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Posts posted by South

  1. Pre-internet, Cowboy could be a good night out, even the small outside bars where that new tower is (Exchange Tower?) on the corner of Asoke could be fun. But now, everybody knows about it and greed and neon lights have taken over.

    Still if that rings your bells, go and enjoy. wink.png

  2. Are there some other expats in my age?

    Plenty of 25+ yr old farangs, mostly teachers/teflers

    Are there any gyms to work out at?

    Twin Lotus Hotel plus a couple of others

    Is it as safe as bangkok at night?

    Generally very safe. I never had a problem when I lived there although there have been a couple of minor incidents recently.

    Good pubs or nightclubs? We both don't drink for obvious reasons but like to go out - me flying solo as well too.

    You both don't drink but want to know where the pubs are? Rock99, Jamaica, Morgans, 60 to name but a few.

    What's the overall experience I can expect?

    Without knowing you, hard to say but I enjoy the place and if anything now, the only negatives are the ever increasing numbers of foreigners and the rate at which the city is expanding.

  3. Someone told me a few years ago that 7/ll alone were getting through something like 90,000,000 plastic bags a day. Now that is one big figure, 32,850,000,000 a year! I questioned those figures and personally don't think they are far off ..... but then I have never been good at maths! wink.png

  4. Good info there guys. If you don't mind asking Seligne2 and South, where are you guys now that you moved out of Phang Nga and why did you move away?

    Also: Any areas to recommend and to avoid?

    Still in the south but back over on the east side again. Why did I leave? Moved my office to AuLuk and then moved to NST and beyond.

    Recommendations: Dawn trip around Phangnga Bay, 'walk' through Tham Pung Chang and just explore the smaller unexplored parts of the province.

    Avoid: Nothing I can think of really ..... oh, the rain! tongue.png

  5. I meant Phang Nga town. Sorry for not being more exact. And have found apartment for about 7000B per month in that town. But will look into it more. Will definitely look into Takua Pa, as that seems cheaper. As cycling is my main objective, i have to look into how good as a base that town is for cycling. Phang Nga town seems excellent. Thanks for all replies so far! Heading down in a week. Excited with the change of scenery after 4 months in Chiang Rai!

    I lived in Phangnga town for a few years many years ago. Then, there was only one 7/11 and pretty much nothing else so a weekly shopping trip to Krabi or Phuket was called for. Both are pretty much equidistant away.

    Now, like most Thai towns it has grown a lot, more 7/11s and there is even a Big C mall. Beautiful area though with plenty to see and do but trust me, it rains one helluva lot!

    The people, are once they get to know you very nice and friendly but they need to get to know you. I had 2 rotties back then and long walked them daily round the park or along the river. A lot of muslims, who I found to be some of the nicest people around would on seeing me approaching put out water for my dogs, something I have not really experienced in other areas.

    Nightlife then was pretty much non-existent apart from a couple of sleazy Thai style karaoke joints. I think there are a few TEFLers there now so things may have changed.

    I enjoyed my time there. :0)

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