or did I miss something.. And when the driver got out his vehicle he became another onlooker. In fact, from the videos that are available, some of the onlookers played more of a part in the fight than the driver.
  4. better outlook on this story at https://nextshark.com/frenchmen-assault-thai-man-coma/ No it is not, the story in this link is incorrect and most of the video is missing. This has already been addressed on this thread just 8 posts above yours. https://aseannow.com/topic/1275074-jailed-and-blacklisted-frenchmen-in-attack-on-thai-man-ordered-held-by-court-driver-is-hua-hin-man-with-thai-wife/page/11/#comment-17675542
  5. The one who is married with kids will be deported immediate even when he is eventually released. For what? Two freaking idiots. Have you even looked into this case or are you just replying on the strength of a sensationalist (and incorrect) headline? One of the Frenchmen (not the married one) got into a 'one on one' fight. Why deport them both? What law did the driver break that deserves him being torn away from his family?
  6. If you search back over this thread, you will find it. It has been posted quite a few times on here. OK, traveller101 has now posted it. Thank you traveller101
  7. And here I thought that military prisons were more secure. Not a chance. During one of my stints in the guardhouse (Brooke Barracks, Berlin) I was on a work party and I (and a fellow jailbird) managed to slip away and went over the wall. We were on our fifth glass of Schultheiss before the regimental police and guard managed to locate us. We got 14 days fro that stunt but that cold ale made it worth the effort. ????
  8. The video only shows the end of the fight (not attack) and is hosted on a very biased (and incorrect) report with the headline of 'Thai man in coma after foreign owners of Porsche he was admiring brutally attack him'. Not one mention in the story of the Thai man even defending himself, never mind openly participating in the brawl. The only part that I can see about tailgating is this little nugget: According to Lakhana, Somkuan had said, “That car is so beautiful, when will we get a car like this?” They reportedly followed the Porsche to appreciate it for a bit longer before passing. The Porsche then allegedly began tailgating the couple’s motorbike and honked at them until they pulled to the side of the road in front of a grilled pork stall. According - reportedly - allegedly, all this coming from the woman who has been proved to be lying all along. When this news first broke, my thoughts were that they should hang these French boys, the news reports made the event sound like both of these 'thugs' stopped their car and for absolutely no reason proceed to give the poor Thai a good stiff kicking. I was expecting to see a video of the 2 guys jumping on his head while he was unconscious. What I actually saw was not what is being reported.
  9. aiding and abetting.. Are you posting this for a joke? Please show me another case in Thailand (from any time) where someone has been convicted of aiding and abetting. Also, please explain what you think aiding and abetting is. Should the other (Thai) onlookers also be charged with aiding and abetting?
  10. Holy mackerel Batman, The Joker's back and he looks like he wants a square go. Don't worry Robin, I'll just go get the bat-scales.
  11. And why was the French car driver arrested? Unless they are privy to more information on this case, this is the question that the French Embassy should be demanding an answer to. However, if the French Embassy are as 'sharp' as their British counterparts, the driver should look at selling the motor and hiring a good lawyer. Disclaimer: I sometimes get the words 'sharp' and 'incompetent' mixed up
  12. Source article says they where tailgating the motorcycle and sounding their horn And who made that 'new' statement? Why is this only being mentioned now? Too much missing from this story.
  13. No we don’t know that at all…. We really don't know very much about this case but this thread is rife with speculation. I will keep my thoughts on who is wrong until the full details come out. At this moment, all that I do know is that the full story is not being told.
  14. He declared that his intention was to make Trat a "White Tourism Area". That's already been tried in the past in 'selective' areas of the United States. ????
  15. He stopped the car and got out Again, what crime is he being blacklisted for? From the original post: Daily News suggested there had been a collision without giving further evidence. If there indeed had been a collision, he would have broken the law by not stopping.
  16. Something that I have not read that any other nationality has managed to do before. In defence of the Brits, they generally do not march on Stalingrad, raping women, children and donkeys along the way but at the same time we do not broadly paint all Germans as crazy.
  17. What I don't understand is why they are both in trouble. I have seen the footage that the Thia press have managed to overlook and I'm not really sure about who I believe was in the wrong at this time, I'm waiting for more information to come in. However, I do not understand what the driver did apart from being there. Is their some other footage that I have missed? Is the driver being blacklisted for driving on red plates at night or did he do something that I haven't seen in any of the reports?
  18. None - but I am pretty sure that you knew that already. Genuinely, honestly, I didn't, I have never used an ADM, that's why I was asking.
  19. WHAT??? So up until now, you were able to deposit large sums of cash into an account without having to identify yourself. If this was the case, it is no wonder that corruption is rife here, only half a paper trail. Please, someone tell me that I am reading this wrong and explain what safety procedures were actually in place to prevent accounts from being used for criminal purposes.
  20. Yes, how embarrassing it must be to quote without reading the entire thread
  21. I agree with you, these boys are now in it too deep. I'm pretty sure that they would have tried to connect with their influential 'friends' but would have been stone walled given the gravity of the matter.
  22. who collects their spent casings ? To the yell of "pick up your brass", the British Army.
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