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Posts posted by South

  1. My little place sells 2 brands of cider, one called 'Savannah' from South Africa and the other called 'Bruntys', English apparently but brewed in England and bottled in Cambodia of all places. The apple and pear versions are ok but the strawberry flavoured one needs a bit lot more work. I buy for 60B/bottle. Never heard of Moose. Savannah is quite sweet.

  2. Overstay of 8 years in Thailand? You should know better than come here and ask for advise as to whether you need the help of a lawyer.

    No sympathy from me.

    I didn't see the OP asking for your or anybody elses sympathy, do you?

    He is simply asking for advice not lectures but of course the TV brigade just can't help themselves

    No sympathy whatsoever. This country, as do all countries have immigration laws in place. They are there for a reason. If you cannot abide by those immigration laws, then you are commiting an offence. In this case, an 8 year overstay. And you wonder why the Thai Government are getting stricter?

    • Like 1
  3. If Thailand is your choice I would say that on here, 90+% of the posters live in the farang ghettos. If you want to experience Thailand for what it is, with pretty much no scams/ripoffs and genuine people I'd would find somewhere off the farang/tourist trail, real Thailand. Maybe no malls etc but your quality of life and integration with the locals will far outweigh that. If you want the malls etc, all reachable within at least a couple of hours drive all depending on where you are. East side of Phangnga province, Ranong, outer Mae Hong Song and a helluva lot more. JMHO

  4. From personal experience ...... over 100k a day in 2005, ICU BSH, 6 days and 'detubulised' myself moving to a private hospital in the next province .... down to 45k a week.

    More recently, a year ago, 74k, 02:00 to 18:00 same day, BSH. It's a business, make sure you are insured or guaranteed, you will get a big/bigger/massive bill at the end of your inpatient time.

    I have insurance smile.png

    Let's be realistic. The lad had an infection, which after 1 day it was acceptable to go home.

    So, it could not have been too dangerous.

    But people on here try to defend the extortionate cost of a 1 night stay ????????

    Not defending at all .... private hospitals are there as a business and a business only. They will give you more medication than you need, they will try and keep you in for longer than you need be, they will try and get you to have an MRI or whatever for the sole reason of boosting your payment and their profits.

    As others have already stated, the government hospitals are a fraction of the cost but with that you sometimes have to queue for hours on end, stay in a (mixed) ward and you will not get the same personal care as you would in a private hospital.

    At the end of the day, it is up to you where you go, financially or fully insured, I know where I like to go.

  5. From personal experience ...... over 100k a day in 2005, ICU BSH, 6 days and 'detubulised' myself moving to a private hospital in the next province .... down to 45k a week.

    More recently, a year ago, 74k, 02:00 to 18:00 same day, BSH. It's a business, make sure you are insured or guaranteed, you will get a big/bigger/massive bill at the end of your inpatient time.

    I have insurance smile.png

  6. I have the top policy with them but opted out of out-patient care for a 20% discount. Also, on renewal last time I got an extra 10% discount for renewing. Touch wood, I have not had to use it yet. It was a choice of PC or BUPA and the PC cover was slightly better hence I chose them.

  7. Officially (legally after the last enforcement) to open a bank account here you need:

    non-imm visa (any type)

    valid passport obviously

    depending on visa, a work permit

    (tabian bahn or proof of residence)

    and that is pretty much it, mostly no tabien bahn, no letter from your embassy

    But TIT and depending on where you are, the bank, the staff etc it can be done.

    All you need is a deposit of as little as 100Baht and a payment of 200/250 for a card, that is it. Anyone trying to make you pay extra for insurance or more for a card is taking the mickey. SMS notification is pretty much standard now .... at no extra charge unless you have a business account.

  8. When you can get More than 10 to 1 of your home countries money in exchange rates,

    people see it as a bargain no matter which country they go to visit,

    The trouble for the tourism industry is not enough of them have traveled the world for the same reason as above,

    so knowledge of safety and calling a spade a spade does not happen and the lines between information and loss of face

    get blurred through the lack of knowledge

    I get 50 to 1 exchange rate (£) but things here are 50 times the price they are in the UK so it is not a cheap destination anymore.

    What the hell are you on?? 50 x UK prices??? You need to learn a little about currency exchange rates and economies. A bottle of beer in 7/ll 35Baht = 1750Baht in UK, nah, visit as hospital for a while. They might sort you out.

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