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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. No it wasn't ! What on earth are you talking about. Try reading the article, specifically the bit where it says...." Opium and psilocybin mushrooms, known for their hallucinogenic effects, are now classified as Category 5 narcotics, differentiating them from marijuana and hemp extracts." Cannabis was removed from the category 5 narcotics list, these two substances are now classified as such. it really isn't difficult to understand if you just read what's written and don't try to add your own personal take on things
  2. The correct response from you would have started with the words " thank you for the advice"
  3. that would explain why you sought Pseudoephedrine for a runny nose But be aware nasal sprays are not generally suitable for those under 3 years of age
  4. they are only approved for "medical treatment and research" it states that quite clearly in the OP or so I thought
  5. probably because that contentious issue has nothing to do with this thread,
  6. I think you will find there are still penalties for trafficking or supplying , why hot give it a go , open a shop and see what happens
  7. plenty of nasal sprays available that will clear a stuffy nose far better than Pseudoephedrine, Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride is the common active ingredient. Never heard of "vicks sinex" ?
  8. For somebody who's user name includes the word "Dr" you appear to have little idea, Should medical use be deemed appropriate for certain conditions the dispensaries are already well established, us mere lay people refer to them as "Pharmacies" or "Dispensing Chemists" You're not a real doctor,are you?
  9. what on earth are you talking about? I thought the article was perfectly clear , what part of "for medical treatment and research" do you not understand?
  10. The number of people who launch a tirade of protests after reading only the headlines is astonishing, Its almost as if they can't wait to complain
  11. dis you not understand the phrase "for medical use and research" you would be shocked if you knew haw many drugs a pharmacy sells, and as for a hospital omg
  12. Beware salespeople trying to sell you a larger unit than you need. Bigger is not better when it comes to air
  13. what bit don't you understand, I thought it was clear enough?
  14. Some parts of white culture, indeed , specifically your part Would you broach the subject of the daughters virginity with the parents, would you expect them to contribute towards the cost of the medical examination or would she have to pay for that herself.? Personally I think if you requested such a procedure any doctor would refuse point blank In the interests of saving face, i hope you have been saving money in earnest for a very long time as any dowry you might be asked to pay would be astronomical
  15. its taken these geniuses over a month to come up with this, and they still forgot to tell the target audience to make sure they wire it up to an electricity supply and don't forget to turn it on. Ahh "British" thermal units, doesn't it make you proud . That "goat " character won't be happy "
  16. " For me, marrying a virgin would be the preferable option" An imaginary fantasy culture that only exists in your warped mind, So you still have not answered the question, Would you expect a woman to undergo a medical examination to establish whether or not she was a virgin prior to marrying her? In my country surgical procedures are available to restore virginity, but are exclusively requested by muslims, to prevent the need for honour killings. You may just end up with a repair job, how would you feel about that. ? Would you be needing to establish her anal virginity too? that could be a bit more difficult Either way I wouldn't worry about the matter too much, from what I can see from your posts, you will remain eternally single, perhaps you might consider an inflatable sex doll , get your self a roll of cling film and it could be party time every night. and your sexual prowess will never be questioned ..again
  17. teach her what exactly? come on don't be shy, be specific and go into detail, I am genuinely very interested
  18. If you want respect for god you are asking the wrong guy, Although I can well imagine you requesting his assistance the next time you attempt to "form a woman" whatever that worrying phrase means.
  19. jesus another one, what makes you think you are qualified to teach any woman anything ? Is it a full moon tonight, ?
  20. I met somebody like that once, when i was on remand he got ten years
  21. What exactly did you type into google image search, i would love to know the answer to that? And now your giving me an english lesson? jesus your not a teacher are you? That would be serious cause for concern. Be careful what you write about this subject . It may come back to haunt you , as evidence I'm thinking of breaking the habit of a lifetime and reporting you, you are seriously creeping me out
  22. Howe could anybody comment on your opinion without criticising you personally , you are clearly a freak. Have you ever been in trouble with the police regarding your views. I seriously think you will be sooner rather than later,
  23. Women are indeed allowed to do as they please in most civilised societies these days, normal people accept that, Women are also allowed to have sex too in case you had not noticed. normal people accept that too. You however appear uneasy about this. What do you mean about women who "can't be formed anymore" you are a seriously messed up person
  24. god only knows where you found that strange picture, was it a "specialist niche" website , the dark web perhaps,? or did you draw it yourself?
  25. Personally I find your posts very weird and your views regarding women more than a little disturbing, What imaginary argument are you referring to?
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