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Posts posted by South

  1. South east/north east Asia has always been a hotbed for counterfiet goods, well as far back as I can remember, touching 40+ years. It will not/never change, go to any (farang/thai/asian) market and you can buy what you want. If it is not on display, there are always 'secret' doors where you can get exactly what you want and at a fraction of the 'designer' label prices .... usually sourced from the same place.

  2. I got talking to a guy today here in the 'property business' and what he was saying was that pretty much all of the top end resorts/villas/hotels on Samui are on the market. The 2 - 8Mbht market (where Joe Bolggs can afford) is basically stagnent but the 50+Mbht property holders/investors are all wanting to sell and move elsewhere ... and quickly. I personally know of some big names here that are on the market but then anything is on the market if the price is right. Any insights?

  3. when will this jet ski shit stop finally? Nobody needs these stinking toys. And how many accidents must happen to stop that business. Use section 44, man!

    The accidents that happen (the ones you read about) pretty much only happen to tourists visiting Thailand, most probably with negligible to no experience on them. There is a big number of privately owned PWC's, me included who are responsible operators of these craft.

    You can jump on the anti jet-ski band wagon as much as you like but you are not seeing the full picture, only reading and judging the negative stories coming from the main tourist destinations.

    Yes, some people don't like them, some do. Some people don't like noisy motorbikes, some do. Some people don't like Somtam, some do ....... got the picture?

    There is a big difference between owing a jet ski and just hiring one !

    Of course, but the big problem here is that the hired ones are rented by tourists and the owned ones are invisible to the nay sayers.

  4. when will this jet ski shit stop finally? Nobody needs these stinking toys. And how many accidents must happen to stop that business. Use section 44, man!

    The accidents that happen (the ones you read about) pretty much only happen to tourists visiting Thailand, most probably with negligible to no experience on them. There is a big number of privately owned PWC's, me included who are responsible operators of these craft.

    You can jump on the anti jet-ski band wagon as much as you like but you are not seeing the full picture, only reading and judging the negative stories coming from the main tourist destinations.

    Yes, some people don't like them, some do. Some people don't like noisy motorbikes, some do. Some people don't like Somtam, some do ....... got the picture?

  5. It's been covered here before but from the last time I did it, this was what I did:

    1. DMV in Hatyai and get your book translated to English

    2. Once at the Sadoa side, go to any of the insurance agent and get Malaysian insurance for the duration of your stay. They wont let you in if your windows are too dark.

    (There are probably Malaysian insurance offices in Hatyai but the above is the way I used to do it, albeit some years ago.)

    There is also nowadays, some kind of passport for your car but I think that is only acceptable in Laos and\or Cambodia, can't remember.

  6. hi everyone ,i am on a oa visa living here now 7 months and have learnt so much on this subject ,when do we as farangs learn all we are ,is an atm card to these women when the money stops we are done and dusted until a new idiot comes along ,why do we do is the main question we all know the answer to that one .marry the women you marry the family thats the reality of living over here ,the onces that suffer are the kids ,be strong my friend you are the earner put your foot down and never never let the small head control the big head ,i would never buy houses cars in a thai womans name 80% doomed from the start ,take a walk along pattaya beach road i counted 15 guys sleeping rough all wiped clean by these women careful careful remember the old fs find them feed them f---- them forget them its kept me safe for many years living in asia best of luck to you

    What a load of <deleted>. If you meet/befriend/marry someone from any of the farang ghettos, you are pretty much doomed from the start with only the odd exception. This country has a lot more on offer, shame so many don't realise that.

  7. In a previous life I worked on deep sea ships including tankers and container ships. Have done the Far East to Europe (and vise versa) countless times. Modern container ships are the fastest commercial ships out there with speeds of around 24 knots. The accommodation is usually very good (swimming pool, gym, lounges, internet etc) and en-suite cabins. Life is much slower, you are away from the rat race, changing scenery everyday and depending on the vessel you are on, interesting ports of call too. As stated earlier, container ships don't spend too much time in port where as bulk carriers/cargo ships and tankers spend longer. To keep busy you need to read, blog and exercise as there is not a lot else to do especially if you are not working. Some commercial ships carry a very limited number of passengers and these passengers have pretty much the freedom of the vessel, dining with the captain and a popular spot is the bridge where they can find out how modern day ships operate/navigate etc.

    The longest voyage I ever did was from Port Chalmers in the south of New Zealand via Cape Horn to Northern Europe, 29 days in all without stopping! As the OP is wanting to travel from this region, he can expect good weather across the Indian Ocean, up the Red Sea, an interesting transit through the Suez Canal, possibly one or two ports in the Mediterranean, through the Straits of Gibraltar, a weather change, across the Bay of Biscay to the northern European coast with possible visits to large ports such as Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Southampton, Felixstowe etc.

    It would definitely be an experience, not cheap and not fast, but an experience for sure.

  8. Problems now in Europe, but what will be the long term consequences? Unemployment in northern Europe now is hovering around the 5-10% mark (Germany 4.7%, UK5.4%, France over 10%, Sweden 7.5%), housing is presently very limited as are services like schooling and medical care. Given the present arrival numbers, it is not sustainable and I foresee huge social problems in Europe.

    They had a dam, cracks slowly appeared, a trickle came through but those cracks have now opened up and a massive flood is now underway. Unfortunately there is no easy solution. RIP Europe.

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