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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I recently supervised the construction of 3 secondary schools in the UK all the kids toilets were "unisex" with no urinals. The only gender specific area was the pupils "mother and baby nappy changing area" !!! Personally I am in favour of segregation of public toilets and its a stroke of genius on the part of the authorities concerned, that they have effectively made the "diverse community" incorrectly believe that it was A) for their benefit , and B) their own idea.
  2. This is how it should always have been in my opinion Of course its not a minor issue , the rest of society needs protecting from sexual deviants, many of whom, for reasons known only to themselves, choose to indulge in their sexual activities in public toilets The clever move on the part of the authorities, was to convince the ABCD..."communities" that it is for their benefit and protection, and, best of all, that it was their idea all along. Imagine the outcry from people like yourself if the members of the "diverse communities" were capable of realising that it was not their idea at all , but that the authorities had decided that their presence in public toilets used by normal people was simply unacceptable.
  3. what sort of person comes out with a statement like that ? And how do they arrive at that conclusion?
  4. indeed, I am amazed that nobody has mentioned "quality tourists" then again I blame Donald Trump
  5. "community" like there's a village full of them somewhere
  6. in the interests of "diversity" should that not be the "bald and tattooed mongering community" I mean It resembles a bona fide community a bit more accurately than a few sexual deviants who are scattered around at random
  7. IN fact most days their are drunk people brawling all over the world, Its hardly unique to Thailand or Songkran
  8. I see nothing wrong with brats being taught to respect their elders, The protocols regarding the "wai" are a little too complicated for most foreigners to fully understand. None of that is relevant to this story Perhaps if Thailand had a more established football league young males might find a more appropriate medium in which to vent their natural aggressions just like in the "civilised" countries in western europe
  9. I refuse to indulge them anymore, In the interests of accuracy Its a bloke with a dick, dressed in a frock, masquerading as a woman. Its also a particularly nasty and dangerous, violent version of the above from whom the rest of society needs protecting. Throwing a glass bottle into a bar is the issue here not the chosen pronouns of the perpetrator who was a man in a frock.
  10. its a bloke in a frock. as far as i am concerned , not worthy of" he" and scientifically not a "she"
  11. Not even 9 am and two snowflakes mortally offended already gonna be a wonderful day A classic example of the usual suspects trying to virtue signal but just looking ridiculous
  12. So you are at least half British , possibly more, did you actually know either of your parents personally?
  13. listen to the words of that song, does it remind you of anybody, It should
  14. that's the way, let it all out, I bet you feel a bit better now. out of interest was it before you were born?
  15. The would never see him , he spends all his time in his bedsit posting his rubbish on this website and probably other sites of a more "specialist nature" that cater for the needs of those like him. I think he may be one of those "incels"
  16. oh look a knight in shining armour rushing to protect the sensitivities of a poster who "identifies" as female, who said chivalry was dead?
  17. Maybe I am confused, and indeed there is no official description as to what constitutes a "quality" tourists, Its is by nature a very subjective term and the type of people who use such a ridiculous term are generally referring to those they consider to be of a similar ilk to themselves. So try as I might, I am finding it very difficult to believe that anybody would consider a person who seems to spend every waking hour on this website, trying to stir up racial hatred amongst like minded morons to be considered a "quality" tourist.
  18. Gamblers are the worst, other addictions are to a degree self limiting, there is only so much alcohol or meth one can consume on a daily basis, There is no limit to what a gambler can lose in a day. Day after day A house or a car can be gone in seconds, even just at the card table in the village
  19. Who are probably the best behaved of all who visit here, and conspicuously under represented in all the recent negative news reports. Have you never had sex in Thailand? Do you have a problem with elderly people having consensual sex?
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