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Posts posted by MartinBKK

  1. Since you still have the Blllion modem go into its setup/menu settings and copy/write down the settings....then compare them to your new modem's settings.

    Hi Pib

    I have every setting the same as far as i can see. The only thing that may be different is the MTU which has been set to default on both. I can't find out what the default is on the Billion but i know it's 1454 on the Belkin. I am starting to think my new Belkin playmax is just faulty because i have tried it on various MTU settings and i continue to have disconnection issues.

  2. Those numbers look good to me.

    What happened to the Billion modem you had been using?

    I still have it. I wanted to improve my wireless that's why i bought a new one. Before i used a Billion with another wireless access point. Now i have this Belkin playmax which is a modem and wireless router in one.

    When i use this new one as an access point only in conjuction with the Billion modem everything is fine, but when i use this Belkin play max as a modem and a wireless router my internet connection is not as stable. Just trying to work out why.

  3. If you're experiencing frequent or random disconnects, changing the MTU will make no difference. It sounds to me like compatibility issues between Belkin hardware and TOT equipment.

    BTW, post your modem stats -- SNR margin, Line Attenuation etc.


  4. Thanks for that. I will try it.

    My problem is my new Belkin modem is disconnecting from the internet fairly frequently. I am not suffering any disconnects with the old Billion modem.

    When the modem is connected though i am surfing and downloading with adequate speeds.

  5. Just wondering if anyone knows what the correct MTU value should be for TOT (in Sansai, Chiangmai). I currently am set to 1454 but i have been having some issues with my new Belkin Play Max ADSL router/modem whereas i had none with my old Billion modem. I have trawled the net for this info but am unable to find it. If someone could let me know i would be very grateful.


  6. So, here they go again? Can't win at the ballot box, let's get the winning party banned in the courts? Do they have an aversion to being in opposition?

    If they're successful, what will they say to the Thai people? "We know you didn't vote for us, but we didn't like the results of the election, so we changed it?"

    Democrats? In name only!

    Absolutely - respect the outcome for goodness sake it wasn't even close. Disgusting.

  7. All you people who are cheering this are absolute scum, you know that? At least people who use ED visa's are trying to do something to stay here legitimately.

    Some of you lot forget that we are essentially all here for similar reasons, it's just that not all of us are lucky enough to have a job or be over a certain age so that we can get the visa we need...

    You might laugh now while you have your comfortable retirement visa or whatever it is, but one day they'll clamp down on those as well - then perhaps you'll wish you weren't quite so gleeful about the struggles of the rest of us to stay here. Morons. Shameful

    "we are essentially all here for similar reasons,".

    And what reasons might they be? Beautiful temples, beautiful women, beautiful weather?

    An ED visa is issued for just that reason, to give the recipient an opportunity to study Thai in Thailand which usually means attending classes and having some proficiency in the language, not attending beer bars and snorkeling.

    I was not cheering but am pleased that immigration has found it fit to clamp down on abuses of the visa.

    I am retired here as are many members of this forum and object to your choice of the word "scum". If they choose to clamp down on retirement visa holders who are"abusing" the system I will be glad to cheer.

    99% of retirees obey the rules and meet the requirements, so not likely to be too many problems that you wish on us.

    Try not to be so angry. :passifier::If you are here on an Ed visa and learning Thai, you should have no problems. Chok dee.

    Lucky the rules are in your favour - at the moment.

    For others, with assets and income much greater than some retirees it is not quite as easy.

  8. I frequent the number 1 bar fairly often and have never had any problems there but then again i have never had any "incidents" there either.

    For the price of a cheap plant pot it might have been nice if the owner had let this one go no doubt recouping far more in drink profits from the OP in the future. Everyone is a winner right?

    As told by the OP, if this had happened to me, it would certainly influence my decision when choosing a place to go in the future.

  9. I went to Valentines karaoke with a few friends and got there in there, sat in the main room and ordered one beer each (4) and we see they are 200 baht, so we immediately just ask for the bill. They take forever to bring us the bill. The girls come in the room and line up, we just ask for the bill again. Two girls sit down and we ask them for the bill again. They are pouring us our beers behind a pillar so we can not see. Two of my friends OKAY one lady drink while we are waiting for the check. So, thats a total of 6 drinks. They bring us the check.

    4,800 baht.

    we were charged ~300 three times for "mamasan fees"

    the girls apparently drank like twenty five drinks in the fifteen minutes

    we "drank two beers each" for eight beers

    we got charged 450 + 450 for an "hour" with each of the girls

    and a lot of other fees that were obviously fabricated. We literally did nothing else and we were immediately asking for the check.


    I had a similar experience in Ten Karaoke. Was there about an hour and had a bill of 4000 baht for only a few drinks. Will never go to another Karaoke place again.

  10. What a complete tosser, so the dog pissed against the wheel of his scabby old merc, that is what dogs do - piss against tires!!!!! I hope he gets prosecuted to the maximum, tosser!!!!

    Shooting the dog for the reason stated is perhaps not fully acceptable, but we do not know the detailed history of it, maybe the German guy complained several times to the dog owner in order to stop this, but the dog owner was not interested in dealing with it, it is unfortunately quite common that dog owners here do not control their animals, as a result many dogs are killed in neighbourhoods, and mainly by Thai's for the nuisance they cause.

    Apart from their noisy barking at all hours, they are also roaming around urinating and defecating the pavements and other peoples gardens, the resulting foul smell produces harmful bacteria and attracts insects in large numbers who then spread the harmful bacteria around the entire neighbourhood causing all sorts of health problems for humans.

    Thus before recommending a harsh (or any) punishment for the German guy one should first consider the circumstances surrounding it.

    Having a firearm, discharging it in public and killing an animal that does not belong to him is circumstance enough, regardless of any "detailed history".!

    +1 - Sickening

  11. Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

    Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

    Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

    Ignorant posts like this really get me going. It is quite reasonable for a tourist to have 4 tourist visas in a 3 year period. As long as these tourists are not working and have the funds to support themselves it is in everyones interest that they are granted a visa. I take it your over 50 and have no issues with your visa.

  12. I have just got a TRUE 3g dongle in Chiang Mai however im finding the signal extremely poor even in areas i would expect coverage like Thapae gate and Central Airport Plaza. Right now i am in Thapae gate but my dongle is flashing green (EDGE signal available) however i'm unable to receive a WCDMA signal. I have connected to WCDMA at Rimping Ruamchok though and the signal there does seem to be stable. Is anyone else using TRUE 3g in CM having more success than me? Could my dongle be faulty? I also use AIS 3g and have found that service to be pretty reliable with blanket coverage of Chiang Mai.

    Thanks for the update. Is their a PrePay option for AIS 3G(assuming that I have a compatible modem)?

    Yes it is prepay. You just load your sim card with credit in the usual way(can purchase top up card in stores like 7/11, Telewiz or use an ATM). Then contact the call centre to purchase a 3g package. The lowest package is 500mb for 150baht plus VAT. This is good for 30 days from the date of purchase.

    Hope this helps.

  13. I have just got a TRUE 3g dongle in Chiang Mai however im finding the signal extremely poor even in areas i would expect coverage like Thapae gate and Central Airport Plaza. Right now i am in Thapae gate but my dongle is flashing green (EDGE signal available) however i'm unable to receive a WCDMA signal. I have connected to WCDMA at Rimping Ruamchok though and the signal there does seem to be stable. Is anyone else using TRUE 3g in CM having more success than me? Could my dongle be faulty? I also use AIS 3g and have found that service to be pretty reliable with blanket coverage of Chiang Mai.

  14. There is a plastic shop in Warorot market (behind where they sell all the flowers). Unfortunately i don't have the card any longer so i can't give you the telephone number but i think it is called chiang mai plastics and they sell everything plastic inside. If they do not have the size you require you can custom order the exact size and material you want. I was looking for the same thing you were a few months ago and discovered this place.

    Good luck.

  15. TOT has been pretty good lately i agree. I'm tempted to try a faster package with them as they are a lot cheaper than the 3 bb premier packages. The decision is so difficult because im on the Premier 3mb which is no longer available. If i could just switch back there would be no harm in experimenting.

    In Chiang Mai we have AIS 3g which has really improved recently also. I keep this as a backup so effectively i have 3 ADSL connections at the moment and i can afford to let one go.

  16. My next door neighbour is away on medical leave in Australia and has bought a new HD 47" TV and is knocked out by the quality.

    He's currently on True SD Gold and asked me to find out about upgrading to a HD package.

    Is the True PVR HD ready? I tried Googling with mixed results. Has anyone any experience with reliability issues?

    Any comments would be most welcome.

    (He only really watches soccer but his wife watches soaps hence the need for a PVR with dual tuner and HD recording)

    No the PVR is not HD ready.

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