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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. he could have just put a shirt on
  2. "cut short their vacation" due to one day without alcohol ??? Are you serious?
  3. Had she been cheered and he been booed we would never have heard the end of it either. All part of the media circus
  4. great Idea, the tourists will stay away and the economy along with the rest of us will suffer
  5. wasn't there some scandal about "blood diamonds" involving her and Charles Taylor?
  6. She was only a "model" basically a human coat hanger, What would she know about fashion design anyway?
  7. who's capital cities are slowly sinking?
  8. The sad thing is the silly little cow will have absolutely no clue what Farage actually stands for, or any other political "feelings" She did it either because she is brainwashed by msm and others to hate the "nasty man" and for face book notoriety
  9. Farage is in the same position in the UK. AS indeed was Boris in the end
  10. Surprised some enterprising person hasn't opened a chain of public toilets 10 baht a time ? could be a winner, Does it have to be the council?
  11. Must be awful, a holiday ruined, Boo Hoo As an aside I cannot imagine their would be a peep out of the pot heads if cannabis was included. Could this be something to do with how the two substances affect one after long term use? The alcoholics seem only to need to see words like "dry day " "no alcohol sales" and they fall to pieces, their brains so pickled the simple method of stocking up eludes them, every single time and its always the same people
  12. Good friday was a dry day as I remember in England and other religious days Christmas Day, Easter Monday and Sunday had restricted hours as did every Sunday Certain counties in Wales used to keep the pubs closed on Sundays, Working mens / miners clubs could open They had local referendums on this every 5 years I think
  13. Rubbish, they just never got round to banning it on Buddha days etc. and why should they ? its a completely different substance
  14. The only thing I am embarrassed about is that I, like most people I imagine, remain rather poorly informed re Trump and what he's up to, due mainly to a a complete lack of unbiased information . Not much point in looking for that on any MSM news outlet. I would be far more embarrassed to be seen whinging about the president of the USA every single day of my miserable life on this website , jesus get over yourself, and take the other whingers with you
  15. Surin charges 250 baht for out of hours consultations well worth it
  16. wasn't Trumps protection removed or at least seriously reduced ? By who?
  17. just leave the guy alone for 5 minutes for gods sake.
  18. its ok we've all done it
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