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Date Masamune

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Posts posted by Date Masamune

  1. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Assange is not a journalist, he's a Russian intelligence stooge.


    Which is why Manafort, Stone and Farage are lying about their meetings/contacts with him and why all of a sudden Trump wants us to believe he doesn't know anything about Wikileaks.



    Interestiing you responded as "Confused" by my last submission, but you understand completely.

    Assange did not hack any database he got information from a source, which was confirmed, then published.

    Exactly what newspapers have been doing for decades.

    • Like 1
  2. Self importance is better than being walked over time and time again, or being bent over in your case.
    Long posts are only for those that have the brain capacity, so I shortened this one just for you, hopefully you can digest it, but I doubt it as it may be still too long of a post for you.

    Thanks for that bit of venom. Next time you feel bent over trying to apply an expired promotion, don’t vote with your feet. Walking out without the item you wanted is incomprehensible to the Thai sales staff. Instead a sharply worded letter and email to the store CEO cc’d to the store manager is in order!
  3. On 4/11/2019 at 10:08 AM, JWRC said:

    I made this mistake, went to the bank, who wouldn't do anything without a police report first. As with most things here. no one set rule, it will depend on your bank.

    One or two times. My Bank made me get a police report once. Another time card snatched during business hours in front of my own home branch because I entered the wrong code. They would not retrieve it (policy). The only remedy buying a new card. Nice because I was able to dump Union Pay they had MasterCard then in stock.

  4. 22 hours ago, allen303 said:


    Decide to leave our car at my brother’s house in Alabama and fly out of Birmingham AP. Got to check in at 06:00 am, gave the guy at the counter our US PP. He looks at me and says, no can do, you don’t have a visa for Thailand. I told him look a few pages over for a ME O. He then looked at the wife and stated you can’t go, don’t have a visa for Thailand. I informed him she was Thai and don’t need a Visa and showed him her Thai PP. Also said FYI, you can get a 30 day on arrival and don’t need a Visa (he had the Deer in headlight look). Never did that again, left the car with a good drinking buddy in Fl from then on.


    Arrived in Atlanta two years ago from South Korea (old says, if you die and go to hell, you still have to go through Atlanta AP) and going through customs. I decided to be extra friendly to the customs guy. He hands me my customs form back and I move to the next lady. She takes my form and does the old left turn signal to the inspection counter. Now, we have like 40 minutes to make a ¼ mile run to the train, then over another ¼ mile to our gate to board to Florida, plus recheck our bags. I get to the counter and 4/5 Koreans or in front of me with 4 large cardboard boxes taped up. The lady cuts open the first box and starts pulling out all these plastic bags of plants and things, she goes off saying on hell no. Another guy opens another box and same thing. These boxes were full of al kind of mushrooms and things. The lady looks at me and asks, do you have anything to declare, I said nope. She stamped my form and I was on by way.


    Bottom line, be polite and answer the question, nothing else. They are looking for anything out of the ordinary.

    Never get behind a gang of Asians with boxes at SFO airport. They find all kinds of crap in there even live animals.

    The questioning was pretty common until I got the US Global entry system authorization.

    Two times I felt irritated was the guy who agent who thinks Taiwan and Thailand are the same and asked about prostitution or porn I don remember. My laptop was not searched. Another dude insisted I write the full street address of the mariott hotel right at the airport there I was going to and kicked me out of line and I did not have it or any way to research it. Just went to another line. As for the Thai Female IO'sbeing chatty lately I think maybe they like me.

  5. 1 hour ago, IssanMichael said:

    You say that people should not be afraid to voice their opinions, then you call them bigoted!! can't have it both ways, and it's just been confirmed that native white people in London are now in the minority, and please don't accuse me of being a racist.

    White people a minority London, Is that a bad thing? In actuality it is white british overrunning the  UK over 80 percent according to google .

    Why should somebody be upset a hometown "doesn't look like it used to"  back in the 1970? 

  6. 12 hours ago, Date Masamune said:

    They can Buy themselves a home in Longreach

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Tongue in cheek but did the AUS government say they were gonna move new immigrants to the outback?

    Housing costs in America ARE ridiculous for people anywhere there are lots of tech jobs.

    USA really needs a national housing policy but that is a political non-starter. I know people on fixed income who have moved to old towns in "fly over country" the likes of eastern Montana  state only place they have cheap rents.

  7. It is alot harder for kids now than it was in the 70's 80's and 90's even.
    All work in Australia is part time so they have 3 jobs and total 18 hours per week. They will have no superannuation at 60, they will not own a house because they house prices are so high and they cannot even save enough for the deposit so forget any dream home.

    They can Buy themselves a home in Longreach

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Haha 2
  8. Ooh,how old are you? Not a snowflake are we? Well dont know where you live but the town i come from in the UK these days looks nothing like it did in the 60s(although i went to swinging London" ) it now looks like another country,where i can tell you many parts you would not want to go to especially at night.


    Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I’m around 50 and come from America. Everything decent in America comes from immigrants and the town I grew up in was an asylum of boredom with cow ranchers one 7/11 and one Dairy Queen in the 1970s.(Plus the normal stuff). You should know and it was normal for me to be called boy and nigger up to the 80s. I live in Thailand and elsewhere but now they have South Indian Vegetarian restaurants Korean Soft Tofu, Whole Foods, high tech campuses and a midweek room at the ALOFT might be $600 USD when there is a tech conference. InshaAllah thanks to immigrants! Sounds like you are past your sell date ivor, time to relax

    And enjoy your winnings!

  9. As my wonderful grandfather told me the day I turned 21, "There's two kinds of sex, sex for free and sex you pay for. The only real difference is free sex tends to cost a lot more." In the 40 years since, I don't think I've ever gotten truer advice.
    Having said that, I pay my 'from-the-country' Thai GF 10,000/month, what she would earn working in the fields. She has a daughter and has to pay all the things associated with that. In return she cares for me like no woman in the West ever would. A fair deal I think....

    Are you admitting nobody (attractive enough for you) would have sex with you if don’t pay her money, like this peasant with a daughter you give 10,000 Baht per month?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Haha 1
  10. Personally I don't give a rats a$$, the way I see things as a paying customer is, once you lose a customer, you lose profit, now if they are in business to lose business, then that's exactly what they will do, i.e. lose business.
    I had an incident yesterday where I went to purchase an item, it said 6,944 baht on the box, I gave the check out staff the box and my debit card, when the staff member said, oh we have a promotion on this at the moment, it is usually 8,990 baht and you get a bluetooth set of earphones, oh, ok, I said, then she said, oh, the promotion expired yesterday on the discount, so the price is now 8,900 baht for the item, but you get the bluetooth device for free.
    You can imagine my response, with hers being but yes its only 1,956 baht the difference and you get the bluetooth device with it.
    She saw my rear as I walked away, so business lost through stupidity.
    As you say, I am sure they don't care if I vote with my feet, neither do I, suffice to say I picked up a similar item on line today for 1/3 of the price....boo hoo

    You prove your own point another falang obsessed with their own importance. Thai sales girls would rather stare at a mobile screen. Nobody reads long posts either.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    • Haha 1
  11. Never had anyone ask for my i.d. of any kind in an airport......been flying internationally since 1988.

    You must be mistaken. Guarantee this requirement is enforced at Duty Free shops in Suwannaphumi airport., even to buy a bottle of water. You can go to the food courts and buy a bottle of water without showing identification.

    Maybe I am evil looking but Each international flight requires showing passport several times! I have to show passport to get boarding pass at check in when mobile check in is not possible, then I have to show boarding pass to enter the business class lounge, finally at the gate showing boarding pass and passport is always required. This is a check to see you have not lost your passport once you arrive in the next country the airline can be fined if you can’t produce the passport.
  12. You can get very sick from the water from the Moat in CM, or even have your cornea ripped off.

    You can crash your bike because of water. Your property can be damaged, You can catch cold

    from having to go to work in air conditioning  once your clothes are soaked. 


    I love this self promoting Lawyer. Like somebody will be actually jailed for throwing water. Billions of baht damages who know s the health effects

    from illegal burning this year no arrests apparent.


  13. Same thing happened to me in Suwanaphumi airport to buy a small bottle of water. 

    It is their directive, they are not trained to think. No Boarding pass/passport no water.

    Actually they have to check what country you are flying to knowing your liquids may be confiscated based on destination

    and air carrier rules. Anyone worried about the security of their passport data should not Travel internationally, especially to Thailand

    where it is photocopied countless times and even Thai immigration is known to give out unredacted copies of  passports to random people

    just to save paper!


  14. And don't forget the ban on the Foam machine parties.

    Understand the Computer crimes act but looks like Thai law what ever 

    some Chief says if it is.


    OK to play water with ice, assaulting those who don't want it,

    marauding from back of pick-up beds (otherwise illegal), but add a harmless 

    dish soap and a blower your are committing some grave offense.

  15. Do you have a niggling feeling of unease, missing something, a certain deadline?

    The date for required FBAR filing is Apr 15. The 2018 IRS conversion rate to use $1= 32.317 Baht.




    Here is the link for individuals filing the FBAR form online, compliance is very easy and only takes a few minutes








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