And you are not sworn to secrecy either so why even mention it then ? you are just a fantasist wasting peoples time or embarrassed about taking a testosterone supplement maybe , Mr floppy
Ah the joys of dying "intestate" and a lesson to be learnt for all Make a will, or some, possibly all, will suffer Nothing brings out the worst in people (lawyers included) better than situations like this
20kg of weight loss in a couple or three weeks , then a ct scan and biopsy told them all they needed to know, they then proceeded with a colonoscopy, now chemo and radiation starting in two weeks if you think I am going to waste what time I have left discussing symptoms with you whilst I am suffering the effects of "chemo" you can think again H pylori (whatever that is ) would be a walk in the park compared to colorectal cancer
bill gates "expert" ??? in "cut and paste" and other totally irrelevant computer matters, what a pity clive sinclair died before he could advise us all, and why was alan sugar never mentioned?