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Bert got kinky

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Posts posted by Bert got kinky

  1. On 5/5/2020 at 2:26 PM, rasmus5150 said:

    Who in their right mind would push old men??..??..


    3 weeks ago I was driving home from work when a youth in a motorbike swerved straight in front of me, no mirrors or indicators, I missed clipping him by millimeters.

    I honked my horn to warn him and he just flipped me the bird, no problem for me, sticks & stones, etc.

    What he did next truly amazed and shocked me, he tried to brake check me a few times (remember, he is on a motorbike).

    I obviously honked my horn at him a few more times as a warning.


    The motorbike rider pulled over and so did I, he then took his helmet off and threw it at my car.

    I got out to ask him what the problem was and as soon as I got near to him he planted a punch on my chin.

    I’m nearly 60yo and the motorbike rider was about mid 20s, the fact that I was elderly and acting non-aggressively didn’t matter to him.


    He continued trying to throw punches, most of which I dodged.

    Up till now I had not laid a hand on him but when he would not stop swinging I pulled him to the ground holding him down.

    Unfortunately when I went down I bruised my old ribs, which I didn’t realize at the time but 3 hours later I was in agony and I am only just nearly recovered from this (still a little sore now).


    Anyway, as soon as I thought he had calmed down I let him back up but straight away he started swinging punches again.

    As a young man I boxed as an amateur for about 11 years (military & civilian), so knowing how to land a punch I planted him with a haymaker, which knocked him spark out.

    I waited until he came to and he just sheepishly got on his bike and rode away.


    There is a section of Thai society who don’t care about playing by the rules, they see what they think is an easy target and go for it.

    Unfortunately for this young chap my frail old body deceived him.

    Maybe he’ll think twice next time.


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  2. 6 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


    I replied to your quote of his, so you selectively quoted him, not me !!

    In future maybe quote the part you are calling lies, instead of things that are obviously not lies.


    I'm pretty good up to 3 syllables but will give you a shout if I get stuck for sure...


    I could reply to this but this would end in a battle of common sense and I refuse to go into a battle with an opponent so ill equipped as yourself.


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  3. 2 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


    Which part of his post was incorrect or lies?


    a) He is in the U.K

    b) He was in Thailand 6 weeks ago

    c) His mother is 87 yrs old

    d) The figures in Thailand are dubious

    e) Millions of people are now unemployed

    f) Government support is lacking


    That just about covers the entire post... Any of them false or fake or lies ??



    Aah, so you are only selectively quoting what he said.

    The lie was in his quote 'Now the west have copied the same lockdowns and they don't work'.


    If you still have trouble understanding, please tell me which syllable you are stuck on and II will try my best to explain it to you.


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  4. 5 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    I'm back in the UK now and I don't know anyone who has been confirmed with it, my 87 year mother also doesn't know anyone has tested positive either and no one on my Facebook has mentioned it.


    The figures in Thailand are dubious to say the least, when I was there 6 weeks ago I didn't know anyone who had it and didn't seem a problem either. The lockdown in Thailand has caused millions of people to lose their jobs with very little government support and when the furlough scheme ends in the UK then millions of people will be unemployed.

    I'm back in the UK now

    So you know nothing of the real situation in Thailand but you try to show off as an expert in the matter.

    Six weeks ago the effects of this virus were very different, the situation has changed so much worldwide.

    Try doing a bit of research from people on the ground instead of trying to bleat on about a situation that you have no first hand knowledge of.


    I believe that trying to spread or get people to believe your incorrect facts about this virus equate to you spreading fake news about the virus.

    As far as I am aware,  most countries now class this as a crime.

    Therefore, please think carefully before peddling your lies.


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  5. 26 minutes ago, Logosone said:


    Just what I wanted to say, they've been doing this temperature scanning and hand sanitation for weeks before they closed, no big deal.


    If you get your neighbours in the restaurant a bit further away it's win/win.


    Can't wait to hit the mall.


    I'll do an experiment and take off the mask when I'm in. I'm 98% certain nobody will say a thing. Nobody official, anyway, maybe some mask Nazi. I hope they say something.

    I'll do an experiment and take off the mask when I'm in. I'm 98% certain nobody will say a thing. Nobody official, anyway, maybe some mask Nazi. I hope they say something.

    Are you deliberately obtuse or does it come naturally?



  6. 4 hours ago, Logosone said:

    The mortality rate based on identified cases and deaths from Johns Hopkins:


    Sweden : 5%


    UK:         10%


    The UK has extreme social distancing. Sweden does not.


    Yet Sweden has a mortality rate half as high as the UK.


    So another clear illustration that social distancing is of very little use.


    Wrong, the percentage of already infected people dying through the virus shows absolutely nothing about the results of social distancing, one way or the other.

    For example, (and I am using an extreme example for easier understanding), if Sweden had one million confirmed cases with a mortality rate of 5% and the UK had 10 confirmed cases with a mortality rate of 10%, by your logic social distancing does not work despite the higher amount of confirmed cases in a country that does not practice social distancing.



    • Thanks 1

    a curfew will be imposed from 22.00hrs to 04.00hrs throughout the Kingdom of Thailand. There will be exceptions for necessary cases, medical personnel, bank staff


    Why would an exception be put in place for bank staff, aa group of people who would never work (or even be travelling to work) within the hours of the curfew?

    Of all the businesses in Thailand, banks would be one of the few that would not be affected by the curfew hours.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    I'm not saying they had a pool in the UK. But in Thailand it's very common. I don't know what I'd do without a pool, it's good for exercise, keeps the kids entertained. It may not be common in Bangkok, but in Chiang Mai and the islands many people have a pool. I know someone in Phuket who has a pool.


    That's a bag of 8 frozen croissant, they're delicious and works out at 36 Baht per delicious croissant. Are you seriously too cheap to pay 36 Baht for a croissant?


    A croissant is not Beluga caviar or Truffles or Foie Gras or Champagne. I buy German liver pate from a local German butcher, I'm not a caviar or truffles guy. But to have a normal lifestyle you easily spend 30,000 Baht on food.


    Precisely because the £ 30,000 per annum is an average you forget that a lot of people will earn somewhat above 2500 which is not that far away from 3000. Tens of thousands of people in the UK live on more than 3000 per month.


    Who's talking about other expats? I'm talking about this family from the UK, who have two kids.






    OK, I give up.

    You can't understand most basic facts and I can't explain them to someone who puts their fingers in there ears while loudly shouting "la, la, la, la".

    Are you really sure that you are living in Chiang Mai and not Cloud Cuckoo land?

    • Haha 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    It's 40 degrees in Thailand, why would you not get a house with a pool? Plus if you have two kids it's practically an essential.


    I'm not getting my food flown in on a private jet, but a small pack of Boursin is 250 Baht, a pack of Prosciutto 300 Baht, two Australian Ribeyes 360 Baht, Waitrose croissants 290 Baht, it all adds up. With a family of four you can easily spend 30,000 Baht.


    I don't think spending 3000 pounds a month is a lifestyle above what this UK family of four is used to.


    "The median annual earnings for full-time employees in the United Kingdom was approximately 30.35 thousand British pounds in 2019. "




    it's 40 degrees in Thailand, why would you not get a house with a pool? Plus if you have two kids it's practically an essential.

    No it is not, stop talking absolute tripe.

    Bangkok has many Western expats living here with their families, how many houses in Bangkok have a pool?

    How could they all possibly survive without a pool.

    You are living in cloud cuckoo land.


    I'm not getting my food flown in on a private jet, but a small pack of Boursin is 250 Baht, a pack of Prosciutto 300 Baht, two Australian Ribeyes 360 Baht, Waitrose croissants 290 Baht, it all adds up. With a family of four you can easily spend 30,000 Baht.

    Really, who is stupid enough to pay 290 Baht for croissants?

    You forgot to add Beluga Caviar White Truffles, Foi Gras and Dom Pérignon champagne.

    For Christ sake, I am talking of living comfortably not like a king.

    I tell you what, if ever you need a battleship I have one for sale.


    The median annual earnings for full-time employees in the United Kingdom was approximately 30.35 thousand British pounds in 2019.

    I don't think spending 3000 pounds a month is a lifestyle above what this UK family of four is used to.

    How is it possible to spend £3,000 on an average salary of £2,500 per month not forgetting that due to the fact that averages are calculated to also include the massive amounts that the super rich earn most families will be below the average?


    I don't think

    And that really does seem to be your problem, you don't think.


    Your suggested lifestyle is not a reality for most ex-pats here and if you had ever been to the UK you would know that very few people would live your suggested lifestyle in the UK.

    I would be as bold as to suggest that most Brits on this forum do not even know someone with their own pool in the UK.




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