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Everything posted by Kaopad999

  1. The regular Covid scaremongers will love this news.
  2. Maybe they put pineapple on his pizza.
  3. HAHAH exactly my thogths too. You just can't make this <deleted> up ????
  4. The issue at hand is that people's lifestyle choices are often linked to poor health outcomes.
  5. I understand where you're coming from. I can see how it would make sense in an already fully developed country where opportunities are abundant. However, in the case of Thailand, I believe it needs more time to flourish. It's important to give Thai people the chance to pursue opportunities before foreigners come in and take a large slice of the pie with their larger buying power
  6. I have no issues with people wanting to wear masks. It's their freedom to do so, and also other peoples freedom to not wear one. It works both ways.
  7. Exactly. or corssing the road in Thailand ???? I guess some people are just cut from a different cloth. I was never wrapped up in cotton wall as a child, so i don't fear very much. Honestly I can't think of anything more miserable than having to live in constant fear of things we're unable to control.
  8. Then if it concerns you, you can wear a mask or stay at home. No one is stopping you. Personally none if that worries me. I already had covid last year and it was nothing more than a mild flu.
  9. Good. no need for masks.
  10. That's good to know. then just continue as normal and don't worry. eveything you do in this life carries a risk to some extent. And yeah, go and wear your mask if that's what makes you feel safe.
  11. Well, no one is stopping you from hiding yourself indoors and staying away from people who want to just get on with their lives are they
  12. Of course it's not worth worrying about. It's just unnecessary fear mongering. If people are really that scared after having all of their jabs that they truly believed would prevent them getting sick, then they are more than welcome to go and lock themselves inddors & hide behind sofas if they wish to do so. If i'm completely honest, i'd rather not be around such people anyway lol
  13. exactly, it's ridicilous that people are still even talking about it. it's hardly even spoken about in ther west buit its seems as if they want to keep up the fear high here in Asia. Just look at the amount of mask wearing still in bangkok lol
  14. Yawn ???? no one cares ????
  15. you've obviously never tried Bulgarian food. it's excellent.
  16. Exactly . Thai food is excellent IMO. it's one of the best things about living in here. Also the availability at such reasonble prices makes it a win-win!
  17. I actually like to eat Larb with grileld pork istead of minced pork. it's my new favirote style of larb. You should most certainly give it a try if you haven't alrwady done so? i 100% agree with you about eating larb with sticky rice. i've also tried eating it with plain rice and it just isn't the same! lol Nope i've never tried "Goy" before. I'm certainly not scared to at least give it a try!
  18. Same for me too. I rarely ever get a bad stomach and i have been eating Thai food every day for the past 10 years. The most important thing is to eat from a restaurant or stand that has a high turnover rate.
  19. I like Som Tam, but i tend to avoid eating it on a regualr basis due to the high amount of sugar they use. Once a week is fine as i don't drink any fizzy drinks & rarely eat anyhting sweet. My go to is Larb. Far more healthy & delicious IMO.
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