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Posts posted by South

  1. Easy, your body has natural anti virus, anti whatever built in ...... taking any kind of drugs (that you know absolutely nothing about) is just a huge gamble. You either live 'naturally' or die .... simple as. Or, take a big gamble on whatever coloured pills you have been given. Your choice.

  2. In all the Thai hotels i have stayed in,the doors have an internal secondary lock.Its like a slip over metal loop.It means you can open the door slightly but not enough to get in.So even if the clerk had a key,he should not have been able to enter the room,Are they saying that the secondary lock was not in use.Also if he had a key,the ckerk would still have been able to slightly open the door to ascertain what was going on,with all the alleged noise.Nah! this is bullshit.You never stay in an hotel room in a foreign country without first making sure the room is secure.

    And before anyone wants to pick me up on saying an hotel.That is the correct grammar,as the 'H' is silent.Such as Herb and Historic.

    Must be a TEFLer. biggrin.png

  3. If the reports that debris has been found, then that part of the Meddy is full of ships mostly heading towards Port Said and the Suez canal. There are also as many coming the other way so plenty of 'eyes' out there who should be able to soon spot any flotsam. A different story for the MH flight that 'went' dowen in the midst of the Indian Ocean. 'If' it has gone down which unfortunately looks like the case, RIP to all on board and condolences to families/friends remaining.

  4. Any of the 13 Coins restaurants does it for me. Good western/Thai food at fair prices. Rachada, Bangna, Minburi are the ones that I know of now. Suk 33/1 and Rangsit branches closed a few years ago as the owner got more into hotels. Interesting story about the owner too. He went to the states as a teenager, washed dishes, worked his way up the ladder and started the first 13 Coins outside Ramkamheng Uni if I remember right and now has hotels/resorts with restaurants attached. Worth a visit.

  5. The Brexit is all about Brit national pride and the longing for the Empire days.

    But the only Brits who will benefit from Brexit will be holders of gold.

    The baht will rise against the pound making Brit expats cost of living higher.

    The lowest I have seen the GBP was 31/Baht, the highest 99/Baht

    ..... work that one out Einstein.

  6. .

    I am a British citizen, from generations of British parents/grand parents etc but raised in commonwealth Africa. From the age of 9, went to boarding school in Britain. Saw my first 'commonwealth' freind running a cornershop around 1978, saw my first non British football player around 1979 and since then (bear in mind, I have pretty much never lived in the UK) it has seriously gone down hill in my eyes. When the UK joined the EU I have no idea when, but everytime I do a 2 yearly visit to the place it gets worse. Maybe I'm getting on a bit or whatever but the 'Great' from Britain left a long long time ago. Time to get it back ..... if it is not too late.

    Just MHO.

  7. Just seen an advertisement for a restaurant on a Gulf island being sold for 12 Million Baht. Monthly rent is 350k and salaries 250k so 600k/month not including stock/electric/taxes etc. That gives an annual outgoing of, not including the purchase price of 12M, 7,200,000 + stock/electric/taxes etc .

    So for the first year, a yearly total, including the purchase cost will be 19,200,000. Add on to that the costs of ingredients, drinks that you have to buy (forgetting about the profit) and maintainence etc and your first year expenses are going to touching 30Million.

    Who is going to going to put themselves into that situation?

  8. Was on a Kuwait Airlines flight a few years ago from Bangkok to Manilla and just after they had served the meals, the aircraft

    took a 200+metre vertical drop. Food, drinks, people, everything all over the cabin ... literally dripping from the deckhead/ceiling/roof of the plane. Passengers with no seat belts on went flying, some injured, staff scared .... I ended up as a passenger going round with bin bags clearing rubbish, relaxing scared passengers, because the staff were too scared. Landed in Manila to a Philippino band! lol

  9. Thailand is a great place to live. I have been married here 7 years and have two children. I have a fantastic wife. I live in the countryside in the south a few hours north of the Malay border. The Thai family treat me well. I don't go to the tourist trap areas. I don't drink in those places especially not late at night. You risk meeting bad people who are looking for trouble.

    I also have a home in the UK. It is a great place too. I don't drink in places where you get people looking for trouble. Also not late a night. My home is in the countryside.

    I must say that I feel much much safer in Thailand. Especially away from the big cities. In the UK there is more aggression. People looking for trouble. More confrontation. Mostly bravado. Mostly bullshit.

    In Thailand if you stay away from the tourist areas, if you are not drunk in public, if you treat people with respect; then you will be OK and have a good time.

    In Thailand when Thais fight then they fight to kill. They carry guns. They carry a knife.

    Never fight in Thailand unless your life absolutely depends on it.

    If a Thai is looking for trouble (usually they are drunk or have mental health problems) then walk away. They rarely pursue you.

    Get out of the cities in Thailand and see the real Thailand. Its beautiful !

    Real Thailand? What is it? A market with blue plastic chairs? A village where according to many posters who live there all kind of demented sexual stuff happens?Are you saying I live in fake Thailand because I live in Bangkok? I am confused about this statement.

    Yes, I would say that you live in fake Thailand. Once you get away from all the Westernisation, the fake advertising, the western malls, the hordes of people, the tourist ghettos and find yourself as a part of the local community where people, read strangers, welcome you with a smile and a Sawasdee and want nothing in return, you will find yourself in a different world altogether. Try it someday, you might like it.

  10. It was 2 o'clock in the morning, 'A' brushed past K.Thai arguing with another K.Thai, a push/shove led to another push/shove from K.Thai. K.Farang1 (@2am, all presumably pished) falls over, bangs head. Mummy2 and Daddy3 get involved, Mummy2 slaps K.Thai, Daddy3 has a go too with someone else ...... Anybody who has been here more than 5 minutes already knows what the outcome will be!

    This tosh about K.Thai looking for farang victims (whatever has been stated) ..... nah, sorry, not believable. An explosion always needs a fuse ....

    Hoping all injured involved heal quickly.

    A few inebriated punks who cant hold their drink, full of testestorone or whatever, showing off in front of their mates and this is the same scenario that happens in many many countries around the world as a daily event.

    Not condoning what happened at all, but unknown cultural differences and misunderstandings from those that don't know this region can be dangerous. Don't believe everything you see in the media about all the

    smiling faces and gentle people.

  11. What's the story with this new bridge only ever seen computer generated pics of it,does it stretch right from the mainland right onto lanta?

    Bridge is Lanta Noi to Lanta Yai ...... still a ferry from mainland to Lanta Noi.

  12. If you are a UK national, your licence in most cases is valid until you are 70. Why some people want to or try to use a Thai licence in the UK when they already have a full UK licence beggars belief. Obviously, if you are over seventy and haven't renewed your UK licence hence expired, and you can get away with a Thai licence, good on you.

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