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Bert got kinky

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Posts posted by Bert got kinky

  1. 1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Parking in a flood risk area when it is raining, just seems a bit foolish to me.

    Is there not some higher ground in this area?  Why would people do this to their cars or trucks

    especially if they are still paying for these vehicles.



    There is no high ground in this area, the Industrial estate is on the coastline.

    Where are the workers supposed to park when they go to work?




    My current oven came with a 3 pin plug but I was still getting shocks from it.

    When I opened it up I found that the wiring was only 2 flex, so while there was a dedicated Earth position in the oven, there was no wire to attach to it.

    Simple solution was to replace the whole cable with 3 flex and connect the earth up, never had a pisser since.



    This sound like a drunken brawl that unfortunately went too far.

    The words and actions of Eakkasit after the incident show that he did not mean this to happen and that he is genuinely remorseful over the incident.

    Along with his punishment by law he will also be burdened with his memory of the incident and the guilt trips that will come with that for the rest of his life, poor fella.


    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  4. 59 minutes ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

    The thing is, it is still fried food cooked in (many) days old oil... I don't think the chicken was the problem in the first place.

    Not just fried but also saturated in old oil.

    The last time that I had KFC in Thailand that is all I could taste was the old oil

    The chicken was dripping with dirty cooking oil and the smell and taste was so overpowering that the oil was all that could be tasted.

    The Soi dogs ate well that night.


    • Like 2
  5. 11 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    Lets hope this stir up a lot of <deleted>.


    Another nail in the coffin for the general.


    In any developed country, police colonels are middle income people with a middle sized house/standard car ect. 


    Hundreds of kilo (if not tons) of drugs have ended on the streets because of him, so the death penalty seems suitable when they catch him.




    Lets hope this stir up a lot of <deleted>.

    Well it is being reported on the BBC News website, so it's too late for the powers that be to lock the stable door.


    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Scrotobike said:

    Interesting that I have no idea when these are my opinions. That is quite rude of you. Happy to have a different opinion though - on exchanging lives for GDP. Finally I do not think I am more important than another human, I am happy to go short on some things in my life for the vaccination of the old and sick so they do not die. I value old people - do you? 


    Interesting that I have no idea when these are my opinions.

    So if I believe in fairies then I must be right because it is my opinion.

    Just because you have an opinion does not mean that you have an idea.

    Take your rant for instance, you seem to think that prioritizing vaccines equates to a dictatorship.

    Are you really so soft as to believe that.

    Hint: check the dictionary for the meaning of dictatorship.


    As for your other point, yes I do care for the old people, I myself am elderly.

    However, I also care for the workers who put their lives lives on the line every day to put food on your table.

    Most elders do not have to work in close proximity to other workers, nor do they have to cram onto public transport to get them to and from their work.

    Also the vaccine has been available for the elderly for some time now.


    The only reason that I can see that you would begrudge vaccines would be if you hadn't received yours and that you are throwing your toys out of the pram.


  7. 28 minutes ago, Scrotobike said:

    I know lets vaccinate 20 year old workers where Covid is already spreading to "help them create antibodies" that their young bodies can create without a vaccine. Oh but that means defocusing (killing) the old and sick - especially outside the deep dark yellow zones (oops I mean Red) where we have not sent, and now will not send vaccines quickly enough and in sufficient quantities.


    Usually this kind of sacrificing parts of the population for the benefit of (the few) GDP is found in dictatorships like CCP, North Korea, and others - so why in Thailand - a country where Thainess includes the highest respect for the old? 


    You are probably able to social distance without any problems, whereas due to the nature of their work a factory worker cannot, so it makes sense to vaccinate those who are at risk.


    Do you really want to begrudge a vaccine to the workers that process/manufacture the food and goods that sustain your lifestyle?

    Why do you think that you are more important than a factory worker?

    What vital service do you provide to the public?


    As for your remarks on dictatorships, what an absolutely pathetic argument, you really have no idea.




    • Thanks 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

    Just another reason for the police to be hated.

    What, for using a helicopter?

    Every police force in the civilised world uses helicopters , do you hate all police or just Thai police?


    If you read the article it states the following about Pol Lt-Gen Montree's response:

    When Montree heard about the damage his arrival had caused he quickly instructed the local police chief to assess the damage and arrange compensation.


    Offering compensation for illegal structures, what's not to hate about the police, eh?



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