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Date Masamune

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Posts posted by Date Masamune

  1. Opium derived drugs never cured anything, it just helps

    Opiates help with pain. I’m not a doctor but does any drug cure disease? For example anti-virals and Antibiotics, beats the bugs back so your immune system can do it’s job. Insulin, Blood pressure meds, etc, keep you alive but don’t cure the underlying condition.

    Sounds like a dinosaur comment from the PM
    • Like 1
  2. Motivated by this topic and sight of years of old passbook. I got Tax ID number yesterday at Charoenprathet Bldg 1. Desk 10 review original and signed copies required of......TM30 ! (Yep),

    • face page passport,
    • first page bank books,
    • both sides chanote (owner).

    Renters would need rental contract, signed copy of owners ID card and maybe tabien baan. Back with yearly interest document from bank. 200 Baht late filing fee.

    Told foreigners can't use prompt pay refund will be the letter to go to Kungsri bank in 1-3months. Looks like slow time of year office dead no waiting helpful staff.


    Amused easy to get something official I can actually claw back money with.

    Versus tabien baan from amphur Muang.  That yellow ghost of limited utility I have almost given up on.

  3. 32 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    Comes off as being angry. Sorry to lecture but no one seems to have told you otherwise. To survive in Thailand a cool heart "jai yen" is required. Getting angry is viewed as low upbringing or status. Its not the way to get respect. Hope this helps you.

    There is a difference between being rude/polite and Jai Yen/jai rawn and simply assertive. Sometimes, even as a foreigner in Thailand being politely  assertive will do fine, as long as you don't get Angry, as you said.  No reason to get angry. I was working legally in Korea with no reason to buy a ticket to the US.

    • Like 1
  4. Sounds like you are being bullied. What if this "friend" on the sublease is in actuality some kind of dodgy business or criminal associated entity.  Unless the "friend" is actually living there as a roommate it is fraud on the face of it! Why should some friend of a person you never met  be your problem? Could be income tax evasion. 


    I would refuse. Then raise the rent on him before the next lease to drive this bludger out.

    • Like 1
  5. 23 hours ago, acenase said:



    Yeah but at the very least it's worth a shot otherwise you just sign the denial paper and be denied anyways.  The reason why it could work is because when I got denied entry he asked me "Do you know the Thai law?" And I stupidly said No. And that's when he said "You come to Thailand too much. You can not go to another country and come back. You need to go back and spend time in your own country first if you want to come back." 


    But it wasn't until I saw my passport again and saw the stamp which is marked for Number 2, insufficient funds, is when i questioned it. But it was too late because now I was talking to the Thai Airline staff about it and not involved with Immigration staff when I saw my passport again. I was at the Thai Airline office booking my flight out to Vientiane before they let me out of the holding center and released me back into the Airport Departures Terminal.


    But even the Airline staff, were giving me problems and saying I need to go back to my own country. But luckily, Thai Airlines don't fly to USA. And since I flew into Bangkok from Bali on Thai Airlines, they were responsible for my departure. I could only use Thai Airlines to fly out of Bangkok. So it was impossible for me to go back to USA anyways. But they kept saying I can not come to Thailand anymore.  They asked me where am I gonna go after I go to Vientiane? I told them "I will go to Thai-Laos Friendship bridge and enter at Nong Khai and fly to Bangkok from Udon Thani." And Thai Airline supervisor kept saying "Can not! You can not. You will run into same problem again." and I said "No, this doesn't mean I am banned from Thailand. And the reason says 'insufficient funds' and I have 30K cash in my wallet so it's wrong. This just means they dont want me to come in at this airport so I will fly back to Bangkok from Udon Thani" but then he said I will have a problem at DMK, but when I said "No, because I will already have my entry stamped at Nong Khai so when I fly to DMK from Udon, it will be a domestic flight, so I won't pass through Immigration." He didn't say anything after that.  

    I don't think this is accurate totally about Thai airways just because they dont fly to USA anymore. No USA airline flies to Thailand either. How do you think us Americans get here? It is all codeshares  or foreign carriers these days.

    Thai Airways does sell tickets to the USA. Check their website. Yes it would be a code share and there is a change of plane in NRT, KIX, etc. A couple years ago I flew to Swampi from Korea was hit with the "You have to buy a ticket back to your country" nonsense. I flat out refused. I think it is just you cant be forced to buy a ticket back to your country unless you are officially deported.

    A hotel bill is completely different to a rental contract. Not paying a hotel bill is a criminal offense.
    A dispute in a contract is a civil case which needs to be filed at the court. I can't see the landlord being bothered.
    The OP complained about the agent being useless, that is standard operating procedure once they have got their fee, they are not interested.

    Totally true. But the law in Thailand is whatever Somchai with a badge says it is. We had a deadbeat Canadian in our condo once he literally got frog marched out and his belongings dumped in the parking lot. It was ugly, good luck suing the cops.
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  7. If Trump does not want to accept refugees he should withdraw from the relevant international treaties that govern such matters.

    I heard on right wing radio podcast today (Sometimes listening for amusement) the toilets Migrants are expected to drink from were in actually the typical compound sink/toilet units common in prisons. The same bloviating douche said the troops who reported on the war-criminal Ghallagher were “Obama appointees”.

    The special forces themselves now infested with communists and America haters. This kind of propaganda is very dangerous as millions actually believe this rubbish but some of it is truly comical.


    • Thanks 1
  8. I agree with most of what you say, but if you happen to see any of the old Trump interviews from 20-30+ years ago, he has always been a very patriotic guy.  Having worked many armed POTUS and VPOTUS details along side the Secret Service, there is definitely a political mite to AF1...  On Soros, you are so spot on!

    Patriotic? Well nobody in the modern history of Trump family has served in the military even his grandfather was accused of draft dodging In Austria. Donald had his chance, “bone spurs”. Greatest golfer in Presidential History is actually just another chickenhawk. Patriotic only as an image in
    the media and for his base.
    • Like 1
  9. Many of you are overthinking the “absurdity” of all this.

    I went to CM immigration to help somebody get a re-entry stamp this week. From reception to the copy shop, to three different desks they dealt with at least 8 different people. If the applicants hotel had not done their job they would have been fined (TM30, deepest gold mine in the history of Chiang Mai immigration).

    In a rational system all this could be done online in advance, at a automated kiosk onsite even. Finally with one supervisor to stamp the passport. Rest of them out on their bums to find productive work.

    It isn’t absurd it is a jobs program.

    • Like 1
  10. There are no civilians in Islam? The majority of Muslims are just as abhorred by ISIS as you are. To think otherwise is both ignorant and stupid.
    The enemy has rules so neither should we? We have the Geneva Convention which separates the civilised from animals. Two wrongs don't make a right.
    You're either with us or against us? Well if being with you involves condoning some brainless yooha slitting a badly injured prisoner's throat then posting pictures of the body and bragging about his animalistic deed on Facebook, I'm against you. It's a war crime, pure and simple.
    The US army are famed for their war crimes, Mee Lai, Abu Ghraib, the use of naplalm to name but a few. Interestingly, they particularly favour war crimes against those who can't fight back.

    This is the essence of American exceptionalism. “Do as we say not as we do.” If America doesn’t want to respect the laws of war anymore. accept refugees, etc., then we should simply withdraw from the relative treaties that govern such matters. This won’t happen for obvious reasons.

  11. We have already talked about how God created the beginning   This is what the Bible says about the end.  If I were an atheist, I would pay particular attention to this.  
    The event usually referred to as “the end of the world” (eschaton) is described in 2 Peter 3:10:  “The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.”  This is the culmination of a series of events called “the day of the Lord,” the time when God will intervene in human history for the purpose of judgment.  At that time, all that God has created, “the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1), He will destroy. 

    The timing of this event, according to most Bible scholars, is at the end of the 1000-year period called the millennium.  During these 1000 years, Christ will reign on earth as King in Jerusalem, sitting on the throne of David (Luke 1:32-33) and ruling in peace but with a “rod of iron” (Revelation 19:15).  At the end of the 1000 years, Satan will be released, defeated again, and then cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7-10).  Then, after a final judgment by God, the end of the world described in 2 Peter 3:10 occurs.  The Bible tells us several things about this event. 

    First, it will be cataclysmic in scope.  The “heavens” refers to the physical universe – the stars, planets, and galaxies—which will be consumed by some kind of tremendous explosion, possibly a nuclear or atomic reaction that will consume and obliterate all matter as we know it.  All the elements that make up the universe will be melted in the “fervent heat” (2 Peter 3:12).  This will also be a noisy event, described in different Bible versions as a “roar” (NIV), a “great noise” (KJV), a “loud noise” (CEV), and a “thunderous crash” (AMP).  There will be no doubt as to what is happening.  Everyone will see and hear it because we are also told that “the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.” 

    Then God will create a “new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1), which will include the “New Jerusalem” (v. 2), the capital city of heaven, a place of perfect holiness, which will come down from heaven to the new earth.  This is the city where the saints—those whose names were written in the “Lamb’s book of life” (Revelation 13:8)—will live forever. Peter refers to this new creation as “the home of righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13). 

    Perhaps the most important part of Peter’s description of that day is his question in verses 11-12:  “Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be?  You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.”  Christians know what is going to happen, and we should live in a way that reflects that understanding. This life is passing away, and our focus should be on the new heavens and earth to come.  Our “holy and godly” lives should be a testimony to those who do not know the Savior, and we should tell others about Him so they can escape the terrible fate that awaits those who reject Him.  We wait in eager anticipation for God’s “Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come” (1 Thessalonians 1:10).

    When such half-truths and nonsense are bandied about, it is wise to ask and consider “What am I not being told?” The god of the Israelites is weak, when the Zionist entity takes your soul for eternity you ARE trapped and truly doomed. A white light, and then nothing.

    There is no end in actuality DAGON creates trillions of universes. They exist simultaneously and come and go, like bubbles on a glass of beer. Dagonism is not inconsistent with scientific observation. DAGON you have eternal life again and against to REVEL in power, weakness, wealth, a simple life, the pleasures of the flesh, true love. Whatever it is you desire.
    Do what you wish , the whole of the law. Dagonism is not for hypocrites or liars. Turn away from the light and accept the path of DAGON. Do you best on earth be a good person and be rewarded for all time. Bow down to DAGON!

    Hail Dagon !

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  12. What do I know I only served for 21 years and I’ve actually been on 5 combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan I’ve actually been there and seen it with my eyes but what do I know. I get it everyone who’s never set foot over there always has an opinion but I honestly don’t care about anyone’s opinion about it I know what I know from personal experience.  

    Have you ever thought why you you were sent there in the first place? American is in negotiations with the Taliban for terms that could have been had in the early 2000s. Thousands of Americans killed for nothing. Just like Vietnam. 18 years on most Afghanis have no idea why Americans are fighting in their country never will and will certainly NEVER care.
  13. Gallagher was on a ”murderspree” his own Troops turned him in. Very unusual they usually close ranks. Everyone knows he is guilty of more crimes Bottom line is an injured prisoner was killed, why didn’t they call a medic? Gallagher wasn’t acquitted because he is innocent the prosecution couldn’t prove their case. Worst part about this story is Trump and his acolytes reaction in the right-wing press and public. They just love the fact a Muslim was stabbed in the neck it makes them happy. War criminals to them are heroes.

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  14. What if they have a signed contract for 30 days but privately agreed a few days?


    How many Immigration police to visit every Airbnb rental in Thailand every day, all year?


    What if the owner doesn't live in Thailand?


    What about the other websites/agencies who do condo holiday rentals?


    What if the people they arrest only speak some obscure dialect that only 2000 people in the world understand?


    Back to the bar with you, and work all the above out.

    You don’t have to send many immigration police.

    That is the beauty of internet. Just ruin a few vacations with several days in Thai jail and the word will get out nobody will touch a Thai Airbnb. Jail the owners for the number of days they rented out Condos and also fine them, as already provided in Thai law.


    Sex tourism could be curtailed, but not eliminated the same way.



    • Thanks 1
  15. Considering long term renting can be a nightmare in Thailand when the LL keeps you deposit. Airbnb is a good option, with reviews.
    I usually book a night or two and check it out first.
    Unfortunately Airbnb inflates the price of apartments too much. LL's become very greedy.
    Better have minimum 15-30 days for apartments keeps people happy.

    It is not better to have “minimum 15-30 days” for apartments less than 30 days is illegal under “Thai Law”. Foreigners who rent Airbnb in Thailand less than 30 days should be fined 1000 baht per day and the owners jailed for a short period for each offense


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