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Date Masamune

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Posts posted by Date Masamune

  1. 4 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

    There is only one sin that can’t be forgiven, and that is the sin of rejecting Him and refusing His offer of forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ.  This alone is the unforgivable sin, because it means we are saying that the Holy Spirit’s witness about Jesus is a lie (see Luke 12:10).


    Why is it so serious to reject Christ?  The reason, is because of who He was.  He wasn’t just another religious teacher; He was God in human flesh—but when we deny this, we limit Him and assume He is unable to save us.  The Bible is clear: “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known” (John 1:18).


    The main reason why it’s so serious to reject Christ, is because He is God’s appointed means of salvation.  Our greatest need is to have our sins forgiven; if we don’t, we have no reason to expect God to welcome us into Heaven.  But by His death and resurrection Christ provided the way for us to be forgiven and cleansed of all our sins.


    Don’t turn your back on Christ or refuse His offer of forgiveness.  Instead, by a simple prayer of faith ask Him to come into your life today—and He will.  Think of it:  Before you go to bed tonight, you can know that God has forgiven every sin you ever committed! Commit your life to Christ without delay.


    Heaven or Hell, it's your choice.  You have until your last breath to choose.

    Why not "turn your back on Christ and refuse his forgiveness". It is a waste of time to believe in nonsense. How about doing something nice for your neighbor, volunteer for a good cause in your community , or give some money to a Charity? I'd rather pledge my allegiance to the The Beast and dare "god" to strike me down, just to separate myself from the herd of the bleating and sanctimonious most of them hypocrites. Not that it would make any difference, just more nonsense. Shemhamforash- HAIL SATAN!


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    • Haha 1
  2. That cant possibly work, once you clear immigration you are in a part of the airport thats technically outside of thailand, how would you get to the domestic gates that are inside Thailand, you would be re-entering Thailand. The same at the other end, the OP will be landing at BKK domestic with everyone else on the plane, no immigration between him and Thailand.

    Catch any domestic flight in Thailand you dont go through immigration to get on or off the plane.

    The international departure area of the airport is NOT “technically outside of Thailand”. It is just a zone restricted to employees and passengers who have cleared passport control. Why don’t you stop by the duty free for some shoplifting? What countries law applies? This misunderstanding hand in glove with the old bar-stool nonsense “The US embassy in Bangkok is US soil” .

  3. 2 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

    Over seven hundred years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah enlarged upon the Protevangelium (Protevangelium is a compound word of two Greek words, protos meaning "first" and evangelion meaning "good news" or "gospel".  Thus the protevanglium in Genesis 3:15 is commonly referred to as the first mention of the good news of salvation in the Bible).


    Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

    (Isaiah 7:14)

    The name Immanuel means, "God with us." Isaiah is appending to Genesis 3:15 the information that the virgin-born conqueror of Satan would be God Himself in the flesh.



    I have met several who claimed they were virgins, or just "had" one man one husband, but he died, got divorced. Turns out otherwise evertime. Thai women who lie, how novel. The historical Jesus, or amalgamation of several historical individuals was born of a woman who had some kind of close contact with sperm, most likely sexual penetration, it could have reasonably been frottage, or heavy petting.  I have encountered a few women whose lady parts make penetration difficult or they suffered from vaginismus and they needed some type of therapy. The idea that a man is the son of a god is mythology back to the ancient Greeks with Zeus going around raping mortals. There is also suggestion that the Greeks mistranslated a Hebrew word for young, but not necessarily virgin woman and thus created a false of a false mythology. Even today there is a question of what constitutes female virginity. An intact hymen? No history of vaginal penetration? (good excuse for muslim women I read) No scientific proof of "virgin" human births exists unless you talk of a woman who never got near a man but was impregnated by artificial insemination. Mary could have theoretically have also been born a genetic chimera with some balance of x and y chromosomes and intersex organs. Parthenogenisis is only observed in fish, birds, and reptiles and should be discounted as a theory.  In 1998 a teenage girl in Lesotho born with no vagina gave birth by c-section. She ha beeb stabbed in the belly after performing oral sex on her boyfriend and sperm entered her abdomen due to her injuries.



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  4. 41 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

    I have respect for believers whatever/whoever they may believe in.


    I disdain the believers who try to convince others that their believe is the only right one, and that they are the only ones who "know".


    I am 70+, at 12 I decided to do good as much as I could, never to do bad intentionally, and that I didn't need any belief to acting this way.


    Over the years some tried to convince me it was the so called, God, Allah, Yahweh...( according to their own belief } who/which submit me these way of handling.


    I scorned them, and still do, to be so arrogant and intolerant.



    Yes theirs is the only one to believe. There are countries almost like Pakistan, Hundreds of millions of people  most of them Mohammedans who never did anything bad. Yet they are to be spiritually "destroyed"  a so-called "soul" damned to "Hell" for all time.  Mormonism seems kind of complicated, like some kind of cult, some of the most honest hard working people you will ever meet. It is called the Church of Jesus Christof Jesus Chris, for christs sake ! Jews and Catholics damned! Mother Theresa and Einstein in hell.  Evangelical Christians are arrogant, and many total hypocrites.  Many of them don't really believe this rubbish they just do it to fit in, especially in the southern part of the US I have been told as much by confidants. I have used  a similar tactic on an airplane if some one tries to "witness" you just say something like "too blessed to be stressed brotha'" and they will shut up.


  5. When you get right down to it, believing in anything requires faith.  Even an atheist has to have faith - faith that there is no God.  The choice is whether to believe in a faith built on God’s Word or believe in a faith built on man’s word.  We need a standard by which we live our lives.  The Bible - God’s Word, fills that place for millions.  It is the bottom line in every decision we make. It is the bottom line in every relationship we have.  It is the bottom line in every problem or situation we have on this earth.  Living by this standard makes life a peaceful, joy-filled, wonderful experience.   

    The “Bible” is not Gods word. There is no god. It is the words of men, written in a a dead language Amharic and ancient Hebrew. Then translated to Greek, and finally other languages, while being edited and often mistranslated over the years for the purpose of controlling other men. Whatever good that can be gleaned from reading a bible Koran, or Buddhist scriptures on dried palm leaves is indistinguishable from secular humanism as it was written by man. This idea divine origin is an absurd fantasy of the human mind.


    I have faith in things that can be proven, repeated, demonstrated etc. Not fairy tales. If Carleton Heston is resurrected floats down on a cloud and parts the Red Sea again I will believe it. Otherwise, it is nonsense. “Faith”, as believing in something that cannot be proven is probably the most dangerous c concept in the world. It puts otherwise rational people in a very bad position minimally of appearing to be childlike and foolish. Maximally as proven time and time again to commit horrendous crimes and murders. ISIL, el Quaida, heavens gate, Jim Jones cult, , the list goes on and on . This kind of “Faith” should be stamped out for the good of humanity.

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  6. Perhaps it is you that suffers from a lack of understanding in why they do so. There is a saying used by psychologists- walk in another's shoes to understand them. While I don't believe in an old man sitting in a chair in the sky passing judgement on us, I am moved by the beauty to be found in the world, which is faith in something larger than "us". I also understand why some feel nothing when they look at the stars, or a lovely sunset. I pity them, for they miss out on the wonders of life.

    Must be a shallow life, to feel nothing when the loveliness of creation is all about us. Bit sad, really. 


    I’m glad you feel sorry for rational people but we can feel plenty of things, enjoy the loveliness if the planet (without a nonsense a diety responsible for it) and have a very satisfying life in a context of secular humanism. So listen to what you are saying and put yourself in the shoes of a rational person. You can’t experience or enjoy a life that is not “shallow” without believing in some supernatural process to which there exists not one shred of evidence in all of human history? Truly bizarre.


    I don’t feel sorry for religious fanatics. Just wish they would keep it to themselves. It is unfortunate back in my country of the US however due to our uniquely un-democratic system they are able to wield unusual influence and push garbage on the rest of us. Even in Communist China they are not trying to push creationism and pseudo-geology to schoolchildren, ban abortion, and various other forms of nonsense.




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  7. LOL. Define nothing and you will have your answer.
    The universe exists, we exist. Any ideas how it all came into being? 
    BTW, the universe is full of forces. They could be "god", and no one can prove they ain't.
    When did I use the word viaduct?

    Asking to prove a negative is a very weak line of debate.
    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

    This is to all those who profess to be an atheists.  The Bible teaches that atheists are not really atheists.  Those who profess to be atheists do ultimately believe in God in their heart-of-hearts.  The Bible teaches that everyone knows God, because God has revealed Himself to all (Romans 1:19).  The Bible tells us that God’s existence is so obvious that anyone who suppresses this truth is “without excuse” (Romans 1:20).  That should be a sobering thought.  The atheist denies with his lips what he knows in his heart.  If they know God, then why do atheists claim that they do not believe in God?


    The answer may be found in (Romans 1:18).  God is angry at unbelievers for their wickedness.  An all-powerful, all-knowing God who is angry at you is a terrifying prospect.  So even though many atheists might claim that they are neutral, objective observers, and that their disbelief in God is purely rational, in reality, they are strongly motivated to reject the biblical God who is rightly angry with them.  So they suppress that truth in unrighteousness.  They convince themselves that they do not believe in God.  The atheist is like a schizophrenic—believing in God, but believing that he does not believe in God.


    Just keep in mind you have until your last breath to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour.  After that it is a done deal.  Eternity is a long time to harbor regret.   

    Oh the tired old fire and brimstone threats..(yawn).


    But now we are learn the non believer is suffering from some kind of mental illness, believing in god but convinced they don't. What of the Righteous among the Mohammedans, Jews, and Catholics? (etcetera etcetera).   As I have been told by evangelicals,  they are all damned to Hell also, for believing in God, but the wrong one, what nonsense. The Soviet Union used such false accusation to condemn dissidents to mental asylums. If one goes around being a richard one won't be liked very much. If you are convicted by the state for a crime, you will be penalized in a court of law. In certain countries even paying with your life. This is the only judgement. There is only one life to live. There is even no universal good or evil, except as it exists these secular and interpersonal contexts (humanism). The human race may literally go extinct fairly soon and all the deeds and doings in all of human history will mean nothing out of context. No god, no hell, no eternity, no "soul", no heaven, no women turned to salt, no vegetarian lions in a mythical Eden, and certainly no "salvation" by a Jesus or anyone else. 


    No a single slight shred of evidence for any of it whatsoever. 



    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, onera1961 said:

    Can somebody explain to me waht are the benefits of prepaid cards over a bank issued debit card?

    Sent from my moto g(7) using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Some people are broke, have no Credit rating, bad Credit, or bankruptcies.

    Saw a credit check report on somebody  who applied to lease a condo once . It appeared they made a credit card at every department store chain in 

    America ran up several hundred dollars of charges and never paid them back!

  10. 38 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:
    It seems to me, to be an atheist one has to believe that nothing produces everything; non-life produces life; randomness produces fine-tuning; chaos produces information; unconsciousness produces consciousness; and non-reason produces reason. 


    After reading so many nonsensical comments on this subject, it looks like these people hope and wish there is no God, no accountability, and therefore no judgment.  Am I missing something here?


    The Bible affirms Gods existence, and the fact that a judgment is indeed coming for those who know within themselves the truth He exists but suppress that truth (Romans 1:20).  However, for those who respond to the evidence that a Creator does indeed exist, He offers the way of salvation that has been accomplished through His Son, Jesus Christ.  


    It almost looks like some of you are competing in some sort of stupid contest.  People are surrounded with proof of God’s existence, and it is only through the hardening of sin that men reject that proof (Romans 1:18–23).  It is foolish to disbelieve in God (Psalm 14:1).  All of us have until our last breath to figure this out.  After that, it is a done deal.

    No. No rational person “hopes” there is no god, that is like hoping the Easter bunny won’t come. No cosmology theories state something comes from nothing. The best argument creationism has is “the universe is complicated and we can’t explain it all, so there must be a creator”. This best argument of all arguments is a logical fallacy. It is obviously to anyone with knowledge of high school biology that life on earth is a continuum. I don’t consider the existence of deities because there no reason to do so, and it has already been considered by philosophers and academics since ancient times who have come up with nothing to prove it. It is not wanting to believe there is no god. It is waste of thought.


    My question would be why do so many people want believe in one or more Gods, or believe in a God, when there has not been a single where’s of evidence for the existence of any supernatural phenomena in the entire history of humanity?


    “The Bible affirms gods existence”. This is an example of the logical fallacy known as the circular argument, or, “I say it is so, so it is so”.




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  11. My netspend card would do that as well. Only issue is thats not my BANK. I use a credit union I've had since my Army days. Didn't see a reason to change until now. They recently changed their policies to exclude expedite shipping international to anywhere other than Europe and North/Central american countries due to increased shipping costs (according to them). I would buy bitcoin or something but you need a physical card for all the verification (provide them with photos and stuff). No I don't have any friends I can call up and ask. Due to the nature of my previous job I was pretty isolated. Hence the no facebook.
    What do you mean immigration doesn't care? As in they will let me extend regardless of the hotel alerting them to unpaid bill?
    What do you mean by help at the embassy?

    FEDX/UPS next day to somebody in North America then they can Do same sending it to you?
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