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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Some responsibility for this rests with those who are determined to make Thailand an exact copy of the miserable place they left
  2. Well I have yet to see Thais fighting over toilet paper, unlike in the "civilised" west
  3. Agreed but bank issues are not unique to Thailand , they are a law unto themselves the world over,
  4. All predators are killing machines. including lizards, should they be banned too ridiculous
  5. Exactly, what next some sort of official cull?
  6. You are however obliged to inform the authorities if your meds affect your driving for example. I take it you know how to drive?
  7. And you are not sworn to secrecy either so why even mention it then ? you are just a fantasist wasting peoples time or embarrassed about taking a testosterone supplement maybe , Mr floppy
  8. Ah the joys of dying "intestate" and a lesson to be learnt for all Make a will, or some, possibly all, will suffer Nothing brings out the worst in people (lawyers included) better than situations like this
  9. i see no reason why you cannot state what you were prescribed, unless you are just making things up again n all that
  10. what are the pills called?
  11. Utter rubbish. many Brits refer to strangers as "mate"
  12. What an unexpected consequence
  13. good riddance to another stinking $h1t machine
  14. My mother received chemo free in UK ,, she died years ago I am currently paying for my own, here, not that expensive,
  15. This is more akin to cosmetic surgery than "real" health care
  16. 20kg of weight loss in a couple or three weeks , then a ct scan and biopsy told them all they needed to know, they then proceeded with a colonoscopy, now chemo and radiation starting in two weeks if you think I am going to waste what time I have left discussing symptoms with you whilst I am suffering the effects of "chemo" you can think again H pylori (whatever that is ) would be a walk in the park compared to colorectal cancer
  17. where in the UK are you living now?
  18. same as NOT wearing a totally unsuitable disposable 1baht mask even when alone in the car , at the coast, or in the mountains,how could we forget 😷
  19. except those who get scooped up by a trawler or one of those giant Manta ray things
  20. bill gates "expert" ??? in "cut and paste" and other totally irrelevant computer matters, what a pity clive sinclair died before he could advise us all, and why was alan sugar never mentioned?
  21. so choosing to take it or not should be entirely a personal choice,
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