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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. Lying: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. She was lying when she said she didn't break the vase. He lied about his past experience. 2. : to create a false or misleading impression Laying: to put something in especially a flat or horizontal position, usually carefully or for a particular purpose: She laid the baby on the bed.
  2. INHIS MIND THE CONVICTIONS ARE "FAKE" fake CHARGES Fake judge Fake convictions Not guilty in his "weird" mind
  3. Mother to child, also, hence possibly the transmission to a very young baby
  4. It has been found in Europe
  5. It is spread through close contact, skin to skin, mother to child (one death of 10 week old child) has a 3-17 day incubation before any symptoms Crowded markets , people brushing past you, shaking hands, hugging all MAY transmit if skin to skin There is a vaccination available
  6. There will be no insurance policy, No benefits If he left her nothing how will the insurance policy ( non existent), how will that be hers to claim? This is a scam writ large
  7. The defence will argue that he is not guilty, because the club should not have been allowed to operate without licences, if the club had not been operating g, there would be no murder, therefore club owner and local police responsible for the murder.
  8. Concerns raised, nothing leading it back to current WH campaign, more likely the address 725 Park Ave alerted them about the sponsors intentions Needs workers for golf clubs, so he longer looses his shrunken white balls in the rough.
  9. Indeed I did mean "if not using protection" Thanks
  10. Meanwhile he carries the virus and infects others if using protection, which is how it was contracted from someone else
  11. VP Harris can identify as she pleases Trump identifies as weird, moronic, unstable, cognitively impaired, white lying felon Who is he ask about others identity?:
  12. Every one of those images has a victim How emboldened do these perverts feel, that they store and video themselves abusing a child? 4 years to me is manifestly inadequate for the safety of children
  13. Trump is a threat to anything close to democracy or decency
  14. He will not get the chance to refuse BUBA & his friends in the prison system
  15. He was in a civil court held accountable https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/
  16. Making sure you are having a really staple diet
  17. Free world? The one that USA has militarily been involved in 200 times, since 1989 Bombing and invading killing and laying waste to, that free world?? Narcissist grifting rapist fraudster convicted felon?
  18. Bag drop had to do manual check-ins for checked baggage Manual check-in for those not previously checked in, no recognition for mobile check in Lots of reasons Passenger loading systems not working, having to do manual boarding
  19. Some insurance companies do not cover motor cycle riding accidents, and many do not realise that, especially if they do not hold a MC licence in their country or an international permit to ride/drive.
  20. Were any of them linked politically to current Viet government??
  21. Rape is about power and abuse, not intimacy
  22. Cannabis alone will not cause people to be aggressive
  23. Will they X-ray the poor child’s lungs for damage already caused by vaping and will he be treated and rehabilitated for damage already possibly caused? Will the mother get drug & alcohol education?
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