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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. "Cancel culture" the lefties call it, the aim of which is to completely erase people who's views don't align with theirs, You said he should be mocked and laughed at. why not just ignore him , after all he hasn't insulted you personally.
  2. And luckily for you, the owners of this forum , presumably for the purposes of monetization , allow you to insult every other member with your constantly repeated caustic mantra. But as far as the rest of us are concerned you are just an annoying troll. Maybe they just allow you to continue out of pity, realising like the rest of us, that you are consumed with jealousy. Its glaringly obvious what your situation is. You brought sand to the desert pal, you took coal to Newcastle, before realising what was actually available here, and now every morning when you wake up, roll over and open your eyes, you are reminded what an awful mistake you made. Your home grown missus, that for some reason you saw fit to drag here with you, can no doubt see it in your eyes as clear as we can see it in your sad posts. No point in trying to take it out us pal , either get a divorce and upgrade, or disappear back to wherever it is you came from. You are not wanted here, or in your own society which you left to come here
  3. I doubt if the original incident was staged by a competitor, i might be wrong, But for sure there is more to that than meets the eye However imposing a 5 year closure order which is effectively a death sentence for the venue, will make some competitors very happy indeed. Apparently it applies to other establishments "in the region" whatever that means, I can't believe the whole of Khon kaen will be shut down, but revealing the extent of the region concerned, may well give a clue as to who is really behind the closure order. If this had happened in "Tawan Daeng" I doubt the outcome would have been the same, and last time I went to one of those I can't say I noticed anybody checking ID's at all Although I hasten to add that don't suspect that organisation was involved in the shutdown decision
  4. "the extreme right wing" You just had to get that misused phrase in didn't you ? It is you that needs to read a dictionary, and the sooner the better. You cannot keep referring to people who's only crime is to not agree with you, with those words. Well I suppose legally you can , but do you have any idea how ridiculous it makes you appear to normal people, Hopefully the justified scorn and criticism you have received on this thread will put an end to your virtue signalling once and for all. If not do yourself a favour and continue your trolling elsewhere, i suggest a forum where others of your ilk loiter
  5. And anybody who seeks to have him destroyed / cancelled should just go straight to the treatment room, no need to be checked
  6. The people selling stuff obviously get the benefit from the increased prices they charge foreigners, do you think they had it over to the government?
  7. another prime example of somebody who has offended the sensitivities of a few online snowflakes, and now the wokies aided and abetted by mainstream media have decided he must be destroyed,
  8. You mention this with monotonous regularity, What is your reason for this ? I think you have serious issues, are you one of the few who came here and couldn't find a woman, ?
  9. I'm still a bit unsure of the make up of this toxic family, there has been no mention of the mother or father in law , are they still alive? The perpetrator of the unpleasantness seems to be a rather nasty aunt. Perhaps you and your wife could speak to your in laws and explain if this woman continues to make trouble you would have no option but to move away leaving them with nothing ? Divide and rule so to speak, Could you communicate with your father in law man to man, he may well be more reasonable than the nasty bitch.. Many families seem to have an unpleasant mouthy female somewhere in the midst, one bad apple can spoil the rest, she needs dealing with first
  10. Nah they cite it as evidence of institutionalised racism instead, and the only way of ending it apparently is to employ an army of "diversity consultants" many of whom are, astonishingly, paid more than twice as much as the prime minister. The national health service has had its own problems, waiting lists over two years long , being just one symptom of chronic mis management guess what the answer was, yep another army of diversity consultants paid more than consultants and surgeons. There appears to be just too much taxpayers money available at these publicly funded services for the "problems " to ever be allowed to be solved.
  11. blowing money on lottery tickets is woman's work where I live, earning the money is a different matter, apparently
  12. Most women prefer real men , they like to know their place, and feel comfortable in it,
  13. Call me a traditionalist, as I actually think it's refreshing but Yeah I'll remember that next time we get a flat tyre, in the rain, at night, on a busy road
  14. I'm not going to encourage him by quoting him, and we all know who it is, but is the origin of "racism" really the product of a "sick mind" or " "psychopathic behaviour" or "narcissism" or is it a more deeply rooted survival instinct from the past. People rightly or wrongly generally seek the company of others similar to themselves, Invaders from foreign countries often look different, one way or the other, To this day a stranger in a small village will be identified, and may be regarded, initially, at least, with curiosity or suspicion. Just the way somebody speaks , their accent, can have the same effect. Our baser survival instincts may not be as important to our survival as they once were, but they are deeply rooted and for good reason The way a white lab rat, after generations of selective breeding, displays no fear of a cat , is evidence of what can happen when survival instincts are removed Gays supporting Hamas is another
  15. or the ugly feminists complaining on behalf of the attractive ones who get wolf whistled at, which I believe is a hate crime now in the UK
  16. And don't the wokies tie themselves up in knots over that, In the UK, victims of knife crime are predominately black, that is an indisputable fact,likewise the overwhelming majority of those committing the attacks on the black victims, are also black! also indisputable In an attempt to protect the victims of knife crime the police introduced stop and search measures, I think most people would agree that stopping and searching little old ladies would be pretty pointless and a waste of time, so the police directed there attention at the group to which the majority of the perpetrators of knife crime belong to IE young black youths , Three things happened 1) A lot of black youths were caught with knives 2) A lot of potential black victims were spared a very painful experience and black lives were saved 3) A lot of woke people got very very upset why did they get upset, basically three reasons all evidence of what they call racism 1) not many white old ladies were searched = racism 2) Some black people as expected, were found not to be carrying knives and were allowed to continue going about their lawful business having been slightly delayed = racism 3 They found the amount of black youths caught carrying knives to be "uncomfortable" = racism For some reason they jumped to the conclusion that the police were racist, the police in the Uk are not racist they hate everybody equally
  17. I hadn't thought of that one, so white man taking a black wife could be guilty of racism , likewise a white man taking a white wife could also be guilty of racism, whatever their real reasons for choosing their partner, both are leaving themselves wide open to accusations ,and once the accusations have been made , it would be almost impossible to defend themselves by any sort of meaningful discussion Its like a cross between Catch 22 and the Spanish inquisition, With a bit of the Salem witch trials thrown in for good measure
  18. I once suspected you were woke, admittedly based on flimsy evidence,. I have no hesitation in admitting I was wrong and I apologise unreservedly
  19. exactly couldn't put it better myself, Throwing insults ending in "ist" or "phobe" are purely intended to sully the names and legitimate values of others, with the sole intention of ending any meaningful or logical discussion.
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