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Bert got kinky

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Posts posted by Bert got kinky

  1. 57 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


    Does all the name-calling make you feel better about yourself? That someone like you calls me a liar means nothing to me. In any event, I'm not defending the company, I am defending the people  you (and others) condescend to. 


    I googled the "Starbucks Bangkok Menu" and got the prices. I understand how complicated that must seem to you, but it's really not that difficult.


    I used to frequent Starbucks regularly, and I enjoyed their products, but I do not not the company, so I quit giving them my money years ago.



    Sorry, sell your BS to someone else.




  2. 3 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


    I haven't been in a Starbucks in years, but I try not to be the kind of condescending pri*k that that looks down my nose at people that do. 


    I haven't been in a Starbucks in years

    Yeah, sure.

    And yet you defend the company and the sheeple that they rip off sell their coloured liquid to and you also seem to be very current with their prices.

    I seriously doubt that you drink coffee at home, what would be the point if you can't post your pretentious pictures of your overpriced slop on your Facebook page.


    • Haha 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


    So is it your position that everyone that does not only make their own coffee at home a pretentious fool?


    That seems pretty pretentious to me...






    Despite what  the voices in your head are telling you, I did not say anything of the sort.

    I did not mention 'everyone', I was referring to the pretentious plebeians who drink in Starbucks?

    I stated that I make my own coffee because you asked where I got my coffee from.

    If you don't like my answers you should not ask the questions.


    My statement was 'I absolutely love Starbucks, they manage to corral all the local idiots, pretentious fools and posers into one place and away from me.'

    So bearing that in mind I would like to ask you the same question, where do you get your coffee from? ????



  4. 24 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


    Where do you get your coffee? And what shops is one allowed to drink coffee in without being called an idiot, pretentious, fool, poser and <deleted>? 


    I imagine there are people sitting in fan-rooms boiling tap-water on a hot-plate to make generic instant coffee that think the pricks buying coffee at seven are pretentious fools. 




    Where do you get your coffee?

    At home, surely if you understand coffee you would make your own.


  5. 5 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    Just to put the record straight. Once you‘ve finished tree hugging and farang bashing you might be interested, that the elder generation having lived here since the early 80s (like me) sit on a lifelong driving license.

    For unknown reasons that has been changed, my kids and grandkids do not have this privilege - despite being born and not naturalized Thais. Capito? 


    The lifetime licences were issued all the way up to 2003, so there will be plenty still around.

    Actually, the BKK Post archives state licences issued before 2003 were lifetime licences but I'm sure that they had stopped issuing them a couple of years previous to the BP's date.


    My wife holds a full lifetime licence (from the provinces) and has never sat behind the wheel in her life.

  6. 2 hours ago, maxpower said:


    Road safety fund = X

    Personalized registration plate fund = Y


    Some of Y goes towards installing more CCTV cameras to catch law breakers.


    Also if someone pays for personalized plates then they are less likely to blank them out (whitewash them), so the speed cameras will have a better chance of catching speeders/dangerous drivers.

  7. 17 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    I can remember back in the early 70ś many felt the same.

    Hippies and the war people thought we were all doomed.

    All one can do is try to stay positive.

    This Covid BS however, certainly has put most of the world in a bad mood. 


    But the last time around there was hope, we had Dylan to champion the cause and as such we got some great music out of it.

    I fear that one day we will look back to see that 'Covid19 - The Musical' will be played out in rap.

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