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Everything posted by RJRS1301

  1. No illegal activity, plenty of brown envelopes
  2. Why did you give a one night stand your mobile? Wrong move
  3. Naked except for shoes?
  4. I am always horrified that people "kick" when people are on the ground, why?
  5. It is adults who compound, cook and distribute the <deleted>
  6. Always wonder why people travel without travel insurance
  7. Never wanted nor fantasised about "fame" of any description I am similar about "success" as that is measured in many different ways I always aimed and hopefully achieved to be a "person of value", I trust I have achieved this by supporting family, colleagues, students and clients to reach their goals.
  8. Quality detritus, attacking another human with a golf club Mental Health Assessment , treatment, trial and deportation seems to be in order
  9. Sometimes an honest look at the society can have positive outcomes It is not a perfect paradise and does have warts as well amazingly beautiful components
  10. They fail to understand the irony of this it seems Sounds like something that Putin regime would do or perhaps Nth Korea if they had a tourist industry
  11. Police negotiating a compensation pay off? How much were they paid by the perpetrator to allow him walk away?
  12. Would one of those @perverts be Nick??
  13. Disrespecting a scupture really?? Not the body type to be seen naked anywhere
  14. The better question to ask is Why do men think they can beat up on women? Help is not easy, even in western nations most women refuges have waiting lists, no emergency funding and not enough workers
  15. Probably has no financial or family supports so instead of being homeless had to return Women are frequently killed when they are either leaving or shortly after leaving abusive relationship Data from Domestic & Family Violence services in Australia, indicate a woman without wrap round supports will return up to 7 times before finally leaving abusive relationships He will beat any person in a relationship with him, blaming her for returning is unhelpful, she is not at fault He is
  16. Easy they know who he is, know where he is staying Charge with causing public nuisance Fine up to any credit card limit he has and all his cash One way trip to airport and onto the first plane stateside immaterial of his home city, banned 10 years
  17. What could possibly go wrong?
  18. Care factor ZERO The woman has earned every baht she received from the stupid bloke Not the brightest bulb, she worked had for the money and deserves it all
  19. The mother, the rapist and the director are involved child sex trafficking, not charges just money being exchanged. Any compensation of course will go to mother not held in trust for the victim,
  20. Why is it only the stepmother being investigated, surely the father has greater responsibility for the welfare of his children
  21. Well they set examples, just not the ones they should They seem to be on similar plane as so many "youth pastors/priests/evangelical preachers in the west.
  22. My first thought as well Will the probe be digit with or without gloves?
  23. OH so 30kg of dope up yr kyber pass, very slack methinks well used tunnel??
  24. You build or buy a cat enclosure Cats hunt wildlife continuously
  25. The rescue team are multitalented "Rescuers had to tie her up with a stretcher preventing her from causing further chaos."
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