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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The Thais won't care about individual nationalities all farang are the same to them, Basically a problem with pesky foreigners has been identified and a "successful " crackdown quickly ensued by the ever vigilant RTP ensures it won't happen again. pats on the back all round
  2. I am not in the least surprised by this, what an absolute disgrace!
  3. Are they being flown by Thai pilots,? unsupervised ? Now that is a worry. But exactly what emergency do they envisage?
  4. yet amazingly very few stories of British tourists misbehaving in 2024/2025 although I am not sure how the 75% of 2025 still remaining will pan out. The current increase in reports of anti social behaviour does seem to correspond to the recent large increase in Israelis , coincidence maybe?
  5. now there's an original comment,
  6. it is totally different to diesel fumes in both its smell and its chemical make up
  7. personally I could not care less, and if you were honest you would admit to feeling the same way
  8. Dont forget about "elephant pants" too lol
  9. what does father christmas have to do with the catholic faith? Christmas was a pagan festival long before christianity was dreamed up
  10. it will look a damn sight worse when she's 60
  11. Its actually astonishing that this isn't standard practice everywhere. Private companies revue costs and employee performance regularly. Why should public employees and services receive special treatment, does nobody care where public money is spent?
  12. and not all Thais from Issan are poor or broke
  13. Its all about the erasing of national identities , so the easiest way to do that is mass immigration, once that is complete all the populations of the various countries will become totally compliant and easily manipulated into what ever the WEF have planned for us . Very worrying indeed
  14. 2% really ? I have difficulty believing that 0.02% is more likely
  15. agreed, but how many of these "intersex|" people are there ? Very few i would imagine
  16. As a lifelong cannabis user I can honestly say I have never had the urge to smoke a joint whilst standing on a street corner or walking about . I genuinely don't understand why they do that
  17. why ? western old men have little interest in gobby, entitled, woke, western white teenagers, I would however suggest exercising caution particularly in places like "Soi Africa" and the arab area close by , they still appear to covet white women
  18. Tend to agree, one would expect to see 1000's of underage vape victims staggering around coughing up blood if it were true that vapes were so deadly.
  19. Absolutely shocking your response that is. Just because certain things are considered "unacceptable" in ones home country does not mean they are viewed in the same way here. Its perfectly acceptable to send a kid to the shop to buy beer or ciggies here, You should learn to accept things and not try to impose your former homelands rules on Thai society
  20. If it was an unknown hazard how did they know it would take 5 years and not 10 ?
  21. Something not right about this story, the girl apparently has a severe chronic lung condition, it didn't just manifest itself overnight did it ? Why was it not noticed and medical advice sought months ago ? It must have been quite hard not to notice the rather unpleasant symptoms that accompany severe lung damage but nothing done by anybody until now ?? Were they just seeing how long she could last it out alone ?
  22. I'm sure they would appreciate a pedant as much as the rest of us
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