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Posts posted by South

  1. On 10/19/2016 at 9:42 AM, phuketrichard said:

    not true, for new hosts Booking.com charges 15% , Agoda 20% ( if old host it was 15%) travel now 15%

    THAN if the link came form an affiliate of (booking,agoda)they pay out 6% to the affiliate


    on the other hand airbnb ONLY charges the host 3%

    for 99% of the hotels online  they can NOT offer a lower price than what it sold to the hotel suppliers ( agoda) as they have a contract stating they wont. SOMETIMES u can get a lower rate not not often.


    Depends on a number of factors: location, type, contract and room rate. Commisions vary between 10% and can go up to as much as 35% for some 5* hotels. For example: 15% is the standard rate charged by BDC but some locations will have a higher rate simply because they are popular destinations and/or the competition for bookings is higher. And vice versa. The commision amount can also be changed by the hotels themselves. The higher the commision, the more prominent the listings. 

  2. You do realize that each time you book with one of those sites, 18+% goes straight to them. Example, say you make a B10,000 booking, at least B1,800 goes to Agoda/BDC etc for basically sending an email. Booking direct with your chosen hotel is far better in my opinion. You cut out the middleman, any problems that may arise are much easier to work out (see post 5) and most times you can get a discount too. JMHO.

  3. As someone in the business, my rooms are priced in such a way that factor in the AVERAGE stay of a guest. That includes air-con while in the room, hot water, maid service, maintainance, laundry, wear 'n' tear and other sundries. If you start having guests exploiting the AVERAGE guest stay, costs will only go up (picture the cost of 50+ air-con units on 24hrs) and those costs can only be retrieved by increasing the price the guest pays. So, to the OP,  what would you prefer, higher room rates or the ability it circumnavigate the hotels' cost saving measures (while you are not in the room) which will only lead to higher rates in the longrun? Not rocket science.

  4. A troll or not ...


    Can't be bothered reading the whole thread but here is my 2 Satangs worth. I would say that 90+% of the farangs living here can only dream about that much cash (TEFLR's, onliners etc). Pretty much every farang I meet, bar a few are living month to month on their meagre pay checks. 16 million, think about it, set something up where you get a good income and you will be alright. Don't burn your bridges back home, keep a sensible head and you could live here forever. If a TEFLer can live on 360k a year I'm sure you can too. That's 44 years for a TEFLer, but I think you might be a little more intelligent.!

  5. My last car, a Vigo 4 dr was bought by me with no WP and no long term visa (which I had had 3 years previous). It is not what you know, but who you know. BTW, am now on a long term visa (again) with 3 x WP to those who are wanting to disagree! All depends on where you are and who you know IMO.

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